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Medical Concerns and Issues - Part Two

Posted on Sun Oct 23rd, 2022 @ 4:21am by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Kadian Paris

Mission: Mission 113: By Demons be Driven
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0800Hrs - December 4th, 2393

Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar entered the main hospital area. Kameron Solusar-Yamaguchi was off, taking Robert to daycare and he would be late. She was wearing her uniform with her lab coat over the top of that.

Yamaguchi-Solusar approached the desk, she informed them that she was present for her medical appointment before she withdrew into the walking area. Yamaguchi-Solusar closed her eyes as she relaxed. From the perspectives of others, she was sure she looked calm and serene. But she knew she was going to be getting bad news. Her fears were screaming in her ears. When she heard her name. Her eyes snapped open as Doctor Galiaan Fordring approached her. "You okay Beth?"

"I didn't sleep well." Yamaguchi-Solusar admitted.

"I understand. We're ready for you now." Fordring answered. "Do you need a moment?"

"No." Yamaguchi-Solusar rose to her feet, she fell in behind Fordring as the two women moved into the large administration section of the hospital. The two walked down the hallways in silence before they reached their destination. Elizabeth slipped off her lab jacket. Then she slipped off her uniform top, both of which she hung up on hooks that had been provided for this purpose. Yamaguchi-Solusar then gently peeled off her uniform undershirt. Now she stood before Galiaan Fordring wearing only a bra, a skirt and boots.

Fordring smiled. "This won't take-" was as far as she got before there was a knock on the door. Fordring answered it as she allowed Lieutenant Kadian Paris to enter. Her attire was identical to Yamaguchi-Solusar's in all respects, including the skirt and boots. "Hey, Beth. How are you feeling?" Paris asked with a gentle smile.

"I'm expecting bad news ladies. I wanted you two to work it out and then tell me just how bad." Yamaguchi-Solusar commented in a soft tone of voice. Her eyes expressed her raw terror as they shone with it.

Paris gently rubbed the larger woman's shoulder. Before she gently hugged the larger woman. "Don't worry Beth. We have you covered. Galiaan and I worked hard on this and we were able to find a couple of solutions for you." she paused as she nodded to Fordring.

Fordring tapped the display next to her. "Let's start with the usual physical honey," she commented. "I need to do some scans and checks. If only to allay my paranoia." and with that. Fordring went to work on her tests.

Several minutes went by as Fordring worked. She nodded to Paris in silence. Before she turned to Elizabeth. "It's as I suspected." Fordring came over to sit down next to her patient. "Alright. Let me give you all the bad news, all at once," she commented.

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded her head. Paris sat down next to her as she gently took the larger woman's hands in hers. "We're still here Beth. Breathe... Think of your babies..."

Yamaguchi-Solusar forced herself to breathe as she jerkily nodded her head. "Go on... Tell me."

"You have several cancerous lesions and tumours, growing inside your uterine area. They are what's responsible for your issues." Fordring commented. "Now. That said. Your babies are okay. They are alright. I checked first... They are fully developed and all they need now is just to finish your pregnancy."

Yamaguchi-Solusar paused. "Wait. I don't understand. Cancer... Where the hell did that come from?"

"That's an excellent question, Beth. One that we will find out when we are able to deal with them. But." Paris answered. "I'm sorry honey. Your babies are in the way."

"What are my options?" Yamaguchi-Solusar asked softly. She needed to press ahead otherwise she would become bogged down with the bad news.

"Okay." Paris nodded to Fordring. She would handle this matter from here. "Option one. We can allow your pregnancy to progress normally and do nothing until you deliver your babies. Then we will operate and sort matters out then." Paris paused a moment. "Option two. Deliver your babies now. As in right this second." she paused a moment. "Then we will sedate you and then we'll operate. Cleaning out the garbage and then I will do some research and see if I can find out what caused this and when." Paris gently hugged the other woman. "I will do what I can to bring you and your babies some peace. This issue came from somewhere and I will find it, whatever it takes."

Yamaguchi-Solusar slowly smiled. "Thanks," she whispered. "and option three?"

"I take over your care and I watch you like a hawk watching her dinner. You'll be in for checks once a week and it can get quite irritating." she paused. "I'd recommend options one or three." she paused. "I don't want to become a major irritant in your life."

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded. "Could I have a moment to think it over and discuss it with Kam when-" was as far as she got before the doorbell rang at the three women.


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