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A Short Coffee Break

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:53am by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Calliope Pravdin-Burgoyne

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Planet Surface - B Kayor
Timeline: 1000Hrs - February 6th, 2392

The two women were seated together at a small tap-cafe where one could order something other then Caitian food on B Kayor. The larger of the two was Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Yamaguchi and the smaller was a human woman named Calliope Pravdin. The two of them had known each other since medical school and now they were reconnecting, meeting for coffee as they wanted time to themselves and away from their husbands.

Pravdin regarded the two men staring at them from across the plaza. "They've been staring at us for the last twenty minutes.." the Bajoran sighed. "I feel like I'm just a slab of meat... Are all men like this?"

"It's a cock and balls club kinda thing," Yamaguchi let her know, "They share the genetic heritage of having penises and therefore they're in love with themselves with a little left over for each other."

"You sound intimately familiar with this warped ideology," Pravdin ventured before she sipped her drink.

"Well.. let me put it this way.. Spend nine months with every single Roanoke pilot staring at your body for eight hours plus per day thinking all sorts of lovely lusty thoughts and you'll soon develop an appreciation for baggy clothing." Yamaguchi said with the barest hint of regret. "Or you'll give in and let one or two of them mate with you." she shrugged like she didn't care.

"So why was Kameron Solusar the one to steal your heart?"?" Pravdin had clearly done her own digging.

"Because Kameron was just so good at kicking ass and taking names," Yamaguchi said ruefully. "Plus he was more of a man then most of those pilots, That said however... We have had our issues."

"Aren't you glad you married him?" Pravdin grinned.

"Except I've realized sideways and sneaky can be just as effective most of the time," Yamaguchi replied. "Besides I sometimes get a perverse pleasure out of guile, stealth and subtly." the younger woman smiled. "Misdirection is always better over direct confrontation."

"Word's to live by," Pravdin concurred. "Why do Roanoke pilots act like they are sex starved. There are plenty of eligible ladies across the ships in the battlegroup as well as on the Roanoke or the Courageous alone." she paused. "Or is it that most of them are men and they think they are hard done by?"

"They have their uses," Yamaguchi demurred.

"Do they?." Pravdin inquired evenly. "Well I admit my husband is not like the average. He at least has intelligence and style.?"

""Of course not. I was giving you advice about how to approach the subject with your husband if you will recall." Yamaguchi responded. "Not that they will be bothered..."

"Indeed. Yes. Your advice was most helpful." Pravdin responded with a gentle smile.

"Still.. Its not like I have the need to worry about being sex-starved." Yamaguchi responded. "Even though I just finished having a baby not that long ago."

"Your son does well?" Pravdin inquired as she finished her drink.

"Kurt Lasky is not 'my' son." Elizabeth responded as she sipped her own drink. "Commander Tom Lasky impregnated my mother who gave her child to me to carry to term at my request because she couldn't do it for two reasons."

"Oh?." Pravdin responded. "Those being?"

"The first was that she was having medical problems in relation to having children and the second was that she knew she would deny Tom Lasky the chance to know his child. Mom would have demanded that the child be raised in her household alongside the twins... Tom would have had little chance to argue the point." Yamaguchi explained.

"Your mother sacrificed so Tom Lasky could have a child... Abet unplanned but still his son."

"Exactly." Yamaguchi responded. "Mom's choice took courage and guts beyond measure. I don't know if I could have done the same thing were I in her place."

Pravdin regarded her friend. "Well just be glad you didn't need to make that choice... But thats not the first time you had to make that choice....was it?"

"No." Yamaguchi responded. "I had to relocate the twins from mom when she was infected with that Breen virus.. I violated another to do it... and Mom also didn't let it go either.... I had no choice.. It was either I relocate the twins.. or I would have had to bury three relatives.."

"Your mothers condition was untreatable." It was not a question and the look on Pravdin's face said as much. "I am sorry Elizabeth. I did not know."

"Its not something I talk about... and its a long time ago... All parties got it resolved to their satisfaction, more or less anyway." Yamaguchi sighed softly before she took another sip of her drink.

Pravdin turned her attention back to the two men as another two men joined them. "So.. thats for men now." before she blew them a kiss with her hand and lips.

Yamaguchi regarded the four Roanoke pilots, thinking like sex starved maniacs as the taller woman let out a soft sigh. "They are radiating their thoughts... Mmm.. quite graphic too."

"Do I want to know?" Pravdin seemed almost intimidated that big burly pilots could want her body, considering what she had been though one could understand why she was leery on the subject.

"They are thinking of two threesomes. Two each for you and for me." Yamaguchi responded.

"No thank you." Pravdin responded. "You have your mate and I have my husband so we're both covered." the smaller Human explained. "Still... I think Commander Vilotanzia Bounlutay will be annoyed if we're late to the briefing."

Yamaguchi rose to her feet as she smiled. "Yes, we had best go." and with that the two women departed as they beamed up to the USS Rawalpindi.


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