Commodore Keyan Farlander
Name Keyan Farlander
Position Group Executive Officer
Second Position Commanding Officer
Rank Commodore
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 44 | |
Sexual Orientation | Heterosexual | |
Birthdate | November 3rd, 2349 | |
Birthplace | Leeds - New Denver Colony |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'2 | |
Weight | 200lbs | |
Hair Color | Black | |
Eye Color | Blue | |
Physical Description | Keyan Farlander is bulky and massive. He's a walking death threat to all who oppose him. He has a warm smile and a joke for his friends but his closed fist for his enemies. |
Spouse | Captain Paige Farlander - Commanding Officer, USS Asgard | |
Children | Savannah Yamaguchi - 26 years old Beth Farlander - 17 years old Qixea Farlander - 17 years old (Named for Qixea Rahn) Pash Farlander - 16 years old Julia Farlander - 15 years old Racheal Farlander - 14 years old James Farlander - Twins from an Alternate reality - 14 years old Samantha Farlander - Twins from an Alternate reality - 14 years old Valerie Farlander - 13 years old |
Father | Colonel Pash Antilles - Julia's first husband - Deceased | |
Mother | Grand Admiral Julia Antilles-Yeager - Commanding Officer - Starfleet Forces, Alpha Quadrant | |
Brother(s) | Ian Farlander - 28 Years old (Twins) Nathan Farlander - 28 Years old (Twins) David Yeager - Julia's second child - 15 years old |
Sister(s) | Xaelah Yeager - 14 years old Elizabeth Yeager - 13 Years old (Twins) Damaris Yeager - 13 Years old (Twins) - T'Pamsu 'Spartan' Antilles-Yeager - 26 years old (Adopted) |
Other Family | See the Antilles Family tree in the Wiki. |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Keyan Farlander is a generally happy guy, he's happily married with a large family that he and his wife split between them on their various assignments. Him on the Antarctica and her on the Asgard. |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strengths: Keyan Farlander leads from the front and he inspires people to be better then they were, he does this as he sees it as his duty to train people and let them follow where he leads rather then manage them. It cuts down on his stress levels. Weaknesses: He would rather hang out with the family then be on duty which can cause his Exec to do a lot more work then she should at times. A plus is that he has produced several excellent Exec's as a result. |
Ambitions | To be a good father to his children, a good husband to his wife. Then he wants to lead his people on their adventures. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Keyan's hobbies are many and varied. he'll try anything once, especially with his children. |
Personal History | Keyan Farlander was born in 2349 while his mother was thirteen years old, his grandparents were less than kind to him as they often neglected his mother in favour of his uncle Paul and it wasn't until the return of his uncle when he finally knew what real honour was. Julia was forced to move out as her parents insisted she abort and when she refused, she was disowned by her folks. Her aunt Kadian Wolf took Julia in and helped with her issues. Wolf was not the type to coddle people and nor was she gentle or subtle, but she was exactly what Julia and Keyan needed. A steady hand and a watchful eye. Wolf would come and assist with matters but she would not move in. When Paul Antilles came back from the dead, Keyan had no idea who this stranger was and neither did Julia who did not recognise her own brother at first. Being reunited with her brother was a massive shock for her but Keyan didn't know or care. Kadian Wolf did much to reconcile the siblings back to some semblance of a family but the picture got more crowded with the introduction of Andrea Crane, she brought Paul back down to Earth and Julia quickly noticed that the two were a perfect pair. They completed each other and were able to resolve many of the other's issues. Paul Antilles had as much a hand on raising young Keyan as Pash, his father or his mother Julia did, but it was the arrival of Andrea Crane, his aunt by marriage that helped the remaining Antilles to overcome their various demons and let them move forward into Starfleet. Keyan lived with his parents until he too was old enough to join Starfleet, he applied and was accepted into the academy. He bid farewell to his mother and departed for the academy. What he did not know was that he would not see his mother for almost ten years. Keyan found that he had a major aptitude for flying so while he was at the academy, he switched from Operations to piloting and Conn. He also found that he excelled at it so his first assignment saw him prove his skills. While at the academy, during a rather interesting event, he got one of the ladies pregnant. The first hint of this he got was three years later when he was contacted about a child who had his DNA in common. Her name was Savannah and she was his flesh and blood. If he wanted her. Keyan accepted her without question. While at the time, he might not have been able to give her the best quality of life that she deserved. He decided to make an effort and try. So Savannah Reeves became Savannah Farlander. His first and oldest child. His first assignment out of the academy was to the USS Dragon, an older Nebula class starship which had been refitted for the carrier role. He dove headlong into the war