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Along For the Ride

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 7:11am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Commander Kolar, Son of Magh'tor & Lieutenant Commander K'Taal Antilles & Commodore Keyan Farlander & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra & Lt Commander Kralasha & Staff Sergeant Kelbri & Master Sergeant Rog'n & Lieutenant JG Ktala & Staff Sergeant B'iarra
Edited on on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 7:19am

Mission: Mission 69: Tienn's Fall from Grace
Location: Various Locations - IKS Hurgh'maS
Timeline: 0600Hrs, June 3rd, 2392

K'taro sat up out of bed. He stretched and looked over at his wife. "Are you awake yet? I am rather hungry." He asked her.

Tienn blinked as she slowly opened her eyes. "Well. I am now.." she paused. "Wait. where am I....Oh.. right?" she slowly sat up. "K'taro... Whats up?" she inquired as she regarded him. "Other than you being hungry."

"I had a wonderful time last night. I consider myself a lucky man." He told her as he went to the port hole. "I am hungry and would like some...." K'taro stared out the window.

Tienn grinned at him. "Well I was expecting for you to break some of my bones," she commented. "Want some... What?" she inquired before she gently moved so she was sitting on his lap. "Whats wrong?" the small Bajoran inquired.

"We are moving... at warp speed." He told his wife.

Tienn turned her head. "What!" as she noticed the star lines and she realized that he was right. "Umm... Shit?" she commented. "My skipper is going to have my ass for being absent without leave!"

"I'll try and help you with that. I want to know what is going on first. K'taro to bridge, what is going on?" He asked.

"I hope you're sober," Kralsha replied. "We received a distress call from the IKS Goro. We are to rendezvous with them in the Crav system. Get dressed and get up to the bridge."

Tienn raised an eyebrow. "I didn't bring my uniform. Other than my wedding dress." she paused. "I'll need some clothing." she smiled. "I wonder if the armory has any clothing in my size. I did need to get a set of Klingon armor." she regarded her husband. "If I am going to be your wife and fit in aboard this ship then I should at least look like I fit in here."

"I would stay in a Star Fleet uniform," K'taro advised.

Tienn didn't have anything with her, only her wedding dress and a set of underwear, which she was already wearing. "I'd best see what your computer system has on Starfleet uniforms," she commented. "I highly doubt it, however," she commented as she went over to the replicator. She tapped the display a few times.

Tienn smiled. "Wow... The system recalls a Lieutenant Autumn Yamaguchi, I'll alter the specs a little and." she pointed to the replicator as it made the uniform she requested along with a set of under garments to match. "Not quite my style but it'll do," she commented before she began to strip, change and then don her new clothing. Moments later she was ready so the two went off towards the bridge.

The two came to the bridge. The two guards let them pass. The bridge was humming with activities. "Did you have an enjoyable night?" Kralasha asked.

Tienn smiled. "We did," she answered. "Thank you."

"Captain, we are finally able to get an audio and video feed from the Goro," Ktala announced.

"Patch them through," Kralasha ordered.

"This is the IKS Goro," A badly injured Klingon female appeared on the view screen. Behind her, the bridge was wrecked and smoke everywhere. The audio was lousy. "I am B'etla, daughter of Keedal and Chief Navigator. We are of House Lomaq, we came under attack from House H'ruS. We are retreating and being perused by two craft. The Goro is badly damaged and the Captain and first officer are dead. The third officer is wounded. We cannot deal any more attacks."

"This is Kralasha, daughter of Askada and Captain of the Hurgh maS. Did you get our instructions to move to the Crav system?" She asked.

"Yes, I did. With all due respect even if you destroy the ships chasing us there are still more behind them." B'etla told her.

"Let us worry about that. When you get into the Crav system move to the second planet, understand?" Kralasha asked.

"Yes, we will be there," B'etla answered.

"Good, Hurgh maS out," Kralasha told her.

Tienn raised an eyebrow. "Captain, Where can I assist?" she inquired quietly.

"We may need damage and casualty teams to go over to the Goro. If you are up to it." Kralasha told her.

"Yeah. Consider it handled. I'll join your marine detachment but I'll need some kit." she explained. "Who do I see for it and where are they located?" Tienn inquired.

"They should be drawing weapons in the armory. I'll have one of the guards show you the directions." Kralasha told her.

"Sounds good," Tienn responded with a smile. "Time to earn my keep." she added. "Thanks."

"Captain, we are dropping out of warp," Ktala announced.

"Good, activate cloak. Gunner, arm photon torpedoes. Stay alert." Kralasha ordered.

