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The World is Grey, The Mountains Old - Part Eleven

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:52pm by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Captain Ariel Gilmore & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval & Lieutenant Melody McKnight-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - The Taurus Reach
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 27th, 2393

Ariel Gilmore went back onto the bridge, followed by those of her senior staff who had assignments on the bridge as the relief operations officer turned. "Captain, we're reading what looks to be Federation escape pods, over sixty of them." the young female explained.

Gilmore smiled. "Where are they?"

"They are along our present course, I've already adjusted our course to intercept them." came the voice of the Chief of the Boat who had remained on the bridge during the meeting.

"Very good Master Chief," Gilmore answered with a smile as she sat down in the chair that he had just vacated. "Helm, time till intercept?"

"Ten minutes Captain." came the response from Chegwidden who had resumed her station.

"Anything else out there?"

"I'm reading a warp trail, heading away from the escape pods, along a heading of two two one, mark sixteen." Eknir Zh'Shraaliin explained from operations, the Andorian Zhen was a recent transfer to the Charal but so far she was proving to be excellent at her job.

"Got it." came Chegwidden's voice. "Tracing out whats along that heading." as she turned. "It's to the Rogue Planet indicated earlier."

"That's too obvious," Gilmore answered quietly. "They are leaving us a trail to follow," she added.

"Yeah, it sure seems that way," Bowman responded as he tapped the display on the workstation next to him. "An Akira class is no match for us but Commander Carey seems to be leading us on a wild goose chase... To what end, I can only speculate."

"Leslie, contact Starbase Vanguard. I need to speak with Admiral Lasky."

"Right away skipper, patching your call now."

"In my ready room." Gilmore rose to her feet and began moving towards the ready room. "Number one, you got the bridge." and with that, she entered her office before moving to her wall monitor. She tapped it once as MacLeod's voice came over the com system. "Sir, I have Admiral Lasky waiting on secure channel four."

'That was fast' Gilmore thought as she activated the display, Admiral Lasky's face appeared a moment later. "Captain Gilmore. What's up?"

"Admiral, we're in the process of recovering some sixty escape pods, they look to be from the USS Simpson but my crew and I suspect that this is a plot, to slow us down," she explained. "We've detected a warp trail heading to a rogue planet left by the USS Simpson, we suspect a trap and I'd like to request assistance from the USS Gaarni."

"Okay, that can be arranged for you," Lasky answered. "At this hour Lie at my mercy all mine enemies."

"Heat not a furnace for my foe so hot that it do singe myself," Gilmore answered evenly. "Tell the Gaarni to head for the Rogue planetoid.." she turned as she picked up a PADD from the table next to her, where she always had several spare PADD's. She called up the information requested. "Rogue planetoid Rho Sigma Two Two Six Theta," Gilmore explained.

"She'll be on her way within the hour. Anything else?"

"No. that's it, we should be en route there as well. I expect a trap and I highly suspect I'll spring it. I want the Gaarni just in case, she can then secure the pirate bolt hole that's located here."

"Sounds good to me. Alright, I'll go talk to Hardcase and send him to you. Lasky out." and with that, the federation emblem appeared as the screen went black, Gilmore turned and went back onto her bridge. "Report?"

"We're presently in the middle of the recovery operation. Almost all of the Simpson's crew has been rescued sir, over sixty escape pods were recovered and all the survivors are being treated for various issues." Bowman explained with a smile.

"Excellent," Gilmore added.

Meanwhile, on Starbase Vanguard. Lasky tapped his combadge. "Lasky to Ethan Duval, could you come to my office please and thanks?"

"Right away Admiral." came the expected answer. Lasky tapped his combadge a second time to close the channel as he settled into the chair, waiting for his guest to arrive. A few minutes went by before Duval came into Lasky's office. "You sent for me sir.?" Ethan Duval answered in a rather cheery tone of voice.

"Have a seat. Captain Gilmore is requesting your help with a sticky issue regarding the USS Simpson. She has a feeling that this ship is leading her into a trap and she's requesting your aid. I am going to send you, your destination is a rogue planet named Rho Sigma Two Two Six Theta. Take whatever you feel you need to assist her with this pirate nest. I have a feeling that this might get really stupid but I'm just being paranoid."

Duval listened in silence as he slowly smiled. "Sounds good sir, I'll have my crew recalled and take in an extra consignment of standard quantum missiles before I go."

"Sounds good, if the base quartermaster gives you grief then send him to me after you tell him it's for an emergency situation," Lasky answered evenly. "I'll talk to him as soon as I boot you out of here."

"Sounds good Admiral. I have a feeling Captain Gilmore will want me on station as soon as I can get there."

"I will not detain you further Commander, good luck and good hunting," Lasky answered. "On your way."

Duval rose to his feet before doing a smart about-face, while he left Lasky's office, he tapped his combadge. "Duval to Gaarni, recall all of our crew immediately. Also, request an extra consignment of missiles. Prepare for immediate departure."

"Right away Captain." came the answer from Duval's first officer.

"Excellent, Duval out." he then tapped his combadge again as he made his way down the hallway.

Meanwhile, Lasky tapped the display as he needed to speak with someone inside his wife's department so he decided to be nice on the subject. A moment went by before the face of a youthful-looking female appeared on the display before him. "Admiral Lasky, what can I do for you?"

"I need an extra consignment of missiles for the USS Gaarni, she's going on a mission to assist the USS Charal with dealing with a pirate nest. Will that be an issue?" Lasky explained. "I would have preferred more time to do this right but it can't be helped."

"Not at all Admiral. I just got the request from the Gaarni, I'm having several of my guys send the ordinance to them now." McKnight-Yamaguchi responded evenly.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I will remember your respect on the matter."

"Thank you, Admiral. While this isn't exactly normal, I figured there was a reason for it and I do have the extra ordinance stocks handy." the young female explained evenly. Suddenly she smiled. "Gaarni has its extra ordinance, sir."

"Outstanding. Thank you El Tee. I'll get out of your hair now. Lasky out." Lasky liked it when his job was this simple.
The screen went back as the Federation emblem appeared before him.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the USS Gaarni. Commander Ethan Duval walked out of the turbolift. "Number one, where are we?"

"We're about ready to go, our extra missiles are aboard and the base has cleared us for departure." Lt Commander Brigette Hanson answered as she regarded her skipper.

"Excellent. Alright seal the airlock and release the clamps, helm, set a course for Rogue Planetoid Rho Sigma Two Two Six Theta, once we're clear of the base, take us into slipstream, the Charal needs a hand and I aim to help them with whatever needs doing."

"The situation is that bad sir?" Hanson inquired.

"Yes. Captain Gilmore is requesting assistance in dealing with a pirate nest, we're going to help her."

"Yessir." Hanson turned. "Helm, take us out, one quarter on thrusters," she commented as the screen indicated that the Gaarni was indeed in motion while she cleared the Starbase inner docking area and soon was outside in space when suddenly a blueish white aperture appeared before the Gaarni entered it, on her way to assist the USS Charal.


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