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Moons over Utgarde - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 7:13am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Gail Hobbs & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1600Hrs - October 8th, 2393

Once the older human was finished with the glass, the nurse-led the Admiral into the birthing room where Plataea Lasky looked tired and sweaty, from her work. "Hey.." she greeted her husband, with a soft smile on her lips.

Lasky sighed softly as she felt her contractions come and go, soon she was bearing down as her first child had begun to appear, he was now being born. "I can see the head." the nurse commented with a smile.

Lasky sighed softly as she had long since lost track of the time that had elapsed but it felt like she had been sitting in this chair for so long, parts of her body were numb. "Push Plataea." the nurse encouraged. "One more big push..."

Lasky whimpered softly as she gritted her teeth and pushed, suddenly she almost felt lightheaded for a moment as the nurse commented. "I have him..." as the nurse separated the umbilical cord, connecting mother to child. Hobbs smiled. "Your son is now a separate being.." she commented before the nurse gently handed the small newly born child off to a second nurse for a full physical, to ensure that all was well. "Now its time for your daughter to be born.."

Plataea sighed as she got back to work, with pushing the second child who was born a couple of minutes later, once all of that was finished. Lasky laid her head back on the pillow, exhausted and tired as she slowly pulled herself back together, she focused her attention on her husband who was nearby.

"Do you have a name for them both.?" the nurse asked in a gentle tone of voice.

Lasky looked at her husband. "You name him..." she sighed softly.

"I named the last one. You name this one." Tom Lasky answered. "Before that, it was Elizabeth who named Kurt," he added as a reminder to his wife.

"Okay..." she paused a moment as she considered it. "Emile," Lasky responded quietly as she gently received her infant, Plataea smiled. "Hey sweetie.." she said quietly. "Welcome Emile Lasky..." she said quietly.

"As for the girl... Rachael." Tom Lasky commented. "I asked her blessing and she gave it," he explained. "I asked her before she shipped out on the USS Heart of the Tiger... When I told her about the Chris Pike medal of valour she had earned with her heroics..."

Lasky smiled gently. "Good," she answered. "She earned that medal, even if she disagrees...

The infant cried in response, an indication that he was alive, and well, Plataea for her part simply enjoyed the moment with her new children outside of her body. "Well, Tom... I need to hit the gym now... Looks like we'll be spending time working out together.."

"Same as usual, that sounds good to me." Tom Lasky answered as he gently handed the small infant in his arms to his mother. "Plataea... Meet Emile... he has your eyes." as he gently accepted his daughter from the nurse who had finished checking the small child over for issues and the like.

Plataea could only moan softly but she received her son from the doctors and medics fussing over the two of them. Plataea regarded her son as she felt her heart melt as he opened his eyes at her, they were a lovely shade of blue, a shade lighter then azure but they spoke volumes as the newly born child regarded her. Lasky looked back at her son as everyone else seemed to fade from her perception while she focused on the small life in her arms who less than five minutes ago, had been a physical part of her. Lasky gently received his daughter from one of the medics, he gazed down at the small lifeform in his hands before he heard a soft commotion from nearby. He turned to the two women who were both standing nearby. "Ladies. I didn't think either of you would make it." Tom Lasky smiled at the two women nearby, one of them who was also pregnant.

Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Soluser turned to her twin. Ouros Yamaguchi. "I'm glad I found you, just in time... We only got here a moment ago Tom..."

"Well, come on over and meet Emile and Rachael," Lasky answered before he handed off the child in his arms to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth smiled. "She has her mother's eyes and her father's face..." she commented. "She's beautiful. Tom... you two did something right with this one."

The two females came over as Plataea gently handed Emile to Ouros first. "He's adorable. Mom, you two did well with this one." before she gently handed the small infant off to Elizabeth. "He has his father's eyes."

"Mmm... Yes, he does... and his mother's face." Yamaguchi-Solusar added before she gently handed Rachael over to her mother as she gently held Emile for a moment longer. "Hello, mister handsome... Someday, you will be breaking young girl's hearts... and beating up anyone who makes your sister cry..." as she regarded Tom Lasky. "Do you want me to hold him for a while?"

"Nah, let him get some sleep... and I'll watch him, for the next while," Plataea Lasky answered as she sighed, her eyes were closing as it was clear she was physically and mentally exhausted as she drifted off to sleep while Ouros liberated her sibling from her mother's embrace.

"Sure ladies... We'd welcome the help... Let Plataea sleep and you two can bond with the babies..." Tom Lasky commented with a gentle smile.


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