"Captain, the Goro is dropping out of warp," Kelbri told her as a Negh'Var class ship appeared on the view screen. The Goro was badly damaged. Several fires were still apparent and the hull had been stripped away in several places exposing the ship's internal structure.

"I don't think they can take much more," Kelbri noted.

"Silence lagh unless you have some tactical data I need." Kralasha reprimanded her sensor operator.

"Understood, Captain," Kelbri replied in a subdued tone. "Two more ships have dropped out of warp. Another Negh'Var class ship and a K'T'inga class."

"The K'T'inga class has an upgraded disruptor cannon." Rog'n noted. "One hit from that will destroy our vessel."

"Captain, the H'ruS Negh'Var's shields are down," Kelbri announced as the larger Klingon vessel pulled up close to the Goro. "They are sending boarding parties across."

The view screen from the Goro blinked alive again. It was B'etla. "We have boarding parties in engineering and some are near the bridge!" She alerted Kralasha before the sound of disruptor fire erupted and the screen went blank.

"Target the Negh'Var. Without its shields it is vulnerable." Kralasha ordered.

"But the K'T'inga will blow us to pieces!" Rog'n shouted back.

"Let Ktala deal with that. Now do as your told before I cut your throat!" Kralasha shouted.

The Hurgh maS deactivated the cloaking device as Rog'n fired the photon torpedoes at the larger ship. They struck home and the ship exploded. The K'T'inga, as predicted, fired its main cannon at the bird of prey. K'tala groaned as she put all her effort into making sure the Hurgh maS evaded the kill shot.

"Second volley away!" Rog'n shouted as a new set of torps struck at the K'T'inga and destroyed it.

"Kolkar, you are going to engineering with your team. Tienn, you and B'iarra's team will retake the bridge. Fight with honor!" Kralasha told them before they were beamed over.

Tienn listened to her instructions as she hefted the rifle in her hands, the two sidearms on her belt as she took a moment to check her rifle. "Yessir. We're on it!" Tienn nodded to B'iarra. "I don't know the way. I'll follow you," she said to the other Klingon.

"The bridge is down the corridor. The doors have probably already been blown open and the intruders are trying to get control of the ship." B'iarra told Tienn as the moved towards the bridge.

Smoke and flames were coming out the bridge as they approached. The doors had been destroyed and casualties lay everywhere. B'iarra looked at Tienn, "Are you ready?"

Tienn nodded right before she slung her rifle over her shoulders, she smiled as she picked up a pair of Klingon knives and a second sidearm, she narrowed her eyes right before she proceeded to put a plasma round into a Klingon who was charging towards their team. "Let's get this done," Tienn commented. "Tonight, we drink from the skulls of our enemies!".

Tienn moved forward, a sidearm in each hand as she had a rather evil grin on her face. "Oh, one-eyed father. Hear my prayer. Guide my hand and watch my aim. Amen." as she proceeded to put a round into two more Klingon intruders.

B'iarra and the rest of the marines from the Hurgh maS moved through the bridge eliminating H'ruS borders. B'iarra came across the young Klingon officer they had seen on the view screen. She was laying face down and moaning. "Tienn!" B'iarra called out. "Have her beamed over to our sick bay!"

Tienn instantly moved to her side. "Her lifesigns are all over the place. Let me stabilize her for transport." Tienn reported as she drew her kit and went to work. "Easy.." she paused "You look like Noq't," she commented after a moment. Tienn tapped her tricorder. "I can't rush this, y'know," she mumbled to the Klingons around her. The small Bajoran then injected the Klingon with something. "Okay. got her, go ahead and beam her over."

"This is Kolkar, engineering is secure." He reported.

"This B'iarra, the bridge has been secured." She reported back.

"Excellent," Kralasha replied. She looked to Ktala, "Lock onto the Goro with a tractor beam."

"Already done Captain," Ktala replied.

"Captain, several Klingon ships are en route. They will be here soon." Kelbri informed her commander.

"Ktala set course back," Kralasha replied. "If they want a fight with us they will also have to fight Federation vessels. Engage when the course is set."

The Hurgh maS jumped into warp with the Goro towed behind her.

"Tienn," Kralasha asked, "How are you doing?"

Tienn smiled. "We're good over here. I'm presently heading down to Engineering to see how bad the damage looks," she explained. "Do you have orders for me, Captain?"

"Just stay on the Goro until we drop out of warp," Kralasha told her.

Tienn smiled as she entered Engineering. "Willdo sir. Tienn out." the small Bajoran woman went over to the warp core. "Talk to me, someone. Whats happening?"

