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A Sister Long Lost

Posted on Fri Mar 6th, 2020 @ 2:28pm by Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Post Captain Sebastian Davoust & Post Captain Miranda Ward & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Starbase 12 - Operations
Timeline: 0800Hrs - Feb 13th 2392

An Akurian Heavy Combat Patrol Vessel pulled into Starbase 12 along with an Akurian Cargo ship to pick up supplies, docking at one of the outer docking plyons. On board was Lieutenant Hamask Kazavara and two members from his squad, escorting the body of Warfields sister, whom was positively ID'ed only a few hours ago, and Hamask had the unpleasant task of bringing the news to the federation admiral. So he contacted starbase operations. "Starbase 12 this is Lieutenant Hamask Kazavara.

Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield was seated in her chair as she was looking over the paperwork for the days arrivals and departures. "Sir. we're being hailed." Captain second class Miranda Ward reported from her post.

"Put them though." Vaxx-Warfield responded. "Akurian vessel, this is Starbase 12 Operations, What can we do for you?"

Hamask didn't have a single look of joy across his face. "We need to met with Admiral Sildra Vaxx Warfield please, in our medical bay."

"Very well.. I'm... on my way." Warfield turned to Davoust who nodded. "Ops is yours Captain."

Davoust didn't miss the context of the conversation, both unspoken and spoken. "Maybe they are bringing you good news."

"I doubt it." Vaxx-Warfield responded. "I'd best go." and with that the Bolian departed. Several minutes later she reached her destination. "Okay, who wants me?" the Bolian inquired.

Hamask decided to be direct with her, "you has a sister named Merris Vaxx right."

"I did... she disappeared when I was a cadet... about twenty years or so ago.." Vaxx-Warfield responded. "Wait... you found her... is she here... is she alive?"

Hamask shook his head, then walked over to the bed where her body laid, and he lifted up the part of the blanket that was covering her head, which fortunately hadn't been butchered the way the rest of her body had been. "We found her on Tekevek's home planet what he did to her," his voice trailed off.

Sildra regarded the face of her younger sister. "Merris.." she said softly as she gently touched the younger womans face. "Tell me the bastard who did this... is dead..." she said softly. "Yknow...lie to me okay.. Just tell me the bastard is dead..." as the emotions hit her all at once, she sat down in a chair that was conveniently located nearby. "I spent years searching for her... and our would-be allies had her all along..." she paused. "My sister .... stolen... tortured and mutilated... slain and probably served as dinner... Oh yes.. I owe the Klingons much... but I confess... a part of me wants to sit back and watch... as their pathetic Empire... Burns itself to death..."

Hamask answered her question. "Well officially, he died in combat, however the reality is, one of my NCO's decided to deliver some poetic justice on Tekevek himself, He fed Tekevek, the monster responsible for putting your sister on his own dinner plate, to the local wildlife. So Tekevek had some poetic justice delivered upon him. The man whom liked to eat sentient beings, so he got fed alive to the wildlife."

Vaxx-Warfield nodded her bald head in understanding. "Tell him I send my personal thanks." she responded quietly. "If he ever drops by this starbase. I owe him dinner and a bottle of his drink of choice... assuming I have it in stock of course... and his team of troopers too." she added. "I can finally take Merris home now.... and lay her to rest under the stars she loved."

Hamask nodded then gave her a report. "This is the full report regarding your sister, but yeah apparently Tekevek kept her alive all these years, until roughly a few days to a week before we got there."

"Twenty years..." Vaxx-Warfield accepted the PADD. "Thanks... This will help mom and dad process the news that their daughter is gone... But... I think death was a mercy... After twenty years of abuse... Would there be anything left to save of her?" she asked softy, mostly of herself. "Would Merris even remember me... Or even care to remember home... or would she have known only pain.?" she paused. "At least her suffering is over..." Vaxx-Warfield said gently. "Her murderers, however... Theirs has yet to start.... and I will have my revenge on them..."

Hamask then motioned to the body. "Well either way, if you don't mind we would like to release Merriss's body to your custody."

"Very well.." Vaxx-Warfield responded softly. "I'll take her from here," Sildra responded. "I'll make arrangements to have her body enter storage before I take her home back to the snows of Kaldir." she paused. "Thanks for bringing her home to me." before she tapped her combadge and arranged for the body to be transported over to the Starbase. "Also tell the Admiral I need to speak to her as soon as possible... Its rather urgent."

Lieutenant Toby Greenfields voice came back. "Willdo Admiral. It'll be done." and with that the dead Bolian female's body was beamed away.
"Give your troops my regards... and my thanks for what they have done." Vaxx-Warfield said quietly before she quietly took her leave. She got forty feet down the hallway before her emotions fell apart altogether, as she began crying for her lost sister and her lost innocence.


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