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One Eight Hundred, Lets Get Retarded - Part Two

Posted on Sat Mar 14th, 2020 @ 3:57am by Commander Tienn Iteela & Commander Sokanon It'kla & Commander Galiaan Fordring & Commander Jiao Anderson-Smithson & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 94: Shattered Shields and Crack'd Swords
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 0900Hrs - September 10th, 2392

Tienn Nerra walked into sickbay, followed by Balin, she spotted the three Anderson's were seated on a biobed each. Fordring smiled. "Well. Congratulations to the three of you. Well, two of you. You're pregnant." she turned to Sian. "I hope your boyfriend is worthy of you."

Sian paled as Kimora laughed at her as Sokanon regarded her. "Why are you laughing?." The Caitian inquired in a rather blunt tone of voice. "You're pregnant too."

Kimora suddenly stopped laughing. "What?" as the knowledge hit her all at once.

"Oh yeah, you're about three weeks along. You didn't know. Did you?"
Sokanon commented.

"Ummm... Umm.." she paused as Kimora's brain broke.

Meanwhile, Sian Anderson nodded her head. "I will need to do some major homework but I can deal with this." she paused before she sighed.

Meanwhile, Jiao was busy giving the large Caitian child a rather evil glare. Tienn Iteela noticed as she went over to her twin. "Come on Nerra. Let's get you two looked at." as she tried to prevent a confrontation.

"Yes." Nerra paused. "Thanks. I need a prenatal check for myself."

"Okay." Iteela smiled. "Have a seat you two. I will begin."

Nerra smiled. "Balin, meet my sister. Iteela. She is my littermate." she explained, using Caitian logic for the Caitian's benefit.

"Ahh, I had wondered." Balin paused. "It is good to meet you Ms. Iteela."

"You too Balin. How are you settling in?" Iteela inquired, a good-natured smile on her lips. "It's nice to see my littermate happy." Iteela caught onto what Nerra was doing as she followed suit.

"Its been alright-" before a raised voice caught their attention. Kimora rushed over and smacked Balin across the face. He deployed his claws right before he took a swipe at her, he missed with the first swing but he caught her with the second.

Tienn Iteela shoved the two children apart as Tienn Nerra went to tend to Balin who was enraged. "Come on then!. I'll tear your guts out!." Balin roared at her.

"You fucking stupid housecat. This is all your fault!" Kimora screeched at him, while blood dribbled from her wounds.

Sian Anderson facepalmed but she didn't say anything. Jiao said only one word in a quiet tone "Fuck."

Renhai, having heard the commotion, walked over and calmly asked.
"OK, what is all this about.?"

Kimora indicated Balin. "He's responsible for this fucking situation. Fuckiomng pathetic housecat." the teenager gestured at Balin. Kimora snarled something that to her made sense but to everyone else, it sounded like gibberish as she took a swing at the large Caitian child.

Balin took a swipe at her as he snarled loudly at her. "Shut the fuck up, you mindless bIHnuch." he responded "Who left this honorless Ha'DIbaH in here" he roared as swung his claws at her, fortunately, he missed as he shredded several handfuls of her long hair.

Tienn Iteela tried to interrupt before Tienn Nerra simply stuck two fingers into her mouth and let out a truly ear-splitting whistle that silenced everyone within a hundred yards of her. "Enough!" she yelled before she turned, she went over to Jiao Anderson with a look of pure malice in her eyes. "You!" she snarled as she did so. "Come here!" she added in an enraged tone, glaring at Jiao as she did so.

Tienn Iteela sighed. "Awww shit!" she paused. "Call security, someone's about to get their face smashed in." she lamented.

The medic next to her went to do just that, while Nerra regarded Jiao with a look of pure malice. "If your daughter so much as looks at my son again. I'm going to be in your grill for the rest of your natural life. I want you to think about what that might be like. Think about that." Nerra commented before she gave the human female a rather evil and insincere smile.

The doors opened and in came two security guards. Nerra regarded Anderson. "Do not test my patience, Jiao." before she turned and slowly made her way back to where Tienn Iteela was standing. "Tough talk," she said quietly.

"I was actually bluffing," Nerra said quietly.

"Really?" Tienn regarded her twin. "I couldn't tell," Iteela added.

"Let's hope she doesn't call my bluff. I do not feel like having to carry out that threat," Nerra added. "You know what they say about threats."

"I do," Iteela responded. "A threat said but not carried out is a waste."

Meanwhile, Sokanon smiled. "Y'know, I didn't think I was going to like this ship." as she turned to Jiao. "So. you ready to behave.?"

"Fuck you." Jiao Anderson snapped back.

"Aww. Now that's no way to talk to me." Sokanon responded in a light tone of voice.

Sian Anderson, who had been sitting nearby simply shook her head in silence. "Fuck me," she muttered softly as Kimora sat, in stunned shock as she too didn't move.

Tienn Nerra Meanwhile hoisted herself up onto the biobed, next to Balin. "I should have hit her harder," Balin commented quietly.

"Nah," Nerra responded. "Then you'd be getting hauled away and I'd be getting yelled at. No. I have to set an example, even in the face of such stupidity." she turned to face Balin. "This means you don't get to use violence. I know you felt like it but, please try not to do it. These guys have no time for it and no patience for stupidity either."

"Okay. mom." Balin responded as Tienn Iteela went back to work. "Let's see.." as she began tapping the display on her tricorder.

Renhai was not in the mood for this nonsense, so she turned her attention to Kimora. "So are you going to behave now."

"Tell him that." the teenager snapped in response. Jiao Anderson's response was to facepalm. "Kimora Anderson!." she growled. "Stop being an immature brat and behave yourself. You're just like your dad."

"Well, at least I know how to behave." Kimora snapped back.

