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Fri Feb 28th, 2025 @ 6:35pm

Franklin Armstrong

Name Franklin Armstrong

Position Federation Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 50
Birthdate December 19th, 2343
Birthplace Cairo - Earth, SOL

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1
Weight 240lbs
Hair Color dark blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Franklin is large and muscular, he can be quite intimidating as nobody messes with this living, breathing death threat.
One only needs to mention his wife or family and he smiles and to anger him, one only needs to threaten his wife or children.


Spouse Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi - CO Starfleet Forces, Beta Quadrant
Children Natural Born Children:
Paige Yamaguchi - Twins
Kris Yamaguchi - Twins
Kimora Yamaguchi - Twins
Torilla Yamaguchi - Twins
Daniel Yamaguchi
Braden Yamaguchi - Twins
Haiyan Yamaguchi - Twins

Achasa Yamaguchi
Raymond Durden - Quick Shots only son.
Father James Armstrong - Deceased
Mother Fiona Armstrong - Deceased
Brother(s) Nathan Armstrong - High School Teacher
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many Others scattered around.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Franklin Armstrong is a generally likable man, who frequently smiles, he's noted for his sense of humor as well as his command style because he could be accused of being reakless at times, though he does cares about his crew most of all, and would stop short of nothing to keep the people under his command safe. He's something of an idealist, despite all he's been through. He still believes that all the universe is waiting on is the right people to come along and set things right. Armstrong realizes he can't do that all by himself... but he'll do what he must.

He also has a voracious appetite for knowledge-- and can often be seen reading the latest dispatches from the Federation News Service, and anything else he can get his hands on but that doesn't make him a bookworm. Armstrong was very active as a teen, and later at the Academy. he was on the High School Football team along with the Academy Football team later on. Armstrong is very easy going, and the way he deals with you depends on the way you deal with him.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: He's always thirsty for knowledge, he's laid back and easygoing. He loves his wife and family very much.

Weaknesses: he can be easily provoked and distracted
Ambitions This is a guy who's happy with life.
Hobbies & Interests Cooking, Singing, Painting, Various Sports, Reading, Listing to Music, Keeping up with the newest Starship and Technical designs, Flying

Personal History Franklin Armstrong was born in the early hours of May 9th, 2343 to an older couple named James and Fiona Armstrong, they were living in Cairo as doctors in civilian life, nowhere near Starfleet but as time went by, his parents tried to keep him away from Starfleet and to chase a civilian career.

Armstrong's childhood was relativity uneventful until his family moved to the flat farmlands just north of Kingston Upon Hull, in Great Britain. This was where his folks bought a couple of Farms that were for sale so Armstrong learned how to do everything himself from watering the plants his mother kept in the front yard to fixing the three family tractors to maintaining the family hover-car.

When he was 16, his uncle purchased a Hover-bike for him and Armstrong suddenly had the freedom now that he'd never had before so he began spending less and less time at the family farm because he felt his parents were too restrictive.

His one brother named Nathan Armstrong respected his parents wishes, he graduated school with honors and went to become a teacher at the local college but Franklin Armstrong wanted something more so he went and submitted an application for Starfleet Academy without his parents consent and in the fall of 2364, he was accepted as a student in combat tactics and security, Starship Operations was his minor and he went through the academy during the Borg first contact, where the Borg terrified and frightened his classmates, Armstrong was fascinated by them so he sought all the information that Starfleet had on the Borg which sadly in 2365 was very little.

He resumed his regular studies until the Battle of Wolf 359 when he told to prepare to go on active duty in the defense of Earth against the Borg threat, he began to prepare some tactics along with other members of his class that he'd hoped would help against the Borg Cube, this was also where he met Lieutenant Paul Antilles as well as his sister Julia Antilles who was assigned to the Academy as an Instructor partly so she could raise her son but also partly because she was an excellent teacher.