with the Klingons, scoring over forty kills and three dozen more assists then from there he went into training new pilots for the war to come against the Dominion. When that war started, he went right to the front and at times he loved it as he always seemed to have one extra trick up his sleeve or it was his skills that saved him or it was something but Keyan always came back from every single battle he was ever thrown into. The USS Helios would bring both pain and pleasure in various ways. Keyan fought the war first shot to last, he survived but it burned the innocence and most of the humanity from him. The people around him reminded him of what he had and what he had to lose if he permitted it. His spouse and various children were also a reminder later on of what he had and what he feared to lose after the war ended. It was a chance encounter on leave where he met Paige Matheson. The two hit it off very quickly and some could say it was too quickly as they developed their relationship at almost the speed of light. What bonded them together was the pregnancy Paige had with their first child. A little girl both would name Elizabeth, she was both on the eve of the end of the war with the Dominion and the Helios came through the battles of Getha and Cardassia almost unscathed. A short time later Paige became pregnant again with a son this time. Savannah was there to help the woman who had become her mother with her issues and her infant siblings with their concerns. He served here from 2374 as this new ship was commissioned as he reconnected with the family that he had estranged years earlier, he was able to repair his relationship with his cousin and then he found out that his mother was still in Starfleet, assigned to Starbase 156 He would assume she had died during the war as he didn't hear from her whatsoever and their reunion was a massive shock to him as her hand collided with the back of his head during Paige and Keyan having dinner in the lounge. Julia had meant it as a joke but Keyan found himself regarding his mother with a murderous look in his eyes. Paige quickly reached across the table stopped her husband from melting down right then and there. All the while, she was giving the older woman a look of murder herself. Julia's reunion with her son was fraught with issues and problems. many of them were her own fault. Paige asked her husband to try to reconcile with his mother. Keyan decided to accede to his wife's request and thus he asked his uncle, Paul Antilles to request that Relentless's homeport be assigned to Starbase 156. The significance of this was not lost on Paul Antilles who instantly agreed to the request. Keyan got his chance to reconnect with his mother and the two were able to sort out their issues and differences but it took a lot of effort and a lot of work from them both. Keyan requested assignment to the USS Ark Royal in 2380 but he was refused as he went on vacation to visit his mother but he did not expect to find his spouse serving here, so he stuck in a request to be assigned here. Much to his surprise and anger, he was refused because his mother was also serving here. Keyan and Paige maintained their relationship over a long distance but things improved between then when Keyan's second request to go over to the USS Ark Royal was approved. The reunion between Keyan and Paige saw her become pregnant with Valerie. That was when Paige said that this would be their last child. Keyan was only too happy to comply. He served here as the ship's Wing Commander for over three years and he was content to remain here, with his wife and children by his side by Vice Admiral Tohas Falannar selected him to command the USS Antarctica as Paige was offered the chance to command the Ark Royal. Keyan decided not to be in his wife's way so he accepted, she did too and ever since that day, he has remained in command of the USS Antarctica, he knew that her days were numbered and so it was that she was decommissioned in mid-2393 before going in to be refitted for Home Fleet service before being sent to join the Caitian Military as one of their warships. Keyan knew that he needed to move on with his next assignment, one that command wasted no time presenting him with his next command. In October of 2393, he was offered command of the new USS Antarctica, a Guardian-class starship and Keyan accepted. |
Service Record | Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL 2367 to 2371 - Operations Student / Conn Student Cadet One - Four USS Dragon - Nebula Class 2371 to 2374 - Starfighter Pilot - Section leader Ensign / Lieutenant JG USS Helios - Nebula Class 2374 to 2378 - Starfighter Pilot - Section Lead / Squadron Commander Lieutenant JG / Lieutenant USS Relentless - Pathfinder I/II Class 2378 to 2382 - Starfighter Pilot - Squadron / Wing Commander Lt Commander / Commander USS Ark Royal - Galaxy Class 2382 to 2385 - Starfighter Pilot - Wing Commander / Executive Officer Commander USS Antarctica - Pathfinder II Class 2385 to 2393 - Commanding Officer Captain USS Antarctica - Guardian Class 2393 to Present - 92nd Fleet - Division Two Executive Officer Commodore Dates of Promotions and Demotions: 2368 to 2372 - Cadet One - Four 2372 to 2373 - Ensign 2373 to 2375 - Lieutenant JG 2375 to 2378 - Lieutenant 2378 to 2382 - Lt Commander 2382 to 2385 - Commander 2385 to 2392 - Captain 2392 to Present - Commodore |