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I'm Going to make you Scream - Part Seven

Posted on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 10:03pm by Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Lieutenant Commander Tanya Stevenson & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Ouros Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Fleet Captain Marie Yamaguchi & Colonel Brianna Hobbs
Edited on on Fri Mar 13th, 2020 @ 10:56pm

Mission: Mission 96: Settling Accounts
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1400Hrs - September 1st, 2392

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi nodded as she regarded Captain Daniel McKnight, her new skipper, and her new boss. "Well. She's asleep right now but she's healing very nicely. At this rate, I think she can be let out when she wakes up.. but that's not my decision anymore." she turned to the shorter Asian female who was standing next to her.

Stevenson nodded her head in agreement "So long as Captain Yamaguchi takes it easy, then yes I can consent to her being permitted to leave."

"Can she make dinner for six?" Celeste inquired.

"Dinner for six?" McKnight inquired gently.

"Marie will insist on making dinner for me, Brianna and the kits," Celeste explained.

"Yes, she can. So long as she's not overdoing it, keep in mind Celeste that she's just had major surgery on her face and she'll need to take it easy for a day or two." Stevenson responded with a smile.

"I wasn't going to let her make dinner alone. I will help her out as needed. She and I need to heal our differences. For good this time." Yamaguchi responded in a quiet tone. "We've been at this issue for far too long and it's all my doing." Celeste sighed softly.

"I'm glad to hear that. She really does want to end things with you, Celeste. And we'll make sure she doesn't overdo things." Brianna replied.

McKnight nodded. "Alright. All of this sounds good. If she decides to press charges, Let me know and I'll brief the Commodore."

"Alright. Thanks, skipper." Celeste responded.

"Celeste. I want you to take it easy, you've just had a rather shitty day for your first day as my Exec. I'll assign you a yeoman to help with your paperwork. Please use him or her so your wife doesn't need to worry so much alright."

Celeste smiled. "Thank you, skipper. I'll do that."

"Alrighty," McKnight responded in a light tone of voice. "I'll leave you guys to it. I'll chat with the skipper in the morning after our guest has cooled her heels in my brig overnight." and with that McKnight turned and departed.

Stevenson smiled as she retreated back into her office. Leaving Celeste and Brianna alone. "I'm not crazy, wife of mine," Celeste said quietly. "There are indeed two of me. That other woman.. she is me from another reality. Elizabeth briefed me earlier. Our DNA is identical."

"How is that possible? Is she a clone?" Hobbs asked.

Celeste regarded her wife. "I'm not sure," she answered. "But I do know that I wasn't cloned." as there was a knock at the door. "Hey, Commander. Colonel." Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded the two women before her. "Ouros. Meet Colonel Brianna Hobbs and Commander Celeste Yamaguchi."

Ouros who was an identical copy of Elizabeth nodded her head. "Hello, ladies. I have a theory as to your doppelganger's origins."

Celeste regarded the two women before her. "Go ahead."

"The other Celeste Yamaguchi is you, from the same alternate universe that I came from." she paused to allow that thought to sink in. "If she is here then there are more infiltrators among us."

Celeste turned to look at Hobbs. "Another me.. from another reality. It makes sense, in frightening and unexpected ways."

"That's...not really what I expected," Brianna replied. "Just out of curiosity, why would she be sneaking around here? If she had Celeste's credentials there are a lot more interesting places to visit."

Ouros nodded her head in agreement. "I can only speculate as to her motives." she paused. "I will go speak with her of course and find out what they are."

"Just like that?" Celeste inquired. "Yes, Commander. Just like that. She can either cooperate with me or she won't." Ouros regarded the two women she was just meeting. "Either way I will get what I want from her."

Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded her twin. "Is this a good idea?"

"No." Ouros Yamaguchi suddenly smiled. "But I will see it done. Regardless... By your leave Commander?" she addressed Celeste, she nodded in response. "Find out what you can and keep us informed okay?"

"Yessir." and with that Ouros turned and marched out the door.

