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Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 1:42am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Captain Jordal Hunt & Commander Vrenn Chan & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0900Hrs Local Time - November 22nd 2391

Lt Commander Jordal Hunt was once again seated in the command chair of the USS Roanoke, he smiled as the stars went to starlines as Lieutenant Moni Nasao up behind the tactical station reported. "We've entered the Retep system, we'll be entering orbit in twenty one minutes sir."

"Sir... We're being hailed... from the Governor's office."

Jordal rose to his feet. "On screen." as the face of a man who'm Jordal didn't know. "I am Governor Beohner." he introducd himself. "Better late then never but thank you for coming.."

"I am Lieutenant Commander Jordal Hunt of the Federation Starship Roanoke. We have come to see what we can do regarding your situation."

"In truth Lt Commander.... There is nothing... that you can do... but you can come, take your poeple.... and leave us as free men and women... We have declared our independence of your precious Federation since they are content to ignore all those who do not matter to them.... So we will rid ourselves of them and claim our destiny on our own."

"I see.. Very well... We will enter orbit shortly." as he turned to Moni Nasao then he nodded to her, his order to her without saying it was 'Call the skipper, the Exec and the Ambassador.'

She nodded back as she went to work. "So... is there no way of working this out?"

"No." Boehner responded, his name was pronounced like 'Boner' before the screen went back to the starscape that had been present before.

Just then the doors opened on the left side of the bridge as Commander Tom Lasky appeared. "Commander, Whats going on?"

"The Governor is hailing us sir..."

Teval didn't particularly want to talk to the guy, but he still replied. "Fine, put him on screen then."

The governor's face appeared again, just moments later. "Am I speaking to the Captain of your vessel?"

Teval gave the politician in front of him a look, "Yeah, I am the captain."

"Ahh good... when can you complete the evacuation of your people?" the Governor asked. "The sooner they are gone. the easier it will be for me to calm people down.."

"It will be done when it will be done," Teval replied curtly.

"I see." Boehner responded in a curt tone, which Lasky did not care for but he was prevented from saying anything aloud as the doors opened and in walked the Ambassador.

"I would like to try and meet with you. See if we can resolve any remaining issues and grievances you have with the Federation. "Bree spoke as she came out of the lift with Zara.

Boehner regarded her with a measured look. "Sure... if you think it'll help anything... Personally I doubt that it will but... if you wish.." he shrugged. "Nevertheless... you should evacuate your embassy as soon as possible... I've been getting reports of mobs and riots over the matter..."

"I assure you we'll be handling it appropriately," Zara told the man. "We only want to evacuate our people in peace."

"I hope so. Considering the people are rioting about it... I guess they want you gone..." he paused, "anyway, go ahead and send your Ambassador... Maybe we can hammer something out.." his tone indicated he didn't care either way.

"She'll see you there. Commodore Tane, out," Zara spoke as she signaled the ops officer to cut the line. Then she said, "Make sure the marines knows to wear tac gear. I don't think this planet can stand a military presence for long."

"I have my security detail to protect me, if it does." Bree smiled at Zara as if to try and reassure him.

Lasky regarded her. "Alright. Let Commander Unal know if you need anything." he responded. "Will you be going by transporter or by shuttle?"

"Transporter, if possible," Bree spoke respectfully to Lasky.

"Alright... Are your new people settling into their roles?" Lasky inquired of her.

"They are, though it is with great sadness that the events played out as they did," Bree spoke mournfully. "No one ever told me my detail was as terrible as they are."

"People are intimidated by diplomats Bree... It sucks... but there it is.." Lasky sighed. "In any case... I think Plataea is waiting for you."

"I have not been the best mother for Zara... but I ask you keep her close," Bree noted with concern. "Hopefully I'll come back in time to have a nice dinner with you two."

Lasky nodded his head. "I will do that." he responded. "While you're heading planetside, take Commander Unal with you. I want the best person I got watching you and she is downright lethally personified."

"I will gladly accept her, Commander." Bree nodded in appreciation. "I may even steal her if she's as exceptional as you say she is."

"Well I leave that up for the Commander to decide for herself" while he tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Unal?"

"Go ahead sir." Unal's voice came back.

"You're wanted in transporter room two. The Ambassador is preparing to beam down."

"I'm on my way." came the response. "Unal out." she added a moment later. Lasky regarded Blon. "You'd best get going... I suspect the Governor is gonna be an ass about things.."

"I shall, yes. Thank you." Bree gave him an approving nod before she disappeared into the turbolift.

Meanwhile in the transporter room. Commander Unal peered down at the Ambassador's bodyguard with a cruel eye. "Alright listen carefully for I will say this... but once. Your mission is to protect the Ambassador, not start the next Galactic war.... am I clear?" Unal inquired softly. "So keep those weapons on stun... You are Secret Service Agents.... not cowboys. your last Commander has disgraced you all and the name of the secret service... You will redeem yourselves." as she indicated the transporter pad. "Alright... I've said enough... get prepped."

The door opened and in came the Ambassador. Plataea Unal stood before the transporter pad. "Ambassador." she greeted the older woman in a respectful tone.

"Do you wish to transport down first, followed by me or do we go down together, Commander?" Bree asked to Unal.

"Together," Unal responded with a smile. "After you." she indicated the transporter pad.

Aerin ranval walked into the transporter room saying to Unal, "Teval asked me to join you guy's, hope you don't mind." Aerin wore a standard Akurian combat vest, but didn't carry a weapon. However with his abilities he had vary little use for a sidearm.

Bree nodded in agreement before she stood on the padd and waited to be transported down to the surface.

Unal nodded her head. "Energize Chief.."


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