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Warchild - Part Three

Posted on Fri Sep 10th, 2021 @ 1:32pm by Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen & Sarah Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - USS Heart of the Tiger
Timeline: 1650Hrs - October 24th, 2393

Yamaguchi-Cullen regarded the teenaged girl while she waited for an answer. "Saki doesn't show people the proper respect," she explained.

"I could say that about you, Sarah," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered, knowing she had just pushed Sarah over a verbal trap. "Considering you just tried to... What?" she added a moment later. "Bash her brains in with your fist..." she commented. "Saki has unusual trials and tests. Many think she is a wild, ignorant savage... Saki is very much aware of these issues... This is why your dad and I enrolled her in various martial arts, to begin with. She so desperately needs discipline and an outlet for her energy. Which is considerable by the way." Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled gently at the teenager. "Saki loves it. She's understood and she has something she can enjoy that's hers alone.

"She's always running," Sarah commented. "How far does she run now?"

"Yes," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered simply. "She's running almost five kilometres now every day... Then she has a long hot shower and then she eats dinner..." She and I go for runs once a day... You should join us..."

"Five kilometres is a little much for me. Thanks." Sarah knew that if she pressed the issue. Her mother would easily make it a trial or a test. That wasn't something she needed to face.

"But all that aside. I am disappointed in you, Sarah. You chose all those political science classes and you still couldn't articulate your issue with Saki... So you smacked her and she clowned you for it." Yamaguchi-Cullen added as she shook her head. "I am no diplomat but I knew that I had gotten through to Saki... I wanted her to think about what I had said... But you undid all of that with that hair-brained stunt of yours." Yamaguchi-Cullen huffed a sigh at the teenager standing before her. "I will have to mention it all to Saki again," she added. "I think you should consider expanding your classes..."

Sarah sighed softly. "Yes mom." she sighed softly.

"Alright... Then I will leave the matter alone and consider this issue as something that you and Saki will address when you both calm down." Yamaguchi-Cullen added in a tone that brooked no argument. "I mean it Sarah... Don't do that again... Otherwise. Saki won't stop with clowning you. I expect her to kick your ass..." Yamaguchi-Cullen paused a moment. "I will impress upon her that she is to leave you alone too... I do not need you provoking her... So leave the matter alone... Is that clear!?"

Sarah nodded. "Yes mom." the teenager answered, with a loud sigh. Arguing with her father's wife would not help matters and would only make her angrier. She opted to not bother and simply accept the matter for what it is.

Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed softly as she regarded the teenager. "You'd... best get back to your homework." before Yamaguchi-Cullen turned away, indicating that the conversation was over before she moved into the bedroom. She reached down to the hem of her minidress before she peeled off the entire uniform in one smooth motion before she tossed it onto the bed, she then slipped off her underwear. She tossed those into the nearby laundry hamper. She moved into the bathroom which connected to the master bedroom so Yamaguchi-Cullen could have privacy when she wanted to take a shower or go to the bathroom.

Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled as she stepped into the shower. She knew her husband would need a few moments to himself as he knew that he did not like conflict at all. She knew that and she respected his intentions. Yamaguchi-Cullen turned as she heard the shower door open. Cullen stood before her. "Is there space for one more?" he inquired with a gentle smile.

"Of course." Yamaguchi-Cullen grinned as she moved to one side. Permitting her husband to enter the shower with her, before he closed the door behind him. Yamaguchi-Cullen regarded her husband. "Saki and Sarah have had this issue brewing between them for a while," she explained.

"We can discuss that later," Cullen answered before he kissed his wife on the lips. "One day... I want to have sex with you with your uniform on."

"Mmm... Kinky." Yamaguchi-Cullen answered. "Tomorrow night then... I will make sure I am in uniform... and you can have your way with me."

Twenty minutes later. Yamaguchi-Cullen emerged from her bedroom, wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts. A set of running shoes completed her look as she turned her head. "Saki!" she called. The nearby bedroom door opened and out came Saki. She was wearing the same attire as her mother.

"I wasn't sure..." Saki started with a soft sigh. Her hair was tied back as she held her sneakers in her left hand, she then slipped on the sneakers, one at a time before she took a moment to prepare.

"Yep, you are still going for a run," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered. "You set?" she asked of Saki.

Saki nodded. "I am." and with that, she followed her mother out of the door in silence.


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