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Differing Kinds of Mercy - Part Three

Posted on Mon May 30th, 2022 @ 5:51am by Commander Victoria 'Enyo' Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Alexandra Harrison & Lieutenant Fred Noonan & Lieutenant Kadian Paris & Lieutenant Penthesilea "Ilea" Rohr & Lieutenant Taselle Dragon & Lieutenant JG Suvak Duval & Lieutenant JG Tienn Halaar & Master Chief Petty Officer Benjamin Kuuztin & Senior Chief Petty Officer T'Paaru & Fleet Master Chief Petty Officer Julian Antilles & Ensign Paul Harrison & Lieutenant Penny Yeager

Mission: Mission 114: Be All My Sins Remember'd
Location: Various Locations - USS Pembo
Timeline: 2230Hrs - November 7th, 2393

Commander Victoria Yamaguchi was tired as she presently dozed while lying on the sofa in her ready room, which was about half the size of the bedroom she resided in on Starbase Vanguard. This space had a desk, two small couches and a replicator with a second door to a small bathroom which contained a toilet, a sink and a shower but had little else.

Yamaguchi smiled gently as she considered that she recalled the accommodation she had while she was on the ISS Farragut, which was much the same as this set of quarters, which felt like a one-bedroom apartment complex on the average Federation world but she had come to expect a certain level of accommodations, considering she held a command of her own ship which entitled her to suitable quarters. What's more, was that she had family-sized quarters because of her two adult children so her accommodations were quite large.

The com system beeped at her. "Captain Yamaguchi. Please report to the bridge?"

Yamaguchi picked herself up off of the sofa, as she lightly tapped her combadge. "Mmmm... I'm on my way." and with that, she quickly rose to her feet before moving into the bathroom to take care of matters. Needing to go to the bathroom was a bad thing as she knew her people had a lot of work to do and she didn't need to be ducking out in the middle of something important to handle something stupid.

Yamaguchi exited her ready room as she walked onto the bridge. "Status?" she asked while Master Chief Benjamin Kuuztin vacated the chair. He had been commanding the watch while the Executive officer was down in the tactical centre, assisting with the phasers and Yamaguchi had gone off of watch.

"Engineering has been able to restore limited warp capability. Skipper." Tienn reported from her position at the helm.

Yamaguchi had not expected this and the look on her face said as much. "Helm set your course into the system... Take us to within five million kilometres of those stars... Best speed."

"Aye Captain," Tienn answered with a nod of her head. "Ready and laid in."

Yamaguchi regarded the viewscreen. "Alright, Halaar... Hit it"

"Hitting the gas..." and with that, the Pembo went to warp. The stars seemed to elongate as the ship slid almost effortlessly into the realm of speeds farter than the speed of light. "Speed. Warp Three point two... Travel time is two hours and fifteen minutes." the younger Bajoran woman explained. It was all mostly for the record but also to preempt any question's that she knew would be coming her way from those around her about speed and distanced travelled.

Yamaguchi went over to her command chair and she sat down. The tall female tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Harrison. Anything to report number one?" she asked of her first officer.

"Well..." The response from the other woman came back. "I got good news and bad news skipper."

"Let's hear it?" Yamaguchi pressed. She knew what followed was going to be good.

"All our phaser damage is repaired... Thanks to Engineering closing many of the hull breaches but we're going to be checking and aligning many of the coils separately as if these were brand new phaser strips, skipper." Harrison reported in a flat, even tone of voice.

"And the good news?" Yamaguchi inquired further.

"That was the good news..." Harrison added. "The bad news is, even if we do get the phasers back to a hundred percent. I have no power to fire them."

"Lovely," Yamaguchi answered, her tone indicated it was anything but lovely. She sat back in her chair as she let out a long and loud sigh. "Lieutenant Smith. Is there any Halanan bases or forces in or near this system?"

Smith turned her attention to her pannel as she went to work on the matter at hand. "There is a small Halanan facility on the third planet. It is on the far side of the system relative to where we are. Their sensors won't be able to tell that we are here because the star is blocking the sensor return." the young woman explained. "That said. They do have three support craft and what seems to be a dozen shuttles of various types..."

"Lovely," Yamaguchi answered. The middle-aged human female smiled as a plan began to form in her mind. She rose to her feet before she went over to the master system display. "Master Chief. The bridge is yours." as she went to work on formulating a plan.

"Understood skipper." Kuuztin went over and sat down in the command chair. He wasn't interested in asking questions.

Yamaguchi went over to the large holotable at the back of the bridge. She smiled as she began working on the details of what she had in mind.

Soon. It was time and the USS Pembo dropped out of warp at her destination. Now as she moved into position, she was ready to begin the long recharge she would need to complete her repairs and push ahead with her assignment.


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