Sian Meanwhile sighed. "How is it possible that I am related to you?" she muttered under her breath. "Kimora, stop being a little child and for once in your life, grow up!" the older teen responded a tad angrily.

"Well. At least I know what I'm doing." Kimora snapped at Sian.

"Yeah. Hows that working out for you.?" the older teen responded. "I, at least have a boyfriend, we've been serious now for about six months and while this wasn't planned. I won't be dealing with it alone. You on the other have... What?" Sian responded as she spread her arms wide, palms up as an indication that she had said something provocative and demanded a response in kind.

"Well, Rachael did it... How hard can it be?" Kimora demanded.

Tienn Iteela spoke up. "Rachael managed it simply because she had and has a lot of help and support from kin and family. What do you have asides from a mother who you have completely humiliated and an older sister who is disgusted by your actions."

Tienn Nerra meanwhile smiled. "Ignore them, Balin. You don't need to put up with this."

Renhai looked to Tienn and Balin, "Yeah this is a bunch of nonsense you shouldn't have to put up with."

Tienn nodded. "I'm going to enroll Balin here in some martial arts classes, he needs outlets because what little he has, doesn't work." she paused. "I can't do much at the present time, being pregnant and all but I intend to hit the gym to lose the pregnancy weight. I'll take him with me at that time." the small Bajoran explained her plan to Renhai.

Balin looked down at his claws, that were still deployed, most of them had blood on them. "Yeah..." he sighed softly.

"Might I recommend not just limiting to martial arts classes," Renhai suggested. "Starbase 12 is also getting a gymnastics club coming in, so that wouldn't be a bad idea."

Tienn smiled. "A good idea. I'll enroll myself in them too. It's been a long time since I've done gymnastics." she added, a wide grin on her face.

Jiao Anderson sighed. "Fucking slut."

Renhai sighed then turned to the security officers. "Alright, take Jiao to the brig, since she is incapable of behaving while in sickbay."

Jiao Anderson regarded Tienn Nerra. "You little bitch." she snarled.

"Yes, yes, yes. Thank you, thank you. I'll be here all week, remember to tip your waitress and thank the guy at the door." as Anderson was escorted from sickbay.

Kimora growled. "Fucking-"

"Silence child. You are now pissing me off." Tienn Neera growled. "You are a disgrace to yourself, your family name and to your mother who's just been arrested because she can't keep her mouth shut and her temper in check." she paused. "Guard!" she snapped. "Arrest her too."

The security officer came over to Kimora as she was escorted out of sickbay. Sian shook her head. "Unbelievable."

Renhai sighed, commenting. "Somehow, I don't think this is over."

Sian Anderson sighed. "No Doctor. This has only gotten stupid." as the older teenager sighed softly. "Fuck, How did I end up with those two nutjobs for relatives?" she inquired. It was a rhetorical question and it was phrased as such.

Tienn turned. "You expect something stupid to happen?" she inquired of the teenager.

"I do Major. Kimora is bad for keeping a grudge and mom is little better." Sian explained. "I decided long ago that I would develop a sense of humor. So long as I can say that I'll have a good day, then I'll be okay." Anderson responded. "I will get through this."

"Either way, I now have the unenviable task of bringing this issue up to Teval," Renhai commented dryly.

Sian cupped her face in her hands. "Sheett!" she responded. "Fuck fuck fuck!"

"It won't be so bad. You didn't cause the main problem. You were just caught in the middle." Tienn Iteela went over to the teenager. "Let me give you the once over, just to make sure."

"Yeah... I think my first step is to talk to Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen later when she's free and talk to her about raising children." Sian explained. "Maybe she can give me some advice."

"There are a lot of people you can ask for advice," Windspirit suggested. She then indicated Renhai, "Particularly this little cute one who has mothered what, hundreds of children during your twelve thousand year life."

Renhai shrugged, "Something like that."

Sian paused. "Twelve thous...Wait, hang on..?. What?" the teenager paused. "How does... anyone live... so long." the teen added a moment later.

"I'm a kurokuri," Renhai answered, "My species doesn't age."

"Oh. Cool." Sian responded. "How does a species not age though?... I mean I don't get it." the teenager paused. "Unless you are using medical technology to help," she added, more to herself than anyone else.

"And I'm not even the oldest member of my species," Renhai added in a dry tone.

Anderson paused. "I'd like to know more about your species if you don't mind Doctor. But first I must tend to my problems since they are my problems and my relatives can't be bothered to deal with them." the older teenager let out a sigh. "I will be asking around for advice and help but I don't want to start worrying about nothing," she added.

Tienn Iteela nodded. "A wise move, I'll send your medical records over to your mothers next assignment with a note that the Doctor looks them and you over."

"Okay, sounds good to me Doctor."

Tienn Nerra smiled as she added. "Mind a little advice?"

"Of course," Sian answered in a diplomatic tone. "What is it?"

"Let your mother and sister resolve their problems, alone. No offense but you got larger Sinoraptors to chase." the Marine explained.

"Ahh, you mean like bigger fish to fry?"

"Yeah. I'm not human so I don't use it."

"Of course. My apologies. I meant no offense."

"No offense was taken, Ms. Anderson." Tienn Nerra answered with a smile. "But yes, how did you end up being related to those two?"

Sian Anderson sighed. "I dunno. First I need to go see my boyfriend first and get that issue sorted out, then I need to plan ahead." she turned back to Renhai. "Doctor, will you be requiring anything more of me?" she inquired in a gentle tone.

Renhai shook her fluffy head. "No, I have nothing further."

Anderson rose to her feet. "Alright. I've got work to do. Excuse me." before the older teenager turned and departed.

The two Tienn females regarded each other in silence. "Considering we both have the same issues."

Tienn Nerra nodded. "Indeed. We're both pregnant."


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