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All Along the Watchtowers - Part Nine

Posted on Tue Nov 30th, 2021 @ 11:43am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 116: All Along the Watchtowers - Part One
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1915Hrs - October 26th, 2393

Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar grinned to herself as she washed the soap out of her hair while Kameron was busy washing her back. The last forty minutes had been therapeutic and the sex had been truly enjoyable for them both. He felt the water wash over him as he finished with her back. "You're all squeaky clean now back here Beth." Solusar smiled at his now heavily pregnant spouse.

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded her husband with a grin. "Well, you do have a delicate touch," she commented. "Considering the last forty minutes." as she laughed at him. She had relished the sex that the two of them had just shared, it was showing too.

"You didn't tell me you wanted soft and gentle so I assumed you wanted rough and demanding." He regarded his spouse. "I was not expecting you to enjoy it as much as you did," Solusar answered. He recognized his wife's sense of humour and it was something of a relief to hear her laugh, as well as see her smile. It was something that neither of them had seen in way too long. "It's good to see you smile Beth..."

"I've had precious little to smile about of late," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered her husband with a nod of her head as she turned to face her husband. While she did so, she reached her arms up and back over her head. It was to wring her hair out of the excess water but this had the effect of pushing her breasts up and almost into her husbands face. Yamaguchi-Solusar expected her husband to act appropriately.

Solusar smiled as he decided to enjoy what his wife was sharing with him.

The two of them finished their shower a few moments later as Yamaguchi-Solusar stepped out onto the floor mat in front of the shower stall. She reached over and plucked two towels off of the rack. She wrapped one of them around her torso and the second was what she wrapped her hair up with. She handed two more to her husband who was now exiting the shower.

Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she watched him wrap the towel around his waist. "Let us go get dried..."

"Did you want to get some sleep?" Solusar inquired of his spouse.

"No," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered softly. "I've slept too much... and I'm five months along..." she paused a moment as she led her spouse into the bedroom. Solusar smiled as he followed in silence.

A few minutes later the two emerged into the main living space. Now fully dressed. He was wearing a simple shirt and a pair of track pants while Yamaguchi-Solusar was wearing a pair of jean shorts and a simple tank top, which could be called a sports bra rather than a shirt.

Solusar went over to the replicator, he obtained two drinks and he brought them over to where Yamaguchi-Solusar was now sitting. "Don't get me wrong Kam... But there are days when I feel really heavy..."

"I know Beth." Solusar handed her the drink he had replicated for her. She lifted the glass to her lips and took a sip. Yamaguchi-Solusar suprised herself by lifting the glass to her lips and then she downed the entire contents in one go. "What was that?" Yamaguchi-Solusar smacked her lips together a few times as if trying to recall a memory of a drink long lost.

"Gatorade," Solusar answered with a grin. "I decided not to overdo it and feed you something dumb... I don't think the little one needs any further concerns." he indicated her midsection where their second child was presently asleep, developing inside its mother. Waiting to be born when the time came.

"Agreed." Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded her husband. "But still, since I got relieved. My stress levels are fading and it's really helped elsewhere."

"Do you want to discuss your future career plans now... or wait for another time?" Solusar sat down next to his spouse.

"Now is as-" was as far as she got before the doorbell beeped at them both. Solusar raised an eyebrow. "Expecting someone?"

"No," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered in a quiet tone of voice. "Am I presentable?" Yamaguchi-Solusar asked quickly, as she rose to her feet. Clearly, she was getting set to make a mad dash into the bedroom. Neither of them had been expecting visitors for the rest of the evening.

"No," Solusar answered quickly as she wasn't wearing much of a shirt. "I'll get the door. You go get a shirt." He added by way of explanation on why his spouse was not presentable.

"Okay," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered as she moved into the bedroom while Kameron went over to the door. He tapped the door release once. The doors parted to reveal Division Admiral Tom Lasky. "Hey... Is this a bad time?" Lasky inquired.

The surprise on Solusar's face was telling. "Admiral... C-come in." he stuttered a moment. "I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you."

Lasky raised an eyebrow, at the sound of his former apprentice's statement. "Kam. If everyone had notice of my plans. I'd never get any work done and I'm not on duty at the present time," he commented in a light tone of voice. "Plataea finds it rather amusing that she works less hours so she can handle the kids, with my assistance... According to her, if she wants a vacation. She simply sticks in the request and it's done. Just like that."

"That bad hmmm?" Solusar answered. "Come on in. Robbie isn't home but what else is new... and Beth will be out in a moment," he commented with a smile.

"Okay," Lasky answered. He followed his friend into his home.


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