Kolkar still had his bloodied bat'leth in his arms. "Engineering has been cleared. We are helping out with damage control."

Tienn nodded. "Works for me," she answered. "Let's get started then."

Meanwhile, the Hurgh maS and Goro dropped out of warp.

Awaiting them was the USS Iron Duke, a Guardian class starship along with several smaller ships of various types.

Captain Keyan Farlander, smiled softly. "Target the new arrivals. All of them but hail the lead ship."

"Channel open skipper."

"This is Captain Keyan Farlander to the new Klingon ships, you are in violation of Federation-controlled space. You can either stand down or withdraw now." he paused. "close the channel and then hail the lead ship on a separate channel."

"Aye skipper." the young woman at Operations turned to address Farlander. "You're up."

"This is the USS Iron Duke to the Klingon lead ship. Could you explain this, please?"

The H'ruS ships quickly turned around and re-entered warp. "This is Kralasha of the Hurgh maS. We came to the aid of a ship that was under attack by House H'ruS forces. The ship is badly damaged and there are many casualties. Apologies for bringing several enemy ships back with us. I thought we could lose them." She explained.

Farlander heard the name, he instantly recalled who she was. "Ahh. I understand Captain, We will assist you with your wounded, casualties and damage," he commented. "We will also escort you to Watchman Station, she's not far from here."

"To be honest, I think we can make it from here," Kralasha told him. "I do need to beam over one of your officers and some of the more seriously wounded. They may not make it to the star base."

"Send them over to the smaller ships in my group," Farlander responded as he nodded to his Exec who went to work. "We'll also send over several dozen engineers to assist you."

"Thank you, Captain, Kralasha out." Kralasha contacted Tienn. "We are going to beam you over to a Federation vessel. Your help was appreciated."

Tienn paused. "Yessir. But first I'd like five minutes to say goodbye to my husband. If that's alright.?"

"Of Course," Kralasha replied.

Tienn paused a moment. "Okay, Beam me back to the Hurgh'maS and I'll take care of things with K'taro."

Tienn was beamed back into the Hurgh maS transporter room. K'Taro was standing there with a grin on his face. "So, my little warrior returns?"

Tienn grinned up at him. "Yeah, and I bring victory in battle," she commented as she went over to him. "So. We are to part ways here." she paused. "I wish you could come with me but I know you have your battles to face," she commented with a grin. "I will not deprive you of them or the fruits of them either. But I should ask that any children you have elsewhere will be raised by us."

"That is a promise I will make and keep," K'taro told her.

Tienn grinned as she looked up at her husband before she gently grasped his armed front, she reached up as she kissed him on the lips. "Fight well and come back to me, I don't want you dying on me yet, Your children have a right to know their father."

K'taro nodded. "Sto-vo-kor can wait."

Tienn smiled as the medics came in, bringing the wounded into the transporter room for transport over to the Iron Duke and her battle group. They were sent over without a fuss and before long it was just husband and wife remaining. "I'd best go over and turn myself in for desertion," Tienn commented. "That would be what I'm about to get arrested for."

"I'll ask Kralasha to send a note to your commanding officer explaining what happened," K'taro told her.

"Thank you. I appreciate that." Tienn responded. "All the same. Take care of yourself, husband." she small Bajoran went over to the transporter pad and then she was beamed over to the Iron Duke, once there the transporter operator nodded. "Welcome aboard Major."

"Thank you errr Chief," Tienn responded. "I need to see the security department."

"You don't mind my asking... But why?"

"Well, I was AWOL."

"Oh, well to the best of my knowledge, we were never told." he explained as the door opened and in walked Captain Keyan Farlander.
"Ahh Major. You made it."

"Yessir," Tienn answered. "Am I being arrested?"

Farlander raised an eyebrow. "Not as far as I'm concerned but I was informed that you were AWOL from Watchman, not by your doing however and Captain Rav Braelor asked me to keep an eye out for you and you came to me so we'll be heading to Watchman Station with you and the wounded. That will make my life a lot less complicated than it should be but you will have quarters assigned to you." he handed her a PADD as he explained her situation. "Feel free to drop your kit in our armory and settle in."

"Thank you, sir," Tienn responded.

"Sir, the bridge reports all the Hurgh'maS's wounded are all aboard our ship." the Transporter chief commented. "Alright," Keyan answered. "Tell the bridge to contact the sector command, tell them we need another battleship to relieve me for several days while I drop off several dozen wounded Klingons at Watchman."

"Aye skipper." the chief went to work as Farlander finished briefing Tienn. "Thank you, Major. On your way then."

Tienn turned and departed the transporter room in silence.


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