Celeste regarded Elizbeth Yamaguchi who remained motionless. "News of Marie?"

"Yes. She's coming around."

"Excellent." Celeste turned and went over to where her sibling was lying on her back. Celeste gently sat down at her bedside. "Marie.?"

Marie opened one eye. "Celeste. What the fuck woman. What the hell did I do to you.?"

"You did nothing," Celeste responded. "It wasn't-"

"-Wasn't hell. That's just bullshit woman. You beat the crap out of me. I knew you needed some therapy but geez Cel. You smashed my face in and in front of Charon no less.. What is wrong with you.?"

Elizabeth Yamaguchi had followed in silence. "It wasn't the Commander who assaulted you, Captain," she commented.

Marie narrowed her eyes. "This.. had better be a damned good explanation Cel... Come on then. out with it."

"The person who attacked you is in the brig," Hobbs told her. "Go there yourself, you'll understand."

Marie regarded her sister. "Help me up." as she lifted her hand, Celeste gently clasped it as Tanya Stevenson came over. "Hello, Captain. It's good to see you are awake."

"Doctor. What is going on?"

"We're not sure ourselves but I am told that answers will be forthcoming," Stevenson responded. "Before you ask. I can let you out of here but.. I want you to take it easy, nothing stressful for at least forty-eight hours to take it easy." the Asian looking female explained. "Your face will feel tender for a day or so as well."

"Lovely," Marie responded in a dry tone. "Alright, the brig it is then ladies."

Celeste Yamaguchi paused as she placed her medkit on the biobed. "Doctor. I should turn this in."

"I'll place it along with the other medkits." Stevenson retrieved it before she departed. Celeste then turned and departed sickbay, her sister and wife right behind her. "I can't say I'm looking forward to this," Celeste commented.

"You want answers too.?" Marie asked of Brianna

"I am a bit curious, to be honest," Brianna replied.

"I get to look myself or so I am told, in the eye," Celeste commented. "Then I'll ask her."

"What do you mean... Yourself.?" Marie inquired, sounding rather skeptical.

"I mean you'll see in a moment." Celeste entered a turbolift as the three women journeyed to the brig, reaching their destination momentarily. This was where they found Lieutenant Ouros Yamaguchi, standing before a cell. "Captain, Commander, Colonel." she addressed, Marie then Celeste and then Hobbs in that order. "She has not answered any-" when she was interrupted with an angry snarl and a rather nasty glare from Enyo, contained within the cell as she glared at Marie.

"Definitely not our Celeste," Briana stated.

Marie noticed. "Celeste?"

Celeste nodded. "You see my dilemma."

"I do," Marie commented quietly. "Well, I do now."

"I will not let you harm these children Warhowl. I will fucking kill you first." Enyo growled at Marie. "What are you people doing!?" she added. "How can you not see the danger you are in!?"

"Celeste.." Celeste felt rather strange addressing herself. "Assuming you are, who I assume you are. This is not your Marie. This is my Marie. I fear you have a case of mistaken identity."

Brianna looked at Enyo. "It should be obvious to you by now things are different here. Now, instead of growling like a madwoman, why don't we calm down and talk about this like civilized women?"

Ouros simply smiled. "Guys. I'd like you all to meet Captain Victoria Yamaguchi. Celeste, she is indeed you from the same reality I came from."

"That would explain things," Brianna stated.

Enyo simply hopped off of the bunk she had been lying on before she moved in silence over towards the forcefield. "Marie. I hope you are not my Marie.." she paused. "No. You're right. You are not my Marie as you carry yourself differently. You don't slouch." Victoria narrowed her eyes as she regarded the woman before her. "You also look different." Victoria narrowed her eyes as she regarded Marie. A hateful glare in her eyes.

Marie looked more confused than anything else. "Since you appear to know me, how about we discuss this?"

