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Understanding is a Three Edged Sword: Round Three

Posted on Tue Mar 10th, 2020 @ 6:29am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Lieutenant Commander Mav'a Tiris

Mission: Mission 82: It Is War’s Prize to Take All Vantage.
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke / USS Spirit of Winter
Timeline: 1830Hrs - April 21st, 2392

Commander Tom Lasky was sitting in his usual chair with a soft sigh on his lips. "You know something Teval... I'd also suspect you allowed Varkon to go... Had you told me that this was his work? I'd believe you but... Jorge Hular... Now I didn't see him losing the bubble-like this.." he sighed. "Torilla Yamaguchi. I can see her losing her shit like this. Especially if provoked..." Lasky paused a moment. "Gabriel and Elizabeth are both maybes... Gabriel could however.. Especially if one threatens or tries to rape Savannah or harm his children. Then he regresses right back to the caveman stage." he breathed out and then back in again. "Elizabeth wouldn't resort to this level of ferocity, she'd just mind-rape them instead. Kam doesn't have this level of strength and neither does Rachael." he sighed. "Neban, however, I can see doing this, especially if one tries to rape or succeeds at raping Ezas.." he shook his head. "But Jorge Hular... I mean this. Something truly had to piss this man off to produce this level of an epic beating." he slapped the PADD down on the deck before he sent it across the table with a gentle sweep of his hand so it stopped right as it reached Teval.

Teval looked over the PADD all while passing a glance at Varkon who was in the room, then commented. "Well, it was a child being raped by this fat Klingon slob. According to Renhai though the man begged pathetically for his life." He then moved on to their business," However regarding this, the battlegroup is now tasked to have its security details help clear these Klingon ships of these slaves."

Teval looked at Varkon first. "Varkon, with the potential for more armored suits, they are going to need your help, I'll get some Velkuri grade energy shields for you as well."

Varkon nodded. "Alright will do."

Teval then looked at Lasky, pulled out his sidearm, which was a combine energy pistol/energy blade similar to Renhai's, and then he slid the weapon over to Lasky, saying. "If you want to join these away teams, I won't stop you, I'll also give you an Akurian Armored vest with an energy shield system, in fact, I'll be getting a bunch of those for all our security staff that will be doing this boarding action."

"That sounds good to me... Considering how many of these ships we will be boarding." Lasky responded. "We can detail more people to handle matters."

Teval nodded. "Also if you want any volunteers, don't be afraid to ask the departments, but we can't have too many people volunteering at once, we still need people to run the ship."

"Yes. we do.. and considering the level of battle damage the ships in our group are taking.." Lasky responded. "We could be bottled up in this system for awhile." he sighed softly. "How many more wrecks do we need to search through?" he inquired.

Teval looked over his List. "Command has ID'ed roughly 150 wrecks belonging to House Tekevek, however of those roughly half of them have either been completely demolished altogether or have lost all their atmosphere meaning no one on them could still possibly be alive. However, this is mostly the smaller ships. About 80 of Tekevek's ships are intact enough to still hold atmospheres and surviving crews, but on roughly 70% of them, we have been able to simply locate the Ferasians using our sensors and beam them out. However, there are 23 wrecks that we need to board and investigate due to the presence of intact transport inhibitors. Fortunately, we have not found any known slaves on any of the non-Tekevek ships. However keep in mind, that the ones that we need to investigate are generally the larger ships of at least Vorcha size or bigger."

Lasky processed the information he was being told. "So. Sweeping twenty-three wreaks... shouldn't be hard to worry about.. minus the booby traps and plus the slave rescues," he commented. "We could use more supplies and some weapons. We have that ... unusual armory."

"And we aren't the only battle group tasked to clear these wrecks," Teval explained. "Either way, since you are going, the security chiefs will be meeting up in 15 minutes to discuss their plan of action, I suggest you attend."

"Okay. I'll attend the meeting. I am sure it'll be interesting." Lasky sighed. "I'm not used to these twelve-hour shifts anymore... I've gotten soft.," he muttered. "Aww well. Where is the meeting anyway?"

"It will be held on Dreamcrusher," Teval answered.

"I'll be there," Lasky responded. "After I have a large cup of coffee," he added, he turned and replicated the drink in question. "Ever since we were deployed out here. I've drunk more coffee in the last week than I have in the previous six months." he sighed. "So... anything else we need to discuss before I head off to the meeting?" he inquired as he took the drink and drained the entire mug in one smooth motion. "Whoever has been programming these replicators has been doing a heck of a job.. this coffee is great."

Lasky then drained the entire contents of the mug in one go. "So.. Anything else we need to discuss before I head to the meeting on the Dreamcrusher?" he inquired of Teval.

Teval shook his fluffy head. "No, I have nothing else to add."

"Right. I'd best get going then." Lasky responded before he rose to his feet, he collected the weapon in question. "Interesting design. I'll figure it out later." and with that, he departed.

Ten minutes later, he entered the room where the meeting was to take place before he found a seat among the other security personnel assembled. "Hey, guys."

Lieutenant Mav'a Tiris regarded him. "Commander. We were about to start."

"Good. I'm not late then... I hate being late..." Lasky responded. "Alright then." he looked around. "You can start whenever you're ready Lieutenant." he addressed the briefing officer.

"Yes, Commander. Now We will be sweeping these twenty-three wreaks for any survivors, so we'll be taking prisoners. Now we can expect the usual hassle in regards to the Klingons from House Tekevek, we expect all sorts of nasty surprises from child abuse to suicide bombs and the like from these bastards." the Lieutenant explained. "All of these ships are a right mix of everything from Frigate up to Heavy Cruiser but most of the designs are generally of older vintages." he paused. "We will be sweeping these wrecks, two at a time until they are all finished." he paused. "We will sweep them in twenty-four man units, if anyone comes under fire, we will respond with another forty marines that will be placed on standby in case of trouble."

"What of prisoners?" Lasky inquired

"Those will be sent to a holding facility here on the Dreamcrusher, all of them will be stored together and will be dealt with together." the officer explained. "If there is an uprising, we can simply open the door and blow them all out into space. Simple."

"Works for me," Nasao commented lightly.

"Efficient," Lasky responded. "When do we go?"

"As soon as everyone is ready, we need to start right away."

"Alright. Are there any questions?" Lasky inquired.

There was silence. A moment went by before the briefing officer nodded. "Alright. Your team leaders already have the assignments. Dismissed everyone." With that said, everyone rose to their feet and departed in silence.


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