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Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:22am by Division Admiral Talon Yeager & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Saki Yamaguchi-Cullen

Mission: Mission 63: Second Nature
Location: Various Locations - USS Tranquility
Timeline: 1800Hrs - January 30th, 2392

Commodore Talon Yamaguchi regarded the two younger people before her, as she came down the hallway towards them. "Rachael. Saki." she greeted each in turn.

Rachael Cullen as she was sometimes referred to, turned to face her aunt before she bowed. "Seonsang." It meant 'honored teacher' in Korean which Rachael's martial arts discipline came from.

Talon was wearing her martial arts gi which had her status with two large black bands around her wrists and a smaller one on her collar. Both had five stars on them which designated her status as a tenth level black belt, meaning that Talon was a living breath death threat to anyone who meant her or her kin harm. "Gangcheol" Talon addressed Rachael, a smile on her lips before she added "Cheolsu."

"What does all that mean?" Saki inquired.

"Seonsang." Rachael explained. "Means honored teacher.. Its Korean. Gangcheol means honored student and Cheolsu means honored child."

Saki understood as the child nodded. "Okay..." she paused while she waited for the two adults to finish.

Talon turned to the holodeck console as she went to work, a few moments later an oriental style dojo appeared. "Shall we?" she inquired before she went into the holodeck. Rachael followed her aunt then Saki followed her mother.

The three ended up beside a large room with lots of lighting coming through the dozen or so large windows. Talon turned as she shucked her jacket, a smile spread slowly over her face. "Saki. I'm not going to be around too much longer so... I will make this quick.. I'm going to teach you the same as my children. You will be no different... Your mother is not qualified to teach you, Thats why she asked for me... rather then your grandmother who will take over your teaching... assuming you wish to proceed with this."

Saki slowly nodded her head. "Where are you going?"

"My time in the Roanoke's battlegroup is ending and I'm being reassigned. Davijaan and the children are coming with me." she added.

"Okay... so how does this work.?"

"First thing... you must NOT use what I or anyone else teaches you for violence. We do not teach dangerous skills to irresponsible people." Talon indicated Rachael who nodded. "Saki... This is highly dangerous as you hit someone in the wrong spot at the wrong time, you could really hurt someone." Rachael explained.

Saki stood in silence as she listened as Talon explained the code of conduct. "First this is the code you must live by if you wish to learn. Seek perfection of character. Be faithful which means no lying or thievery from anyone and I mean ANYONE!. Endeavour to be better then yourself as you are now, Respect others at all times and refrain from violent behavior at all times... Even if provoked... and you will be provoked in the days to come. You will end up being tested far beyond your present limitations.."

Saki found all of this rather daunting as Talon smiled. "Its a lot to take in but remember... I was once where you are and I'm a eleventh degree black belt because I invested so much into this... I found it liberating and it served as an excellent outlet for me."

Rachael nodded. "You needed an outlet for your energy Saki.. This was mine when I was your age... I started this when I was about your age... and I advanced quickly because I enjoyed it.. But you're needs are different from mine..." as she indicated all the exercise equipment. "You'll be doing a lot of working out in addition to classroom work."

"So.. no fighting?"

"No. Today is your first day... But one of your greatest challenges will be listening to your instructor." as Rachael smiled. "Speaking off... she should be here any minute now."

Saki blinked. "Who?"

The door opened as if on command and in walked Captain Torilla Yamaguchi. She wore identical martial arts attire to Talon with two small black belts rather then the two massive ones that Talon sported.
"Sensai." she addressed Talon before she bowed to the shower woman who bowed in return. "Sen." Talon addressed Torilla. "You are aware of the particulars?"

"I am, yes." Torilla answered as she regarded her daughter and then her granddaughter in order. "Yes. Saki will be interesting to educate in the sciences."

Saki held her silence as Talon nodded. "I can leave Saki to you while I look after Rachael?" she inquired. "Its time she was tested for her blue belt." she smiled. "Yes I do have the authority to teach and train... and test." she added. "so prepare yourself Rachael..."

Rachael nodded. "I am ready."

"Very well... This way... Lets not frighten Saki just yet.."

Rachael chuckled softly. "Do you're worst.."

"Oh I will." Talon cackled maniacally. Rachael bowed to Talon as the two launched into their first fight.

Meanwhile Torilla smiled at the small child. "Saki.. Lets go over here and I can explain how this will work for you."

Saki followed her grandmother over to another section of the gym. "First you need to wear proper attire." as Torilla opened her jacket and produced a small bag which she then handed off to Saki. "Your attire. You are starting at a white belt which is where all novices start.."

Saki opened the bag as she pulled out a martial arts Gi which she then slipped on over her shirt and jogging pants. "Its.. comfortable.." Saki said quietly as she tied off the white belt at her waist.

"It looks good on you." Torilla smiled. "Now... We shall begin with your teachings."

Saki smiled for she was eager to begin.


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