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Medical Concerns and Issues - Part Three

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:21am by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0815Hrs - December 4th, 2393

Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar turned her head as Fordring rose to her feet. She answered the door and she admitted Kameron Solusar-Yamaguchi into the same room where his wife was sitting, almost fully topless. Solusar-Yamaguchi moved speedily to his spouse's side. He gently slipped an arm around her shoulders as she rested her head on his shoulder. "What did I miss.?"

"We were able to find out my issues. Kam." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered softly. "It's something a little different than I suspected."

Solusar-Yamaguchi could see in his wife's eyes. This was something that was truly frightening for her. He gently held her close in his arms. "What did you find ladies?" he regarded Fordring first and then Paris. She smiled at Solusar-Yamaguchi. "It's cancer. It's also quite nasty as well," she explained. "Now the good news is. Your babies are okay and if I have my way in matters. They will remain so." Paris explained. "My track record speaks for itself, guys," Paris added, a wide grin on her lips.

Fordring smiled. "Plus, she has me in her corner. I make her issues go away. You two are a special case as the cancer came almost out of nowhere. So we are going to be doing some research into the matter." she explained. "Now this means I'm going to be banging on your door from time to time. I apologize."

Solusar-Yamaguchi chuckled softly. "I think we can get over it," he answered with a chuckle. "If you are willing to babysit then you can come over any time you like," he added.

Paris smiled. "Consider it arranged. How many people babysit your little guy now?"

"Oh. I'm expecting a ransom note any day now." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered, a smile on her face. "Robbie is apparently very popular among his babysitters. Apparently, he's very well behaved," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented. She turned to her spouse. "Do you think we'll get the note today?. or tomorrow?"

"Not today. Tomorrow, however, is another day." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered with a flat tone of voice. "So. Anyway?" He pressed for specifics. "What should we do about you?"

Paris regarded Solusar-Yamaguchi. "We have three options. One is that we do nothing and let your babies come when they are ready." she paused. "option two is I more or less, move in with you two and watch your wife like a hawk. Meaning nothing happens without me knowing about it." Paris sighed softly. "The last option is we deliver your babies now, as in right now and we sedate your wife. Then we clean out the sludge and resolve your wife's issues. Once and for all." Paris explained.

Solusar-Yamaguchi nodded his head, processing what he was being told. "Could you two ladies give us a moment? I'd like a moment to discuss matters with my spouse."

"Of course." Fordring rose to her feet. "We'll be right outside if you need us." as she gently placed her hand onto Elizabeth's shoulder in silence. The contact lasted only a moment before Fordring withdrew. Paris regarded the two other people in silence before she too withdrew.

Solusar-Yamaguchi turned to face his spouse. "I can hear you thinking Beth." as he gently slid his other arm around her. He gently hugged her. "It'll be okay," he commented.

"I must admit," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented softly. "I had not expected that issue to come up." he paused. "I wonder if it's related to your family's prior genetic concerns."

Yamaguchi-Solusar's eyes opened wide. "The Halanan issues," she commented gently. "I didn't think about those."

"Neither did I. Until just now." Solusar-Yamaguchi admitted. "I'm not a biologist so I can't confirm my thoughts." he paused. "Maybe I could ask Kadian Paris to inquire about it."

Yamaguchi-Solusar paused. "What would you give her to make it happen?" she inquired. "If she pressed," she added.

"Anything." Solusar-Yamaguchi paused. "Anything up to taking her to bed."

"Give her that too." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "If she asks, then tell her that you'll take her to bed and make her walk funny for a month." she paused. "Do you think it'll come to that?" she asked of her spouse.

"No," Solusar-Yamaguchi answered softly. "Let's ask Kadian." he breathed in as he braced for what was to come. "Which option did you want to choose?" he regarded her as he asked. In truth, he knew exactly what she was going to do. He gently rubbed her shoulder. It was his way of saying he would support her, no matter the cost, or what it cost them both.

"Option one. We'll have these children now." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "Is all ready at home?" she asked formally. "For twins?"

"Things are as ready as I can make them." Solusar-Yamaguchi answered. "They have been since I find out you were with child," he added.

"Alright." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered. "Then let's call them in and then we can get this started." she let out a soft sigh. But now her mind was made up.


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