Victoria simply smiled. "As you wish," she commented evenly before she sat down before the forcefield. "Let me explain my mission here, the one I abandoned because I got curious about you." she shifted her attention to Celeste Yamaguchi. "My mission was to infiltrate this ship and find out about various weapons and technology that you had, that might prove to be worth something to us."

Ouros interrupted. "Victoria. I assume the war isn't going well?"

"No. Neither fight is." Victoria responded in a tone that indicated she didn't care. "After your, I think they are your friends, destroyed the entire fleet. I was blamed for the entire fiasco and stripped of everything that made my life worth a damn. My children are dead because of your friends."

"Children?" Celeste asked softly.

Brianna just looked at Celeste's reaction but remained quiet.

"Yes. I have children." she then shrugged. "Well. I had children." Victoria answered simply. "Two of them, a girl and a boy," she added as she let out a sigh. "Ethelyn was twenty-two and Benjamin was twenty-three." Enyo looked up at the three women before her. "I was stripped of my commission and given this rank of Master Chief Petty Officer." Enyo paused a moment. "My own sibling has plotted to murder me since that day but my Marie. I call her Warhowl by the way as she's always screaming on about war. Crushing our enemies, seeing them tremble and hearing the lamentations of the innocent or some twaddle like that."

Celeste shared a look with Marie. "Wait. This might have been a case of mistaken identity. What do you think?"

"I think." Marie paused as she regarded the woman in the cell before them. "I'm honestly not sure of what to think. Your sickbay is processing the information they collected from her so we shall see what happens next."

"To be honest, this person..." Brianna gestured to Enyo "Really jumped the gun and was impetuous. Not sure I trust her."

Celeste turned back to Enyo. "What will you do now?"

"I don't know. I have nothing left to go back to." Enyo paused. "I'm stuck in this reality."

"You're also stuck in our brig." Brianna coolly told Enyo.

Celeste regarded her wife as she spoke as it was becoming more and more clear to her that she and her new twin were very different people. "That depends on what JAG says Bri," Celeste responded quietly. "I have no idea how this is gonna go."

"Nor I," Marie answered. "Why did you assault me?"

"I thought you were the Marie from my universe. Who had followed me to screw with you by harming your children? That is something that Warhowl would do."

Marie sighed softly. "I'd better contact the Stalingrad and have them sort things out over there. Are there more of you. Infiltrators, that is?"

"Yes. At least a dozen more." Enyo commented.

"Oh, really?. I'm not surprised. What does intrigue me is why you left them to snoop on your doppelganger? You compromised your own mission with your little side adventure." Brianna told her.

Enyo chuckled softly. "I thought that was obvious," she commented. "Keep in mind that the woman who wears your face-" she indicated Marie as she spoke. "-is commanding this operation and she will happily try to kill me because I am a threat to her." she then turned to Brianna, a rather evil smile on her lips. "You call me impetuous yet you stand there in judgment of me."

Celeste regarded her wife. "Mmmm. I think you struck a nerve."

Enyo regarded Hobbs. "It does not matter, anyway." before she rose back to her feet. "As you say. I'm stuck in here." before she went back to her bunk, she sat down before she kicked off her boots. "Y'know, the military can't make decent footwear to save their lives.."

"Well, they are decent if you're a Klingon or a Gorn. Other races, not so much." Hobbs replied.

Marie smiled while nodding her head in agreement. "I can't dispute that I often have issues with my feet after a long day on Stalingrad's bridge or chasing after my kids and husband." she regarded Enyo. "What?." she inquired. "My household is a full one and it's busy at all hours of the day or night."

Enyo looked shocked as she held her silence for a moment. "How many?.."

"How many children.?" Marie inquired. "I have six. Seven if you could the Stalingrad."

Enyo paused as she let out a sigh. "You're right, this is not my Marine. Warhowl has no children, no husband and-"

"Yet she's willing to murder you," Celeste commented. "What sort of a universe do you come from?"

It was Ouros who provided that answer. "One that's extremely fucked up, compared to the paradise that this one represents." she turned her head. "I also mention that Victoria and I are related."

