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All Along the Watchtowers - Part Ten

Posted on Fri Dec 31st, 2021 @ 7:13pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1920Hrs - October 26th, 2393

Tom Lasky was concerned about his friends. His relationship with Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar was a long and strange one, with many twists and turns. He had no doubt that in another timeline. He and Elizabeth were hated enemies and in a third. Elizabeth was his wife and mother to his children. But he was more concerned with this timeline and the path of events before him here and now. He knew that Elizabeth was having issues with her pregnancy and if she was anything like Plataea with her recent pregnancy then she would require certain amounts of tender, loving care. He aimed to see to it if he could assist with said care.

Lasky reached his destination before he tapped the door chime. He had not called ahead but he had checked with the computer to see if both Yamaguchi-Solusar's were home, the computer had said they both were.

Lasky sighed as he knew he could be interrupting some critical time that they had alone together. Maybe they were having sex and maybe they weren't. So he tapped the doorbell and decided to see this course of action through to its end.

The door was answered as Kameron opened it. Then after a minute or so of chatting, he withdrew. Letting Tom Lasky into his home.

"How've you been Kam?" Lasky inquired.

"Tired," Solusar answered quietly. "Keeping up with kids. My duties and a pregnant wife is a massive pain." he paused. "Commander Fardreamer gave me two weeks off... Now that Beth has been sidelined. We can fix these issues once and for all."

"I hear ya." Lasky knew of where the younger man spoke. "My four are demanding of their mom and myself... Kurt is running around with Nigel chasing after him... Emile and Rachael... Well. When you see Plataea... You'll see what I mean." Lasky suddenly smiled. "I think she loves it though... She's always singing to them and playing with them..."

"You're afraid you won't make a decent parent.?" Solusar inquired gently.

"Its... Something I've wondered about from time to time... All this time and I never thought I'd ever had a family of my own... Then things with me and the Yamaguchi's got stupid... Then there is your spouse... I doubt I will ever be able to have a normal friendship with her..."

"I hear ya." Solusar went over to the replicator. "Want anything?" he asked Lasky.

Lasky smiled. "Just a drink of orange punch, please. The usual blend," he added as if he expected Solusar to recall his drink order which the younger man did as he also drank the same order.

Solusar retrieved three drinks from the replicator. He came back and placed the three on the coffee table before he handed Lasky his own drink and he selected his own. "I recall once... It was just you and me... Well and Elizabeth."

"Yeah," Lasky answered with a smile. "Now It's you, Elizabeth and your two along with Plataea and I, with our four," he commented. "I've never had some many well-wishers who want to help in all my life." he paused. "If I sneeze. Twenty people say bless you and five more hand me towels to clean up."

Solusar smiled. "It's more of the same with me... How many people want to babysit for you?"

"For some reason. Half my command seems to want to spend time babysitting for me. Plataea gets to sleep all night and the kids get to meet new and exciting people. What about you?"

"Elizabeth and I get lots of help. Her grandmother has been here just about every day to take Robbie back to her place and then bring him to daycare the following morning." Solusar commented. "This lets Elizabeth and I get some rest..."

"How is Elizabeth handling recent events?" Lasky inquired as he sipped his drink.

"Why not ask her yourself." Solusar indicated his spouse as she emerged from the bedroom. "Tom." Yamaguchi-Solusar addressed Lasky while she approached, she then sat down on the sofa while she let out a long sigh. "Ask me what?" she inquired as she lifted her drink and then she took a mouthfull of it.

Lasky regarded the large female before him. He was concerned and he felt rightly so. "I was wondering how you were doing... Plataea and I discussed you're situation at length and then I had a rather interesting chat with Siaxx about it... With Siaxx all but pleading with me to not get involved... As the little Bolian thinks that someone slighted you."

Yamaguchi-Solusar suddenly felt the icy tentacles of fear wrap their way around her heart. "Don't tell you and Siaxx started fighting again. I swear you two act like a married couple that doesn't share any common interests. Other than your mutual loathing and dislike." that was when the pregnant woman suddenly grinned at Lasky.

"Actually no," Lasky answered. An amused look on his face. "Siaxx broke one of her heels and I prevented her from doing a faceplant onto the floor." Lasky let out a soft sigh. "I think I left quite a nasty welt on her arm when I grabbed her."


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