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The Forge's Fire is Ashen-Cold - Part Twelve

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:54pm by Captain Ariel Gilmore & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - The Taurus Reach
Timeline: 1200Hrs - June 27th, 2393

Commander Ethan Duval smiled as he remained seated in his command chair, the USS Gaarni was at battlestations and the crew had reacted to this situation with the dedication he had come to expect from a Starfleet crew, these people were nothing like the monsters and the barbarians he had left in his universe of origin but he was happy with this fact. The lights were down low and the red alert lights were lit but Duval was still extremely happy with the performance of his crew over the last week or so and he made sure that they knew he was happy about serving and working with them.

"Time Number one?" Duval inquired in a soft tone.

"Two minutes skipper." Lt Commander Brigitte Hanson responded.

Duval nodded his head as he sat back in his chair and held his silence, while he closed his eyes and sought to clear his mind of issues and confusion, as he knew that before he could act, his mind must be clear and free for him to consider all options before him.

"You make meditation look, easy skipper," Hanson commented. "I wish I could do that," she added, a touch of envy in her tone.

"It takes a lot of effort Brigitte. I had the time to learn and I had a good teacher who showed me how it was done." Duval answered in a quiet tone of voice. "First, you clear your mind of distractions, of questions and focus only on what's important to you here and now, if you have to close your eyes then do so," Duval explained when he was suddenly interrupted by Lieutenant T'Hutin's voice, the female Vulcan spoke. "Arrival in ten seconds."

Suddenly the slipstream vortex opened and the USS Gaarni re-entered normal space before her was the Kumari class Arsenal battleship, the USS Charal. Duval smiled. "Hail Captain Gilmore please?" he inquired

The face of Ariel Gilmore appeared on the screen, she was seated on her bridge. "Captain Duval, its good to see you."

"Its good to be seen Captain Gilmore, what can we help you with?" Duval inquired with a smile.

"Well, we can't penetrate the atmosphere of his rogue planet so we're going to have to root out the USS Simpson the hard way." she commented, "How many atmospheric probes do you have aboard?"

Duval turned his head as he regarded his tactical officer in silence for a moment.

Lieutenant Varrex, his only Benzite officer on the USS Gaarni tapped at her display. "We have a full load of thirty-two sir." The female Benzite explained as she addressed Duval.

"Very well. Light off twelve of them and launch them into the planet's atmosphere in a pattern that'll light up as much of the surface as possible."
Duval explained. "Captain, I assume you want in on this?"

"I do... We're provoking a pirate nest here Captain, that's why I called for you." Gilmore explained. "Launch off another twelve. Take the other half of the planet from the Gaarni." the human-looking female ordered her own crew.

"Tactical Display on screen," Duval commented as the transmission to the USS Charal was suddenly terminated and replaced with a star map of the planet and the two ships, represented by large combadges and the probes were represented by smaller combadges. "Getting telemetry now.. and I'm reading over two dozen ships presently launching from the planet's surface," T'Hutin explained.

"Captain, the Charal is hailing everyone." Chief Petty Officer Cr'uuri explained, he was one of the three Caitians among Duval's senior staff and he was the least ranked one of the three, but then he had the smallest department, just him and three others.

"Put it through," Duval responded in a light tone of voice.

The face of Ariel Gilmore appeared on the screen before her. "Attention Pirate vessels, state your intentions, you are ordered to stand down or we will take that as evidence of hostile intentions," she spoke.

"Sir, we're getting a response... It's Commander Jean-Pierre Carey." Chief Petty Officer Cr'uuri explained.

"Merge the two transmissions." Brigette Hanson ordered.

Ariel Gilmore's face was replaced with Jean-Pierre Carey's face. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you... You had to chase me out here and now you will pay for your crimes Captain of the Federations Starfleet."

Ariel Gilmore's response was to laugh at him. "You call me a criminal, I find that deeply amusing Mister Carey, considering you stole a Federation ship, you also have had committed numerous crimes against the Federation. I will, however, give you a chance to surrender and we can avoid any issues that might arise.."

"I think you will find that neither my friends or myself, has any intentions of backing down Captain," Carey explained. "The hypocrisy of the Federation knows no limits, even out here," Carey explained.

"This is your last chance, Mister Carey. Stand down Now... We can resolve this peacefully or in pieces, the choice is yours."

Duval smiled as he watched several of the pirate ships move into position, where they could attack the Charal when a sudden slipstream aperture opened and out emerged the USS Ayalam, one of the Layefette class destroyers assigned to Admiral Lasky's command, she found herself facing off against a dozen Pirate vessels of various sizes and types.

"Sir, they are sending a general hail to all ships.." T'Hutin commented

"Let's hear it," Duval answered evenly.

"...and those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made unto dust." Came the information from the com system the statement sent shivers up and down Duval's spine.

Duval paused as he recalled hearing that quote somewhere before. "Put me on with him."

"The channel is open sir."

Duval paused and then began speaking. "Then did Tyolus say to the people of the low plains, 'seek not wickedness amongst your neighbors, lest it find purchase in your own house'." he nodded as he smiled.

"What was that?"

"A quote from the red bible that these guys use for their beliefs," Duval answered evenly. "Page ninety four, paragraph five, section four," he added.

"Wow... Do you think it'll help us?" Hanson inquired of him.

"I doubt it actually," Duval responded in a quiet tone of voice.

"Sir, they are locking weapons." Varrex suddenly spoke.

"Alright, here we go," Duval commented. "Helm, initiate evasive maneuvers. Your choice," he added. "Varrex, open fire, shoot to disable if you can."


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