Armstrong earned the Grankite order of tactics because he was part of the Tactical class of 2366 and so after an uneventful time at the academy, he graduated 5th in his class and was assigned to the USS Nelson as a security officer for two years where he became bored with the infrequent assignments but he earned a promotion to Lt jg.

This earned him his next and the assignment he misses, he was stationed to Starbase Deep Space Nine under the leadership of Commander and later Captain Sisko, he enjoyed his time on the station immensely but his true reason for missing the assignment later on was the Defiant, he thought of her as the ultimate Battleship, she was small but she had teeth.

"She's a tough little ship, ugly and she has a serious attitude problem but she has pulse phasers, Quantum Torpedoes and ablative armor... my kind of girl" Lt Franklin Armstrong when he first laid eyes on the Defiant.

Armstrong was frequently assigned to exploration missions as well as the usual missions the Defiant was assigned to, during a rather tense situation aboard the Defiant when she was trapped in the atmosphere of a Class J Gas Giant in the Gamma Quadrant, he was trapped in a turbolift with Ensign Kathryn Lang, the two became fast friends, after they returned to the station, he was assigned to Engineering to assist with the repairs.

Armstrong spent the next eighteen months watching the situation with the Klingons deteriorate and then the Cardassian Union joined the Dominion, once this happened, Armstrong realized that war was coming and soon he would be on the front lines, it was now just a matter of time but before the Federation was forced to leave DS9, he was transferred over to the USS Peerless at the beginning of the Dominion War. Ensign Lang followed him and together they got married in the chaos of the war.

The Peerless was assigned mostly to convoy duty but she participated in many of the battles that defined the Dominion War but somehow the ship always seemed to get lucky and come back intact where hundreds of other ships were either destroyed or severally damaged during the war's many battles. He also earned a handful of commendations, two medals and a Promotion to Lieutenant over the course of the war.

After Starfleet was victorious in the Dominion War, Armstrong and his new family were all transferred over to the USS Ticonderoga after Armstrong called in a few favors he was owed, he served here throughout the Gateway Crisis as well as all of the other incidents in the late 2370's ending with the Shinzon and Tezwa incidents. He suddenly found himself moving over to the USS Konev with a promotion to Lt Commander and second officer as well as the duties he already had.

While serving on the USS Konev this would be later recalled as his most challenging posting yet as well as the most painful because his wife would go missing on an away team and she would be declared as MIA, Missing in Action but everyone thought she was dead, this left Franklin alone.

Armstrong earned a promotion to full Commander when he accepted the position of Executive Officer aboard the USS Konev. For four months, the Konev was on a border patrol near Breen space when the ship was attacked, and the Captain was killed. In the following engagement - Armstrong's first actually commanding a vessel - the Konev successfully destroyed both it's Breen attackers. The ship suffered heavy damage, and was dry-docked for six months, her crew reassigned. After only four months as Konev's Executive Officer - a time far too short to some detractors in Starfleet Command - he was promoted to Captain and granted command of the USS Konev. Despite some small reservations of his own, Armstrong accepted the promotion to command the old ship for another six months after she was repaired.

it was around this time when he ran into an old friend, April Yamaguchi and the two started quietly seeing each other, dating when time permitted amid their busy lives.

Things would change for all concerned in early April of 2382 when Armstrong was asked to assume command of the USS Relentless, replacing Vice Admiral Paul Antilles when he was transferred to the USS Pathfinder, it was with some reluctance that he assumed command of this ship, after rebuilding the crew of the Konev, only to turn her over to someone else annoyed him as he felt he had been cheated

So in early 2384, he got command of the newly commissioned USS Apollo, she was a brand new Galaxy-class ship, when she was commissioned, the Captain labeled her as a Lemon, his own words were "She was right off the assembly line, half her systems weren't finished and the other half weren't working" a month later as he and her crew shook her down, he wanted malcontents and misfits on his ship but not screw-ups and he found himself getting too many.

