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The Return

Posted on Mon Mar 2nd, 2020 @ 5:33pm by Captain Javier Morales & Captain Janel Moi & Commander Pava Sh'Andoo & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Grand Admiral April Yamaguchi & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 42: A House Divided
Location: Various Locations - Starbase 12
Timeline: 1400Hrs - September 29th, 2391

Lieutenant JG Elizabeth Yamaguchi walked down the upper level of the promenade of the Starbase, her husband beside her on one side and Fleet Admiral April Yamaguchi on her other.

"I just miss mom, its not been the same since she disappeared... Its been almost two months... and yet no word?"

"I'd not heard anything from your mother, Elizabeth... If she's said anything... I've not heard about it." April admitted softly. "I'm worried about her.... maybe she decided not to contact you because she was simply busy with her new command... you know how it can be?"

"I guess so.." Elizabeth sounded unconvinced as April smiled. "Your mom misses you... I know she does.. But she's ten years overdue for her own command and I can guarantee, she's not going to want to screw this chance up... it might be the only once she gets."

"Aww Thats bullshit." Elizabeth responded quietly.

"I know Lieutenant but... Someone screwed her out of her last command..." April shrugged. "All that tells me is that someone was being an asshole... Your mom has done well for herself but she was losing it on the Roanoke... and we all know why that is.."

Elizabeth sighed. "I've been doing some thinking... About my future in Starfleet... "

"Oh... Whats on your mind?"

"It took me four years to make Lieutenant Junior Grade whereas everyone else in my class is either Lieutenant or heading rapidly towards Lieutenant Commander... I think I'm going to turn in my commission and go the warrant route instead."

Kameron regarded his wife in silence, but it was clear that he was surprised about this. "But you sunk all that time and effort into it."

"I did... and now I have all of the qualifications I need to maintain my present posting and assignment... I'm happy being a Doctor... we don't have one in the family yet and.... well Doctor Yamaguchi suits me." she turned to her husband. "You left Starfighters.... and now you can chase command like you always talked about.."

Kameron regarded his wife. "I didn't know you felt this way."

"It was something that I was thinking about recently... I'm not cut out for command. Not like Mom, Dad or you."

"But you worked... Oh hey guys." he turned to see Captain Zuko approaching alongside Captain Teval. "What brings you out here?" Kameron inquired.

Zuko had a purring Nuyari curled up in his arms while Tevan walked alongside, noticing Elizabeth and Kameron, " Eh, not much, just heading over to the battlecruiser for a little while."

Kameron smiled. "Ahh okay." but before they could say anything there was a large white-bluish flash coming from outside the starbase as a slipstream aperture opened and out came a Galaxy-class starship. "Wait a moment.." Elizabeth muttered. "Mom!" she got out a moment later as she felt her mother's mind gently touch hers. 'I've missed you.'

'I know baby... I'll explain when I see you.'

April regarded the new arrival in silence. "I'd best go welcome her Captain." as she watched the Galaxy-class begin to maneuver. "Because like that old saying goes... speak the devils' name and she will come a running."

"Sir?" Elizabeth inquired.

"Thats the Courageous. Do not be troubled, I will demand an explanation from your mother." before April turned and departed.

Zuko casually looked out the window at the Courageous as she approached one of the few external docking ports still open, which was right in between the Ryazar's Shied and the Dreamcrusher. "Oh, how cute, a galaxy class," Zuko commented.

Teval looked up at Zuko, yeah, rather small compared to Ryazar's shied or Dreamcrusher."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "You don't think too highly of the Galaxy-class... I assume?" she paused. "Wait... she looks different then the average Galaxy..."

Teval looked over at Elizabeth, "The Galaxy is a flying hotel, too much space given over to crew luxury." He pointed to the Ryazar's Shield and the Dreamcrusher, "Those are real warships, not flying hotels."

Zuko nodded, Though at least the new Andromeda Class rectifies that issue with the galaxy, the Andromeda is several time more powerful than even the Regent variant of the sovereign, and more than 4 times as powerful as the Galaxy 3's."

Elizabeth tried not to laugh at Zuko and what came out was a soft chuckle. "You're preaching to the converted Zuko." she responded. "I prefer Dreamcrusher over the flying hotels of yesteryear."

Kameron smiled at his wife's comment. "That's not what I was expecting you to say wife of mine."

"Yes.. you were expecting me to say I love being pampered and liked living in a five star flying hotel." she sighed. "You, who know be best of all should know better then that Kam."

Teval just gave Nuyari a rub between the ears as she laid cradled in Zuko's massive arms. The young Kurokuri purred in response to Teval.

Meanwhile on the USS Courageous's bridge, Torilla was seated in her command chair as she watched her personel at work, docking the large ship or rather the ship she had come to think of as large but in comparison to the Dreamcrusher to her port and this new ship to her right, she felt positively small. "Say... Javier, you ever wonder if we're compensating for something?"

"I feel so... insignificant." Morales responded back in a soft tone. "Still... its nice to see that Starfleet is developing some serious battleships for a change... y'know."

"Indeed Javier." Torilla responded. "Still..." she paused. "Janel. hail that ship for me would ya?"

"Willdo." replied the comely Betazed seated at Operations with was in front of and to the right of the command chair where conn would normally be, conn was on the left where Ops used to be.

"Pava... look into that ship would ya... I want to know everything about it."

The Andorian female nearby nodded as she turned and went to work. "Willdo."

Torilla rose to her feet as she regarded the small person who appeared on the display before her. "I'm Captain Torilla Yamaguchi... wait... have we met before?"

Ryuukei looked up at the display replying, " Weren't you Roanoke's former XO?"

"I used to be. yes.." Torilla responded.

Ryukei shrugged," Ok, so what are you hailing us for again."

"Mostly because I want to know who I'm looking at.." Torilla responded. "Now that I know... I don't need to concern myself with it." she paused. "considering I've never seen your ship before.."

"Oh," Ryuukei replied, Puzzled, "Yeah, just a bunch of Akurians on this ship, that's all."

"Oh... okay fair enough... then I shall trouble you no longer... I need to go and check in with the Commander of the battlegroup, let her know that My ship and I exist and let my guys have a few days off... they've earned it." as she turned to her Exec. "Javier, would you see to the shore leave requests I know you're already getting..."

"No worries Torilla, consider it handled." as he turned to the display next to him and went to work.

Torilla smiled as she let out a soft sigh. "Ahh... Well... I'd best be off then." she regarded Ryuukei. "I'd best go see the Admiral too."

Ryuukei nodded then closed the channel. Shortly after Teval, Zuko and Nuyari arrived in the ships command center. Ryuukei looked over at them saying," Hey Teval, Roanokes old XO, Torilla Yamaguchi, she is here. She is commanding that Galaxy."

Teval looked at the 3D display which showed the Courageous, "Huh, so that's where she went."


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