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War Plans

Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 5:09am by Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Division Admiral Daniel Peterson & Post Captain Miranda Ward & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: Starbase 12
Timeline: 0900Hrs - January 29th 2391

Nevanzi walked into April Yamaguchi's office with Uzara, commenting, "Well we have our fleet together, we're ready for this liberation operation."

April Yamaguchi sighed softly as she all but threw the PADD in her hands onto the desk. "Yeah. I've noticed," she responded in a sour mood. "The Federation council.. in its... 'infinite wisdom.' have decided to not get involved." she sighed before she sat down behind her desk in a huff. "Great mm?"

Uzara felt like she just got hit with a tank. completely speechless she stood motionless while Nevanzi growled. "You gotta be kidding me, the federation is THAT spineless."

Yamaguchi sighed softly. "Yeah... THIS is the SHIT I have to deal with." she gently reached up over her face as she rubbed the skin just below her hairline. "I need to address my people so... You are welcome to attend... because I have some calls to make." she rose to her feet before she exited her office.

April waked into Operations before she looked around at the assembled people.

Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield stood before her, she was much shorter then April herself was. "Is everyone here?"

"Everyone skipper. Whats the word?"

"Starfleet Command and the Federation council has decided that we're going to do nothing." Yamaguchi went over to the central table in Ops as she spoke. "Now this might be our commander in chief's navy... but this is MY Command... and I have asked a great many things of you in the past.... and I am to ask a great deal of you all over the coming months and years..." she paused to allow this to all sink in.

"The Klingons are neck deep in civil war so we will be assitting with humanitarian assistance not to the Klingons.... but to our allies who are going to go in and liberate several billion slaves... I have decided to assist them in their efforts.. Now... you all don't have to help me... but I would prefer it.. if you all did."

Miranda Ward raised an eyebrow. "Sir... isn't all of this illegal.?"

"No... The Akurians have requested my help... and I am giving it to them."

Ward nodded. "Yessir." she responded.

"So... We will undoubtedly be seeing a lot of Klingon ships, manned by freed slaves coming in over the next several months... I'm going to put out the word and begin shifted resources to the Klingon boarder."

Peterson regarded her. "Sir.. what about Archanis?"

"You expect the Klingon will come for us next?"

"Yessir. I do... We should be building up a fleet to take these bastards out not sitting this war out."

April had expected this response. "I know... I expect trouble to... so with that in mind. I'm going to order our boarder fortified and forces deployed." she explained. "If people wish to go and fight... I will not stop them." she paused. "In fact I will happily grant any and all leave requests over the next few months, regardless of how long they are."

Uzara at least appeared semi relieved about this, while Nevanzi asked," So, what are you willing to supply us with."

"Officially... Anything you want except war material." she paused. "Unofficially, however... anything you need..." she looked around. "anyone have issue with this?"

Ward spoke up. "Admiral... What the fuck are we doing helping people who have slaves like this....."

"I wish I knew myself Miranda... However.. I don't like my orders so... I will creatively not follow them.... is everyone on board with this?"

Peterson looked around. "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Mmmm.." Ward responded. "No real reason... Other then the fact that you and the Admiral don't get along."

"So you think I'll have issues with this." Peterson sighed. "No. I don't actually. I have no problems with dealing with the Klingons.."

Nevanzi then mentioned to April," Well I know we are going to have issues with housing. A common practice of the Akurian confederation when setting up a new colony was to take old starships, drop them on a planet and convert them into large housing complexes."

April picked up an empty PADD before she tapped at the PADD a few times. "Well there are three large surplus yards of empty ships in each..about ten thousand a piece and most have been condemned to be scrapped. You could have those." before she finished doing what she was doing, them she handed the PADD to him.

Nevanzi took the padd, then added," Also a big need we will have is we will need a lot of medical people standing by at Zekarria, also we will need long range transporter systems if you can spare them."

April nodded. "The medical staff is on my list of calls and long range tansporters... Okay, those are only on the larger ships... and while a mobile version is coming along... Its still in prototyping." she sighed. "I wish I had better news for you"

Nevanzi explained. "Well our ships don't come equipped with transporters anywhere near as advanced as yours. We really need just some kind of transporter system we can fit to our ships quickly to allow us to pull this off, otherwise we are stuck using whatever Klingon transporters we can capture. Really any type of transporter capable of transporting a lot of people at the same time will do, but we will need a lot of these systems."

April regarded him. "Well... it just so happens that I have a consignment of mobile cargo transporters sitting in two cargo bays."

Peterson interrupted. "Not anymore sir... The battlecrusier has them now... I also listed them as donated to our allied and I requested more."

Yamaguchi shifted her attention to Peterson. "I think I misjudged you Captain."

"I'm Sorry Admiral." Peterson said quietly.

Yamaguchi shifted her attention back to the Akurian before her. "I'm going to start deploying my forces along the boarder... If the Klingons start, we will be able to take them on, should they wish it.." she paused. "I will however need a couple of months to get things set up."

Nevanzi went over his plans," Well, I wont be waiting a couple of months, Klingon politics is unpredictable and civil wars can end as quickly as they start, so our window of opportunity may not last very long. It will take me about a week to set up my ships for this operation and then we will begin."

April nodded. "I know... I was busy with the Romulan empire, I didn't see this one coming."

'I dont think anyone did," Nevanzi admitted," One accident causes a klingon ship to disappear with the chancellor, and two weeks later the empire is in chaos following the assassination of their emperor."

April nodded her head. "and it could end as quick as it began.." she sighed. "I suspect I won't be of much use to you on this... but I will try to help where I can... I'm going to make a few calls..."

Nevanzi nodded, and then said in a bit of a lower voice," Oh and if you can pass me some information on those self replicating cloaking mines, that would be really helpful."

April slowly smiled. "Contact Jake Yamaguchi for that information. Tell him I sent you."

Nevanzi nodded and left the room.


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