"Yes," Celeste nodded. "Considering you look like Elizabeth, my own cousin."

"Yes." Ouros nodded her head in response. "She and I are the same people from parallel realities."

Enyo regarded Ouros. "So you are Torilla Unal's eldest child. Your siblings and mother are well... I hope?"

"They are. Yes. Mom and Selendis are both fine. I'm standing before you and Lasarra. Well, that's a long story."

"Indeed, the very long and complicated story of the Yamaguchi clan," Hobbs added.

Victora shifted her attention as she regarded Hobbs. "I think you are being paranoid." she looked at Celeste. "How do you tolerate that woman.?"

Celeste chuckled softly. "Well. Three, no four things.." she started. "One, she's my wife so watch your mouth. Two she's not wrong. Three. You broke into my quarters and caused issues for her and my son. Be assured I won't forget that and four. Do not toy with me."

Victora got up from her bunk, a wide grin on her face. "Well now, talk is cheap, considering you are hiding behind a forcefield and I'm in the cage."

"Ladies, stop it!" Marie growled. "Knock this shit off. Both of you.!" Marie added loudly. "This argument isn't helping."

Victoria regarded Marie. "You know, I didn't think I was going to like you," she commented lightly. "I wish I had known of you sooner.

"That whole being from another universe thing kind of threw a spanner into the works," Hobbs told her. "Speaking of which, tell us more about why you're here please."

"As you wish," Enyo responded. "I am here to obtain information on weapons, armor as well as information that can help me win the war so that the place I come from can win their wars of aggression and stupidity against their neighbors." she paused. "I have no love for the Empire and I have not accessed your computers for personal gain. I did, however, access the computer twice. The first was to locate you." she indicated Celeste. "The second was to locate your quarters."

Ouros Yamaguchi suddenly grinned. "I'll go check your story Captain." she turned to the other women present. "What will you do with her if her story checks out?"

Marie Yamaguchi's response was simple. "Turn this entire affair over to JAG and Starfleet Security. You assaulted me."

Enyo nodded. "Yes," she answered simply. "I thought you were the Marie who was leading this mission. She has eight other personnel located in two teams, most are doppelgangers of personnel who are alive and well in this universe. That selection was no accident." she explained.

"You mean there are more of you here?" Hobbs asked.

Enyo nodded. "Yes," she answered. "There are six of them in all," she added. "Would you like their names?"

"That would be very helpful," Hobbs replied. "Any information you may have on them would also help."

"Mind if I have a PADD please.?" Enyo commented before she rose to her feet in one smooth motion before she took several steps back, away from the forcefield.

Hobbs put her PaDD on the floor and pushed it into the cell.

Enyo waited before the forcefield was turned back on before she moved, she lifted the PADD and went to work. She had a rather cruel smile on her face as she wrote out names, ranks, and postings. "Colonel. Get them before they do what I did. I stopped only because I realized that Marie wasn't Warhowl only far too late, my other teammates will not show my-" she paused a moment before she settled on the word "-restraint." before the tall female set the PADD down on the deck next to the forcefield.

Enyo went back to her bunk before she sat down on it.

Hobbs lowered the field just long enough to retrieve the PaDD. "Thank you. If your information is correct, this should help you."

Enyo simply nodded her head. "The empire must pay for its crimes against sentient life. Catch them, Colonel. Only then will anything help me." she responded quietly.

Hobbs nodded at Enyo. "I'll pass this to security, thanks." And turned to walk out.

Celeste regarded her counterpart in silence a moment before she turned and departed. Her older sibling following in silence. Once outside Celeste turned to Marie. "Come on. Let's get dinner started. I'll help you."

"My surprise is ruined," Marie responded quietly.

"We will enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sure there will be interruptions tonight due to our uninvited guests." Hobbs told them.

Marie sighed softly. "Celeste. We do need to talk.."

"Yes, Marie. We do." Celeste responded quietly. "We can do that, over dinner and after we've all had a chance to process whats happened." Celeste responded quietly.


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