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Point of Contact

Posted on Tue Mar 3rd, 2020 @ 1:40am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky

Mission: Mission 51: Warchild
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0900Hrs November 22nd 2391

Commander Tom Lasky regarded Zara Tane as she was still in bed while he was fully dressed. "Zara.... Time to go to work..." he smiled as he tried not to laugh at the sheer absurdity of this situation. Zara was not an easy riser.

Cleo whined at him, he gently rubbed his fingers behind the dogs ears. "She's just sleeping... my you are demanding.." he looked at the dog before he went back to Zara. "Zaaaarra..."

"Yeah?" Zara yawned as lifted her head so she could look upon Cleo and Tom.

"Its time to wake up..." Lasky smiled. "Come on.... time to get up.." as he gently helped the dog off of the bed. "Lets go Cleo." he added.

"Do I have to?" Zara wined as she palmed around blindly at the floor for her robe.

"Well... No.." Lasky responded. "But... its preferred.."

"What's the plan for today?" Zara asked as she put her wrinkled green robe around her body.

"First you head up to the bridge to be there for our arrival . You'll wanna make sure the Ambassador is happy... But please... keep her away from me...and from Elizabeth Yamaguchi." Lasky responded with a smile. "Ms Blon does not need to have an encounter with Elizabeth... I doubt it would go well." he paused. "The Ambassador will be wanting her final briefing about the colony in about an hours time." Lasky added.

"Bree will likely go where she will... Federation council members have that prerogative and technically, command of this situation," Zara pointed out with a grim frown. "Let's just hope she doesn't deplete our ration reserves."

"Lovely.." Lasky responded in a dry tone. "Anyway... time to get up... so you can take a shower and get dressed..." he smiled at her. "You are not sleeping all day..." as he looked at the dog. "and you need walkies."

"Cleo truly loves you," Zara winked at him as she deliberately took her time to the shower.

Lasky regarded Zara. "Then why does she take a shower with you?." he inquired.

"She likes being clean," Zara laughed lightly as she picked up the dog and carried it into the bathroom.

Lasky raised an eyebrow, a smile graced his lips. "Have fun with the dog." as he went over to the replicator as he ordered himself something to drink.

"We'll be out in ten," Zara promised as she sat her dog down and began to prep her shower.

One of the smaller African Black Footed Cats emerged from under the bed as she meowed up at Lasky who dropped to one knee to gently pet her. "Hey Kitty... you want a little attention?"

Echo meowed up at him as she practically jumped at him, he gently caught her in his arms before he gently stood up. "Meow!" before she looked around before she gently nuzzled his hand with her nose.

Shadow meanwhile was sitting nearby as she peered at her pack mate with her bright yellow eyes before she too protested with a loud meow. Upon sounding off, out came the other two. Fives and Typhoon.

Lasky nodded. "Alright guys. I'll feed you all now." and with that he went over to the replicator, he then replicated the requested dishes before he proceeded to feet the cats, he settled in to watch the kitties as they feasted on the food he had replicated for them, while he never skimped on it, he made sure they got real meat in their dishes.

He smiled as he watched over the cats, making sure that they all got their fair share of food as Zara approached.

Shadow regarded her before she meowed softly, greeting the Trill female as she approached.

"Hey," Zara smiled as she bent down and pet Shadow while Cleo curled up in her bed to clean herself off.

Shadow purred as she clearly enjoyed the attention from Zara as Typhoon peered at Cleo then she turned her attention back to the food on her plate as she resumed cleaning away her plate.

"Breakfest in my mess? or here?" Zara asked. "Aryssa could rouse the chef if you want something fantastic to eat."

"Nah." Lasky responded. "I'll just have a hungryman sub and a glass of soda." he added. "Shadow might want some of the ham of course... you know how kitty is.."

Zara smiled before she went into her cooling unit. She pulled a piece of ham out and tossed it gently to the kitty. "That should keep Shadow busy a while."

Shadow went over to the ham as she began chewing on it. "Meerrrooowww...." she growled as she went down on the ham.

Lasky regarded Shadow who looked downright happy with her food selection, as the other cats began moving in to share Shadows ample chunk of ham.

Lasky turned to Tane as he replicated the breakfast he wanted before he sat down to enjoy himself, within five minutes he was finished eating. "You good?" he inquired. "Alright... Lets eat."


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