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A Voice in the Wilderness - Part One

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 7:14am by Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0900Hrs, October 17th, 2393

1st Lieutenant Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed softly as she moved down the hallway towards her breakfast appointment with her friend, her co-mother and her teacher. Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx and she felt that she had something to say to the woman who was two-thirds of her size and mass and double her age. She was wearing civilian clothing, a pair of blue jeans that hugged her curves and a light grey colored hoodie with a pair of sneakers and heal-hugger socks completed her looks. Yamaguchi-Cullen was fortunate that she had gotten today off as she was able to trade a shift with Taffy who wanted more flight hours. Yamaguchi-Cullen was only too happy to oblige the Andorian shen most days. Yamaguchi-Cullen would instead go in and do classroom work instead and handle the paperwork that needed to be addressed.

The double doors to her destination parted, like the parting of two great stone walls, as Yamaguchi-Cullen passed through the divide and entered the lounge, before she looked around the downstairs area for the small Bolian woman, fortunately, the lounge was sparsely populated and Yamaguchi-Cullen spotted her quarry who was waving at her.

Yamaguchi-Cullen moved over to sit across from the Bolian, who had nothing before her, no PADD's or anything to eat or drink, clearly, she had been waiting for a little while. "Rachael, running late?" the small-framed Boilian inquired in a gentle tone of voice. She was also showing her pregnancy now as she looked quite round downstairs.

"Yeah. I had to trade this shift with Taffy, she demands more flight time, I think she wants to become a legend of flight... I don't blame her. She loves it, I ... I don't enjoy it anymore." Yamaguchi-Cullen admitted. "I think... Maybe I should leave flying for good... I got a family to think about... I don't wanna blow this or get myself killed because some asshole Romulan or Tholian launched a missile that defeated me." as she sighed softly. 'Come. Lets... let's go get some food."

"A wise plan, my dear," Dvald-Vaxx answered. "I ate breakfast two hours ago and I'm hungry again... This little one is being very demanding of her mother." the small Bolian hauled herself to her feet. Yamaguchi-Cullen gently placed a hand on the smaller woman's shoulder to steady her, she did not need Dvald-Vaxx taking a tumble and needing to see the medic, it would cause more issues than anything else, what's more, was that Siaxx did not wish to be sidelined just yet. The medical bill would see her be sidelined for a long time, probably enough to cause Siaxx to lose her job as the Starbase Exec for the better part of the next several months with Tirothyn R'Shav being promoted to replace her.

Dvald-Vaxx smiled. "Thanks... I guess its time to start considering it.. hmmm?" the small Bolian smiled as if bowing to the inevitable.

"Siaxx, you don't have a lot of space for the little one... and yes, its past time... I'm suprised you've not done it yet..." Yamaguchi-Cullen regarded the small Bolian with a concerned look in her eyes.

"You didn't hear about the argument I had with your sister?" Dvald-Vaxx looked at the taller woman with a dubious look, as if to say she didn't believe her.

"No. Elizabeth does not tell tales out of school," Yamaguchi-Cullen answered with a serious look in her eye. "She does not speak of her workplace experiences, citing patient-Doctor regs. I respect her... But then getting anything out of Elizabeth is a major pain at times, she is as stubborn as a Klingon with the mindset to match."

"Yes, she babysits for me often so Chen and I can have a little peace and quiet. It also gets me deal with the pregnancy hormones... Though I don't know how Chen is keeping up with my demands for sex." the small Bolian sighed softly. "I think three times a day is enough..." she added.

"Wow. I remember when I had the twins... Twice a day for me was enough... Ennis offered to wait on me, hand, foot and everything in between... But I didn't want to cause additional issues... But first thing in the morning was great." Yamaguchi-Cullen commented. "I know Ennis loved it... and there were times that he and I were at it, five times in one day... By the gods, it was exhausting." Yamaguchi-Cullen sighed. "He didn't want to do it and at times, neither did I."

Dvald-Vaxx grinned at the taller woman. "Oh yes. I have those days too," she explained as the two women reached the end of the line for the replicators, Siaxx ordered herself four large slices of pizza with a large one-liter glass of soda while Rachael ordered a full large pizza of the same flavors but she ordered a large bottle of water, the two collected their meals and then went back to the table they were sitting at earlier.

"So what's on your mind?" Dvald-Vaxx regarded the other woman after she ate one whole slice of her food.

Yamaguchi-Cullen knew that Siaxx knew her well. So she decided not to prolong the matter before her. "How much longer is this little thing between you and Tom Lasky going to go on for?" she inquired in gentle tones. "Isn't two years long enough.?"

Dvald-Vaxx sighed. "I'd honestly stopped thinking about it. I figured it would die and eventually the two of us could move on..."

"Not if it's not addressed Siaxx... This issue should be dealt with and accounts settled, once... and for all time..." Yamaguchi-Cullen knew that this was not an easy chat for the Bolian to have.

"I'll consider it Rachael... Only because it's you, bringing it to me..." the small Bolian paused. "Maybe it has gone on too long..." she added with a soft sigh. "Alright... I'll try to talk to him..." as she quickly pawed another slice of Pizza and began to eat it in silence. Yamaguchi-Cullen knew that when Siaxx or members of her family were eating, it was best to let them eat in silence.

"That, mom... is all I can ask of you," Yamaguchi-Cullen commented a moment later, when Siaxx had finished her slice before Yamaguchi-Cullen herself turned her attention over to her food and went to work on eating it.


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