After whipping them into shape, he found that he had a very good crew on his hands as he remained in command of the USS Apollo, even while being married to April Yamaguchi. He stuck in a request to have his ship home-ported at Starbase 24, a request that was approved, he could be close to his wife and their growing family.

In 2387, he was asked to transfer from the USS Apollo and shakedown the USS Concordia, a newly commissioned Sovereign class ship with the newest tech one could stuff into her frame, surprised by the request, he accepted and together with Starfleet Command, they promoted his Exec to Captain and gave her permanent command of the USS Apollo.

Other than that, he remained home-ported from Starbase 24 while the Apollo was redeployed elsewhere.

In 2390. Franklin was promoted to Rear Admiral and asked to take over as Exec of the Twentieth Fleet as Vice Admiral Kimora Reeves had replaced April as commander of the Twentieth. The posting also came with a new ship, the USS Castellan.

When he had moved onto the base, so now Franklin had to make do with a Prometheus class starship to hold his flag as various people felt that a Sovereign was a waste. Franklin, however, was not overly concerned about the matter as he felt that a Prometheus too was a waste of a ship to be tied up to the dock, he would have settled for a Sabre or a Defiant, he took this to Kimora Reeves and she said she'd look into the matter for him.

However, during the Starfleet Military Reorganization Act of 2391, his rank was moved from Rear Admiral to Division Admiral. It was not a demotion as it was simply an adjustment as he was promoted around the same time. Armstrong then requested assignment to Starbase 12 as April's chief of staff, the request was accepted.

For two years, Armstrong served here before he was offered the command of Starbase One oh Five which would become the base for Commanding Officer, Starfleet Forces Second Command. Armstrong only accepted when he found out it would be his wife serving in that post.

Armstrong realized about this time that he greatly prefered serving on Starbases rather than being out in the field. He relished the assignment to work with his wife to help her with her command issues. When she was promoted to become head of Starfleet Operations. He retired to become a full time stay at home dad so April could focus on matters of state before her.
Service Record Starfleet Academy - Earth, SOL
2364 to 2368 - Tactical and Security Student
Cadet One - Four

USS Nelson - Akira Class
2368 to 2370 - Tactical and Security Officer
Ensign / Lieutenant JG

Starbase Deep Space Nine - Nor Class
USS Defiant - Defiant Class
2370 - 2374 - Tactical and Security Officer
Lieutenant JG / Lt Commander

USS Peerless - Galaxy Class
2374 to 2376 - Chief Tactical and Security Officer / Executive Officer
Lt Commander

USS Ticonderoga - Akira Class
2376 - 2379 - Executive Officer

USS Konev - Excelsior Class
2379 to 2379 - Executive Officer

USS Konev - Excelsior Class
2379 - 2382 - Commanding Officer

USS Relentless - Pathfinder II Class
2382 - 2384 - Commanding Officer

USS Apollo - Galaxy Class
2384 to 2387 - Commanding Officer
Captain / Commodore

USS Concordia - Sovereign II Class
2387 to 2390 - Commanding Officer
Captain / Commodore

Starbase 12 - Ournal II/III Class
2390 to 2392 Day - Chief of Staff Officer
Commodore / Division Admiral

Starbase 105 - Ournal II/III Class
2392 to Present - Commanding Officer
Rear Admiral

Earth, SOL - Federation Space
2393 to Present to 2368 - Chef
No Rank / Retired

Dates of Promotions and Demotions:
2364 to 2368 - Cadet One - Four
2368 to 2369 - Ensign
2369 to 2371 - Lieutenant JG
2371 to 2373 - Lieutenant
2373 to 2376 - Lt Commander
2376 to 2379 - Commander
2379 to 2386 - Captain
2386 to 2389 - Commodore
2389 to 2392 - Division Admiral
2392 to 2393 - Rear Admiral
2393 to Present - Retired