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Medical Concerns and Issues - Part Four

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:21am by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0830Hrs - December 4th, 2393

Solusar-Yamaguchi and his spouse shared a look in silence. He slowly nodded. "I will call them in, you can tell them. Alright?" he commented in a soft tone.

"Okay." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. He rose to his feet before he walked over to the entrance. He breathed in and then back out as he tapped the door release. "Thank you ladies, for your indulgence in this matter. We're ready to decide now," he commented.

Fordring smiled. "Whatever you two decide. We're here for you," she commented as she walked back into the room. Kadian Paris followed in silence. She sat down across from Elizabeth while Fordring sat down next to her patient. She turned her head as she waited for Elizabeth to explain how this was going to go.

"Kam and I discussed the matter. We both decided to go for option one. Deliver these babies now."

"Are you sure you wish to go through with this? Beth?" Fordring knew that the younger woman's mind was made up but she decided to ask anyway. For several reasons. Not the least of which being so it was said for the record.

"Yes. I do." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered softly. "What is required for this?"

Paris nodded before she spoke up. "Well. I take you to medical lab two where we do the procedure there, rather than in one of our delivery rooms. We can simply use the fetal transporter to beam the babies out of you and place them both into an incubator each." she explained. "I had planned ahead, just in case."

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she regarded the other woman before her. "You were always so good at that," she answered. "Then what?"

"Then I keep you overnight while your body spends several hours having a major what-the-fuck moment. I watch for any signs of distress which there will be." Paris explained. "Your body will think a piece of it is missing since you didn't give birth to these two via the usual means. Because I didn't induce it. However. I can induce labour for you if you wish." Paris regarded the other woman. "Many children are born without going through the agonies of childbirth but in the end. It's still your choice."

Yamaguchi-Solusar and her husband traded another look. Paris smiled as she found herself going green with envy. That was what she wanted from her own relationships, which she simply lacked at the present time.

"I think..." Solusar-Yamaguchi paused a moment. "The fetal transporter will be getting used today. Why suffer when one doesn't need to," he commented in a dry tone of voice.

Paris slowly smiled. "Alright. I assume you have a change of clothing you brought as I will be keeping you overnight for observation and the like?"

Solusar-Yamaguchi nodded. "Beth did you?"

"I took care of that detail, months ago." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "When I was smaller, thinner and not eating for three." she mused. "You'll find it in my office. I have no lock on the door. I didn't think I needed one."

Fordring smiled. "I will go retrieve the item in question. Kadian. I will leave Elizabeth here to your... Less than tender mercies." and with that, the massive woman rose to her feet and departed without a sound. Paris sighed softly. "Y'know. I hate it when she does that." Paris commented aloud.

"You aren't the only one," Yamaguchi-Solusar responded quietly. "So. Kadian. Lay it out for me. How bad will this get?"

"Well. It won't be anywhere near as bad as a cesarian section. Those are still performed but in our case. I will be teleporting a chunk of you from one location to another." Paris smiled at the two people before her. "Now, you're in luck as this is my speciality," she commented. "You're babies are safe with me."

Solusar-Yamaguchi regarded the Doctor before him. He raised an eyebrow but he opted to say nothing, as he knew that Paris could hear him thinking it.

"Kam. I'm hurt that you have no faith in me." Paris gently chided him. Her smile losing none of its potency. "But since you worry so much. Let me walk you through the procedure I'll be using to handle the matter before us." Paria breathed out and then breathed in as she took a moment to compose herself. "Alright. I'm going to walk you to medical lab two. This is the domain I normally use. Rather than one of the birthing rooms."

Yamaguchi-Solusar listened intently as she held her silence.

Paris went on. "The reason for this is simple. There is no need to use a birthing room for this as you aren't inducing labour. This is just me being myself." she explained. "The equipment I need to do this is in Lab two so I will handle matters there. I'll then give you the full once over, just to make sure you are able to do this and then I will deliver your babies using the transporter." Paris explained.

"Sounds easy enough." Yamaguchi-Solusar explained.

"Indeed. Then once you're body has adjusted to the fact that you are no longer pregnant. Then tomorrow morning. I will tend to the other matter we discussed." Paris went on. "One way or another. I will find out where this problem came from and I will deal with it."

Just then there was a knock at the door, which prevented anyone else from saying anything. Fordring returned with a pack in her hands. "You guys ready?"

"Yes." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "Let's do this ladies. Let's get this show on the road."

Paris smiled as she rose to her feet. "Then I recommend you get dressed. No need to give anyone else a show of your lovely assets honey." as she handed Beth her clothing, which she quickly donned a moment later. Before she accepted the pack from Fordring. Then together the small group set off for medical lab two.


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