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Torilla Falls: Leave Out all the Rest

Posted on Thu Mar 12th, 2020 @ 3:16am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Ennis Cullen & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 86: A Hero Falls
Location: Various Locations - USS Dreamcrusher
Timeline: 1920Hrs - May 17th, 2392

Commander Tom Lasky walked into the lounge of the USS Dreamcrusher as if he was nursing an unseen injury, his eyes were unfocused and he looked downright angry before he entered the lounge, he was here because he intended to get hammered and nothing was going to stop him from completing his goal this day.

The door opened for the second time as a female human came through the door, she regarded the man in front of her. "I need a drink," she said aloud.

Lasky turned to address her but she didn't stop in time so she crashed into him, sending them both to the deck. "Why don't you watch where you're going!?" Lasky shot at the younger woman before him, not realizing who the young woman actually was.

"Figures." Savannah Yamaguchi responded. "Next time, don't stop in front of me, asshole!" she snapped at him before she swung at him. Lasky had been very well trained as she evaded Savannah's first swing and parried her second before both were interrupted by Lieutenant Kameron Yamaguchi who grabbed both of them and forcibly separated them, a loud growl in his throat. "That's Enough!" he roared at the two of them. "Ennis. You wanna help me out here?"

Lieutenant Ennis Cullen smiled as he came over. "Well this escalated quickly," he muttered to himself. "Alright. Break it up, you two." he gently pushed Lasky away from Savannah with his hands. "Easy you two... It's not worth losing your minds over."

"Yeah... Tell that to my son. How do I tell him that his mother is dead?" Lasky responded.

"How do you tell anyone, anything about Torilla Yamaguchi?" Ennis inquired bluntly.

Savannah nodded to Kameron. "I'm okay.." she commented quietly. "How did you know?"

"Elizabeth told me... Or rather I told her, I think all of the Yamaguchi's got the notice at the same time.." Kameron commented as he shifted his attention to Cullen. "Hows Rachael?"

"She's devastated. She's asleep right now and I was able to slip away, leaving the holonanny to watch her." Cullen sighed softly. "Lets .. All sit-down and have a drink together."

Kameron nodded his head. "Yeah. A great idea. I got the notice at the same time you guys all did... Considering..." as he went over to the bar. There was an officer from tactical behind the counter. "Hey. You got anything alcoholic.?"

"I shouldn't-" the bartender commented before Kameron interrupted her. "I know. I'm asking because I want to pay my respects to my mother who got killed today." he paused. "I'd like four glasses with ice and a bottle of whatever booze you have."

The young woman paused. "Okay... Let me go into the back and see what I got." before she turned and moved away. Leaving Kameron alone for a moment. He had half an idea to simply come around the counter before the woman returned with a bottle of Aldebaran whiskey in her hands. "It's twenty-three eighty-four. It's all I got... I'm sorry."

"It'll be just fine." Kameron accepted the bottle from her, while she replicated the glasses with ice. "There are four of you?"

"Yes. We'll be alright... Just we don't wish to be bothered if that's at all possible." Kameron requested. "We'll be over in the far left corner."

"Understood. I'll do my best but I'll make no promises." the young bartender responded quietly. "I'm Sorry about Captain Yamaguchi."

"So am I," Kameron answered softly. He lifted the bottle and the tray before moving back to the table where his three companions were seated, they waited in silence as Kameron sat down. He handed the bottle off to Lasky as he prepared the drinks, a foul palid malaise was hanging over the four people gathered as people noticed.

Lasky opened the bottle. "They say it's never wise to drink alone..." Lasky then poured four drinks from the bottle. He selected him by picking it up. "To Torilla. May she never be forgotten."

"Amen," Savannah responded quietly as she lifted her drink.

Cullen did the same as Kameron added. "To Mom."

The four then proceeded to toast her name, her memory and her legacy with a clanking of glasses before drinks were drained and glasses were slammed into the tabletop.

Kameron nodded. He turned to Savannah. "Hows Gabe?"

"He's devastated. I've never seen him so lost." the young woman responded. "What about Elizabeth.?"

"She's in pieces. I know she wants to handle the planning for mom's memorial service.." Kameron paused a moment. "If she can be persuaded to stop crying in the meantime," he added in a rather dry tone of voice.

"Rachael wants revenge," Cullen added. "I can imagine that Gabe is going to want to go on the rampage while he's sorting himself out."

"Oh probably," Savannah responded. "I need another drink."

Lasky poured her one. "For me, I don't know how to tell Kurt about his mother."

"Wait. That story is true?" Savannah inquired as she shifted her attention over to Lasky. "I didn't give that story enough credit." the only female among the four people present shook her head. "Gabe told me, I confess I didn't believe him."

"Yes. That story is all true." Lasky sighed softly. "I had a child with Torilla. She had issues so Elizabeth carried the child to term. Along with a lot of other problems along the way." Lasky knew he was being very gentle about it. "Yeah. That's putting it politely," Kameron added a moment later. "Like the time with Zara's mind control. Tom here kinda went overboard with mom."

"Yes. I did." Lasky responded quietly. "and I can never atone for it." Lasky sighed softly before he poured himself another drink which he then drank.

"Mom thought otherwise," Kameron responded in a quiet tone.

"Kam, you know what they say about forgiveness... Others may tell me that they have forgiven me, that's about them and not me. I can't forgive myself for what I did." Lasky sighed softly. "Torilla thought I was being too hard on myself. She even offered to trade me for Javier Morales. So I'd become her exec."

"Wow. I had no idea." Savannah responded.

"It's not something I talk about. The only reason it didn't happen was that of the war." he paused. "Had we had more time. I would have been serving as Exec of the Courageous rather than Morales."

Cullen listened as he smiled. "What matters is what we do with the time we have," he responded. "If one wishes they had more time then that begs the question. Was the time I had, wasted?"

Lasky paused. "No. Torilla's time wasn't wasted and her legacy won't be either. She and Elizabeth sacrificed so my son would know life. I intend to see to it that Kurt knows who his mother was and the legacy she left behind."

"Nice," Kameron responded. "Can't go wrong with that," he added.

"I think mom would have liked that," Savannah added a moment later before Cullen poured himself another drink. "To Torilla's memory. May it last forever... Hey, cheesy, I know.. but it's the thought that counts.. right?" he asked the gathering.

"Aye," Lasky responded in a soft tone while he raised his glass before the four of them clanked their glasses together and downed the contents of their glasses in silence.


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