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Posted on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:37am by Zuko Omakan & Post Captain Davijaan "Oddball" Yeager & Commander Luhanna Wintersnow & Lt Commander Kralasha & Command Sergeant Nolok & Command Sergeant Kolkar & Lieutenant JG Ktala & Command Sergeant Kul
Edited on on Thu Mar 5th, 2020 @ 4:38am

Mission: Mission 61: The Blood-Dimmed Tide
Location: The Niven System
Timeline: 1430Hrs - January 24th, 2392

Lt Commander Luhanna Wintersnow smiled as she tapped the display once, on it appeared the face of a Klingon woman. "nuqneH?" she inquired of the female before her.

"We wish to come over and discuss our situation with you." Kralasha replied. "We also have some cargo you may be interested in."

Wintersnow paused as she wasn't sure of what was going on but then it dawned on her. "Wait.. You'll be wanting to talk to Captain Davijaan Yeager. He's the right man for you... Let me connect you." as Luhanna worked her panel.

Meanwhile Captain Yeager was on the USS Dreamcrusher, back in his office as he finished the last of his paperwork, when he wall monitor activated. "You have an incoming message from the USS Roanoke."

Yeager came over and tapped the display once. Two faces appeared, this was clearly a merged transmission. "Commander?"

"Captain Yeager. This Klingon Captain would like to come aboard to discuss matters with you regarding their situation."

"Of course. I would be honored to meet with you Captain." he paused. "Say ten minutes on my hanger deck." he responded. "We can resolve all of our concerns there."

"Very well Captain." Kralasha replied. "I would prefer to use our transporters."

"Thats fine with me." Yeager responded. "I will provide coordinates." he added.

"Very well, we will contact you before we beam over, Hurgh maS out." Kralasha told him. She then turned to Kul, "Now to get our little present to the Federation." she was of course reffering to Tolok, son of Lanoon who was presently in the brig.

Both Klingons and Kolkar went to the brig. Kralash opened the cell Nolok was held in.

"You Targ bitch!" Tolok shouted. "You and your house will be extinct for your actions!"

Kul then entered the cell holding a severed Klingon head in each hand. He threw the heads at Nolok's feet.

"What is this?" Tolok asked.

"Don't lie you little gob fly." Kralsha replied. "These are your spies. Before Noq't left he installed a sensor to pick up unauthorized communication signals. We caught these two trying to make transmissions."

Tolok had a sour look on his face but said nothing. "Now, we are going to find better accommodations for you." Kralasha told him. "Now get moving before I decide to remove your head from your shoulders." Tolok silently left the cell.

Kralasha, Tolok, Kolkar, and Ktala climbed onto the transporter pad. "Hurgh maS to Dreamcrusher, four to beam over."

"Stand by. We are sending you our coordinates." came Yeagers voice.

Standing at the transporter station near the back of the hanger was Captain Davijaan Yeager and Fleet Captain Zuko. Yeager had spent the last few minutes informing Zuko of the situation.

Zuko just stood there in silence, not really sure what to say on the situation as he waited for the Klingons.

The Klingons materialized on the Dreamcrusher's transporter pad. Kralasha looked at Yeager. "We brought along Sogh Tolok." Kralasha motioned to the intelligence officer. "He is with Imperial Intelligence. I cannot have him aboard our ship."

Yeager smiled. "Tolok... mmmmm." he responded. "We will be happy to take him off of your hands..." he paused as he called over two security guards. "Take this man to the brig and hold him there." he turned to Zuko to see his reaction.

Zuko nodded," I have no problem with this, But we need to make sure he is unable to tell the empire anything, so beam him straight there and have the forcefield dampen all sound."

The two security guards nodded. "Yessir. right away."

"Make sure you search him, strip search if you have to... make sure he's carrying now devices or traps... Right off with you." and with that the two security guards hauled Tolok over to the transporter padd as Tolok screamed something in Klingon at Kralasha.

Yeager turned back to Kralasha. "Okay.. so what is your situation and how can we help?"

"This race, the Akurians, they are preparing for war against House Te'Kvek?" Kralasha asked.

Zuko nodded. "Its a possibility, But Nevanzi hasn't made the final decision for it yet, he is still waiting for the federation council's decision. I personally have yet to ask him what he intends to do if the federation council decides not to get involved however. But it would be difficult for us to do the job without federation help."

"Us?" Kralasha "So I take it you are an Akurian?" She asked Zuko. "If you are a typical size for your race than I doubt you will need our help."

"Yes I am an Akurian," Zuko answered. however Akurians are not a single race or species, but rather we are a collection of 26 separate, distinct species, and not all of them are big like I am. Most Akurian species are much smaller than I am, and indeed more than half are smaller than your average human."

"Ah, very well." She replied to Zuko. "House Te'kvek lacks honor. They brutalize those under their charge and offer little to the benefit of the Empire. The Hurgh maS would be honored to bring them to battle."

Zuyko thought on the matter for the moment then replied," Well keep in mind our first priority would be evacuating the Ferasians, especially if it ends up where the federation council doesn't decide to intervene, we don't have enough ships to get into a pitched battle with the whole Klingon Empire, and if that's the case, I know Nevanzi has zero intention of giving Te'kvek the opportunity for an honorable battle. He will use anything and everything at his disposal to complete the objective, well short of committing mass murder anyway."

Yeager smiled. "I wish I could join the Akurian fleet for this fight... Alas. Starfleet would have my head if I did.." he paused. "a shame."

Kralasha was still trying to digest Zuko's words. She found it odd that the first priority would be the protection of civilians. Perhaps these Ferasians made good workers and were valuable? Despite of what Kralasha thought, she would be fighting under their banner so she would follow their guidance. "Very well, our priority will be the lives of Farasians."

Zuko nodded," Yeah pretty much. But we are still waiting for the federation council's decision first, so it may be a few days before we come up with a concrete decision."

"Alright, I think we're ready then.." Yeager spoke, for the first time in about ten minutes.

"We will await the Federation's decision." Kralasha replied.


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