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Redshirts Strike Again

Posted on Sat Mar 7th, 2020 @ 3:26am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant Colonel John "Hammer" Burgoyne & Commander Pava Sh'Andoo & Commander Rachael Falanner & Lieutenant Garry Smithson & Colonel Thel "Arbiter" Vadam'ee

Mission: Mission 72: T'Would Ring the Bells of Heaven
Location: Various Locations - USS Courageous
Timeline: 0800Hrs - March 25th, 2392

Bae Lajosse, with his massive bulk waddled into Courageous engineering section, despite being a fighter corps technician, he somehow got assigned the engineering section instead. Not being the one to ask too many questions or to even think at all, helped by the fact that he was drunk, he entered Engineering and announced his presence by tripping on his feet and landing on a chair, breaking it with a loud snap.

Lt Commander Rachael Falanner skidded to a halt as she regarded the downed person before her. "Well... this is...going to be ... educational." she let out a soft sigh as her mind went to her wife. Lieutenant Hae Min Lee who was presently in sickbay. "I won't be home in time for dinner." as she gently tapped the being with her foot. "Uhh.. hello?" she inquired. "Are you dead?"

Bae Lajosse clumsily picked himself up, trying to avoid slurring his speech. "Yes, I OK. Imm suppose to be here in engineering now."

Falannar looked unconvinced as she regarded him, her pale blue eyes betraying nothing other then her own apprehension. "But you are in a fighter corps uniform..." she sighed. "Vadam'ee..." she muttered his name.

Bae didn't say anything else, he just gave her a blank stare.

"Why are you here!?" Falannar growled softly as she glared at him. "I have a hundred things to do and you.. are not on my list.." she turned to one of her guys. "Who is this fat slob?"

"I have no idea sir.... I'll go look into it." Lieutenant Fred Hammers responded.

Falanner turned back to the massive man before her. "So... Wait.. have you been drinking?"

Bae shook his head trying to deny his drunkenness. "No, No, I didn't have anything to drink. I sober."

Falanner raised an eyebrow. "You stink of booze.." she paused as she slapped her combadge. "Falanner to Vadam'ee... Colonel. Could you come down here please?.... I... I'd appreciate it..."

"I am on my way." there was a soft rumble in his voice.

Bae then, without warning, stumbled and his arm hit one of the engineering console, prompting the computer to announce," Fire detected in Engineering compartments, engaging fire suppression system. Warning, warp core breach imminent, warning."

Falannar blinked in surprise. "What the hell!" she called loudly as the rain began to fall. "I am going... to hurt.. you." she commented. "Computer. shut down the warp core.."

"Unable to comply."

"Excuse me!" Falanner yelled. "Everyone out... computer.. eject the core.. authorization Falannar Alpha One Nine-Uhh." she commented before someone ran her over from behind.

Bae Lajosse had ran right into Rachael, and ended up falling to the ground, breaking his nose as he face planted into the deck.

Meanwhile Kosdump mitch, James Bremer, Brianard Pertard, Brikrapa Perfraudulence, and Fap Labrosse, panicked and dived into the nearest escape pod. Fap Labrosse then started frantically hitting every button on the control panel and somehow managed to cause every escape pod on the ship to launch including their own.

Meanwhile up on the bridge. There was organized chaos reigning as Captain Torilla Yamaguchi was soaked, so was everyone else thanks to the fire suppression system. "Status?" she called.

Morales turned his head. "Engineering is reporting a warp core breach but the computer is saying that the core is fine." he reported.

"Sir. All our escape pods have been launched!"

"Lovely.." Yamaguchi responded. "Pava, start recovering our escape pods.. and someone shut off that alarm system." as Pava Sh'Ando turned. "Captain, we are being hailed."

"Put them up.."

Ryuukei, whom was on the Ryazar's shield, parked near the Courageous commented. "Ryazar's Shield to Courageous, are you in need of assistance, since all your escape pods are launching."

Yamaguchi sighed. "We're having a problem in Engineering... Could you help us in rounding up our escape pods... While we try to put the fire out." she felt so stupid for saying it because she didn't know what was wrong and it hit her all at once that her ship was having problems and she got angry. "Please Ryuukei... I'm going down to engineering so I can hurt someone." before Torilla stomped off of her bridge. "Javier. you got the bridge!"

Ryuukei acknowledged and started recovering escape pods. However it didn't take long for the crew to report that all the pods where empty, save for one.

Arukiyo Okava and Arumi where busy investigating the one pod that showed life signs and they opened the pod, only to find five very frightened junior ranking starfleet personnel. Talon Yamaguchi was standing in the background. Fap and Brikrapa where the first to stop being frightened as they saw the two Akurians. Arumi then turned to talon to ask what to do with them but then suddenly, Fap grabbed Arumi and pulled her into the escape pod, and Brikrapa also grabbed her when she came into reach.

A loud hiss came out of the escape pod and loud screaming as Arumi began to indiscriminately claw everyone and everything in reach. With Fap and Brikrapa taking the brunt of the abuse. James bremer tried subduing the enraged Kurokuri by wrapping his arm around her neck, and she responded by biting his arm, deep enough for blood to spray out.

Talon watched in stunned disbelief as she watched the event play out as Bremer let go of Arumi as he began wailing, blood gushing forward from his wounds. She thought of this entire event as hilariously funny as the one small Kurokuri dismantled her opposition but she watched, just in case she was needed to step in.

Arukiyo was not quite as restrained, as soon as Arumi managed to free herself, she bolted out of the escape pod, and Arukiyo drew her sidearm and pointed it at all of them," Alright, you all are going to stay right there. Talon, if you don't mind, contact the Courageous and send these fools back."

