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Resurrection - Part One

Posted on Mon Mar 9th, 2020 @ 7:31am by Franklin Armstrong & Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 60: Atlas Falls
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1800Hrs Local Time - April 10th, 2392

The Yamaguchi quarters on Starbase 12 were always a lively place at the best of times so at the present time with all of the children around, including Raymond Durden.

It was dinner time and Franklin was busy placing a large bowl of french fries on the table as the com system beeped. "Operations to Admiral Armstrong?" came the unexpected and unwelcome interruption.

Franklin sighed softly. "I'll be right back." as he rose to his feet. "Be good kids.. Daddy will be right back.." as he gently rubbed Raymond's shoulder. Franklin was worried about him so he made an extra special effort with the oldest child to make him feel included, wanted and loved. "Hopefully nothing bad has happened." as he walked into the next room.

Franklin sighed. "It never ends... At times I wish April would call it a career.. She's always holding someone's hand." he growled softly, almost under his breathe. "

"But thats what makes mom great... She gives with no thought of reward." Raymond said evenly. Knowing that Franklin was still inside earshot.

"Aye Raymond. That she is." Both Franklin and April went to great lengths to avoid referring to Raymond as 'their son' as he was not their flesh and blood, plus they didn't want to piss him off as he was still mourning the loss of Quick Shot. Franklin and James were old friends and James Durden knew how dangerous his job was so he had made arrangements to ensure that Raymond would be well taken care of, as Franklin would take him in.

Thus far over the last several months, the arrangement had worked well for everyone concerned but what had really helped was that Raymond knew who April and Franklin both were so he didn't need to worry about things. Raymond was still getting to know April's other children who were now suddenly his siblings, what was even better was that they all liked him as they tended to be very pen with what they wanted and expected from him, he was the same with them. It also helped that Raymond got along well with Kris and Paige. April's eldest two children.

Meanwhile. Franklin was sitting down in the den, he spun the chair once before he settled in behind her desk. "You wanted me Sildra, why do you pester me at the dinner table?" he inquired of the petite Bolian female displayed on the screen before him.

Sildra Vaxx-Warfield looked at him, clearly this was anything other then a courtesy call. "Franklin. That Borg cube we captured two days ago has yielded some results, including two critical items.. One of which is a backup of the Borg's entire database.. but the second and the most critical... is that we have been able to liberate a Borg Queen."

"A Queen... How?" Armstrong was shocked, to his knowledge this had never been done before by anyone.

"I don't know, they won't say.... but I was told the identify of this particular Queen" Vaxx-Warfield explained.

"Wait... How did you identify a Borg Queen..." Armstrong regarded her with a curious expression written on his face.

"Thats simple Franklin... She is your wife's mother.. " Vaxx-Warfield supplied the answer.

"Commander Rachael Yamaguchi is dead... she died at-" Armstrong was going to deny it.

"I know she is listed as deceased.." Sildra Vaxx-Warfield interrupted as she raised a hand to silence Franklin which was technically a major act of insubordination. "Franklin... I got a notice from the Federation presence at B Kayor that your wife's mother was rescued from the Borg two days ago."

Franklin regarded Sildra as she processed this news. "Well...Okay.." she said the two words quietly. "I'd best contact April and see how shes doing... Then I can let the kids know that they have their grandmother back.."

"Sounds good to me. Give April my regards please.." The Bolian smiled gently. "I hope she takes this news well.... I know I wouldn't.."

"I will. Thanks for letting me know Sildra." Armstrong answered with a soft sigh.

"No worries, Ops out." and with that the display went black. Franklin tapped the display once before the message that was being connected, had the Federation great seal on his display before the face of his wife appeared. April looked tired and her face looked puffy, clearly she had been crying. "Hey.. I just heard... How you doing?" Armstrong inquired of his wife and mother to his children.

"I'm okay... Its been a lot to process.. But... How do I tell my mother I wrote her off long ago and then I find out I was wrong?" April inquired.

"You weren't 'wrong' April... You saw that she was gone, taken by the Borg but we didn't have a body so she could have survived somehow... Only that she never came home and In time you learned to cope with it.. You moved on... and she'll understand that... At least I hope so." Armstrong explained diplomatically.

"But Jake never let go.." April sighed softly.

"But thats Jake... We all cope with pain differently and Jake was very close to his mother.. More so then you were as you were more independent then Jake was as you were older then your brother." Armstrong explained with a soft smile.

"I know.. but still.." April sighed. "I gave up on her..." the oldest Yamaguchi answered softly.

"What could you have done... Wife of mine..?" Franklin responded. "You did the right thing at the right time... Anyone would understand why... You couldn't have done anything had you been there at the time... You've have gotten killed or assimilated too." Franklin smiled. "But hey, at least she's back with family again.." April's husband added with a gentle smile.

"But she's a Queen... I can only imagine the damage they did to her."

"Then we will remove the Borg crap and heal her body.." Franklin responded with a smile. "Besides.. the kids will be overjoyed to know they have a grandmother and.. I'd like to meet my new mother in law.."

"I'll arrange it... after she gets de-assimilated... but that is... taking awhile. Considering what the Borg have done to her." April sighed softly.

"How bad is it?" Armstrong inquired bluntly before he could change his mind on the subject.

"Well from I've seen... she's have some very serious augmentation work done to her. She used to be a tactical drone... Until four days ago when the Royal Protocol kicked in and elevated her to the status of Queen so she hasn't had body parts ripped out or something."

"That can only be good news.." Franklin smiled at his wife. "Right?"

"I dunno... I just have a bad feeling... Like this is too good to be true."

"April. no matter what her state, she is still your mother and a victim of the Borg... Welcome her home and let her spend time with her kids, grandkids and great grandkids." Franklin smiled. "We can worry about the why she is here at another time." he explained with a gentle smile.

"Yeah... Now that is the best idea I've heard in awhile." Yamaguchi answered. "Now I'd best go call Jake and my other siblings... Let them know their mom is alive.... I love you."

"I know." Armstrong responded with a smile. "I'll talk to you later, go before I start hitting on you and telling you how much I want to fuck you."

Yamaguchi smiled. "You are such a tease.." the tallest Yamaguchi answered. "I gotta go." and with that, the screen went black.


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