Talon watched in silence. "Yeah. Consider it handled." she responded as she tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Courageous... Torilla?"

"Yeah Talon. I'm here.. whats up?"

"Well we recovered your... beachballs... Could you beam them back before my guys kill them?" Talon inquired.

"Yeah... Let me get my guys on it. Courageous out."

Talon regarded the small Kurokuri as she held her sidearm before her, pointing them at the five idiots, all of whom were splattered with a lot of blood from themselves and from each other, moments later they dematerialized as the Courageous beamed the five people away.

Talon sighed. "Hey Arumi... You okay?.... Need a hug?"

Arumi was still breathing heavily and her fur was puffed up, but she finally calmed herself somewhat, then she examined her tail. "Ow, my poor tail."

Talon smiled as she gently ran her fingers through Arumi's fur on her head. "Well don't worry about it..."

Arumi looked at her hands, noticing they where covered in blood, and then sighed," And now I need to go wash my hands."

Meanwhile on the Courageous, the five crewman and marines where on the ground crying, moaning and screaming. Brikrapa and Fap by far had the worst injuries, deep claw cuts into their faces and arms, and James bremer had the bite in his arm. However Brianard and Kosdump by far had the lightest injuries, and yet, Brianard, with only a few scratches to the nose, wailed the loudest.

The transporter chief sighed softly. "Transporter room six to-" the door opened as Torilla Yamaguchi walked through the door, followed by John Burgoyne close behind her.

Yamaguchi regarded the scene before her. "What happened to these clowns?"

Meanwhile Ryuukei hailed Courageous asking for Torilla, having just heard about the incident with his sister. "Torilla, mind telling me why those random crewman of yours decided to grab and pull my sister's tail."

One of Torilla's crewmates opened their mouths and then promptly closed it again while Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow, gently tapped her combadge. "I have no idea Ryuukei. I will look into this matter and get back to you." as she shifted her attention to the fat blobs before her. "Attention on deck.."

The fat slobs all slowly heaved themselves to their feet. "So.. Whats this about grabbing someone's tail?" she demanded. "You want to explain to me why I should not turn you over to the Akurians so you can answer to them?"

James Bremer switched from complaining to his usual self," If I ever get my hands on that mangy house-cat, I'll break her little neck."

"Silence." Yamaguchi growled softly, there was no mistaking her anger. "John. I will leave the marines to you.." she growled before she paused a moment. "On second thought John, would you mind disciplining all of these fools?"

Burgoyne regarded Bremer. "I heard about you from others... I thought they were lying to me... I see they were right... You are an animal so I will treat you as such."

Kosdumph mitch and Brianard Pertard where the only two starfleet present and they went to follow Torilla, albeit slowly and still complaining.

Yamaguchi turned, a baleful look in her eyes. "SILENCE!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs. "You will cease your prattle and be silent!" she added a moment later. "Or else!" she turned to Burgoyne. "John?. I leave these your capable hands.

"Thank you skipper...I'll handle these... things.."

With that Yamaguchi turned and left, seething with rage as Burgoyne glared at his charges. "Listen carefully to me... turds... for I will say this... but once.. You will become the most superfly shitheads on this ship or I will cram my boot up your asses and wear you all as fucking SHOES!"

Bremer said something as Burgoyne smiled. "This is a biblical king of DOOM!"

James bremer started," Goddammit, I'm dying of infection here, why haven't you assholes brought a medic."

Burgoyne sighed before he clenched his fist before he smashed it into Bremer's face. "I do not give you leave to speak!" he growled. "Now stand at attention... you are not doing anything other then bleed... and you Bremer are an insult to the corps and everything I believe in."

Bremer spat at him, "You better send for a medic now, or ill rape your wife, providing that your ugly ass even has one, and she will like it too."

Burgoyne suddenly smiled as the transporter chief had a very unplesent thought about what was coming. Burgoyne suddenly hauled the marine to him. "You want a piece of me!" and with then Burgoyne headbutted the Bastard of Bremer with violent force before he hauled off and layed the other man out. He tapped his combadge. "Burgoyne to security, please send someone to transporter room two."

Smithson's voice came back. "They are on their way Colonel."

Kosdumph mitch looked down at James Bremer, commenting," Ha' serves you right." she then proceeded to kick him while he was on the ground, then she spat on his face.

Burgoyne stepped aside as the crewman apprentice gave her opinion of what Bremer had said and what Burgoyne had done, moments later Smithson came through the door. "You called for me Colonel?"

"I did.. I'd like to press charges against Private Bremer for threatening behavior and intent to carry out same." he commented. "The computer will have recorded everything in here for the last ten minutes so the evidence will be there."

Smithson didn't even react to the statement from Burgoyne. "I'll need your statement but you can drop by security and give it to me later." as he reached down and hauled Bremer to his feet. "Lets go... I gonna give you. the best cell in the house..."

"Thank you. Lieutenant. My wife and I, thank you." Burgoyne added.

"Not a worry sir." and with that Smithson was gone, out the door with Bremer being arrested. Burgoyne turned back to the other assorted losers before him. "So... All of you are now facing an assault charge for what just happened.. Now until I have concrete information on who was and was not involved... You guys are all confined to your quarters until further notice..." he sighed. "Cadet, what do you have to say for yourself as this could end your career before it even starts..." he asked of cadet Pertard.

"Well then, she shouldn't have been such a bit-"

"Okay.. Thats enough." Burgoyne growled. "You're all going to the brig. Lets go." and with that he hustled them all off to the brig.


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