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Precious Cargo Lost

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 8:36pm by Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter & Commander Tienn Iteela & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr

Mission: Mission 36: The Crusade Against the Infidels
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0830Hrs - July 1st, 2391

Chief Petty Officer Toshnarr blinked as he looked around. "What happened here?" as he looked around at the now destroyed sickbay area. "This is intolerable."

"I was running a drill Chief and I have yet to clean up after it." Elizabeth Yamaguchi responded as she stood, at attention, ramrod straight. In truth, she had been distracted after Kameron kicked her out of her own quarters and now he had moved out and into a set of guest quarters while the two were struggling with their relationship.

"What say you... Tienn?" Toshnarr pronounced the smaller Bajoran womans name as Tee'Yen'

"I only just came on duty ten minutes ago." the smaller Bajoran replied in a dark and snide tone. "I wasn't part of this.... fuck up of a drill."

Elizabeth stood in silence, not reacting as she normally would have.

Toshnarr, however, didn't see it as he was too angry to notice. "I do not care who's fault this was, get this shit cleaned up or I Will Feast UPON YOUR BONES!" he roared at both women.

Tienn growled softly, warning him not to try it as Elizabeth however, her emotionless facade began to crack, Toshnarr meanwhile turned and walked out the door as Tienn turned "You fucking Yamaguchi's are all alike, think you can do whatever you like."

"Tienn fuck off already, I got clean up to do, you can go away."

Tienn sighed. "I fucking hate you woman.... too busy fucking around and you can't figure things out. Now I'm getting yelled at because you managed to destroy an entire sickbay and I bet you sucked at running the drill... didn't you?"

"It wasn't my best work."

Tienn snapped, as she saw red, the smaller woman turned and hit Elizabeth in the chest with her fist, Elizabeth didn't see it coming before Tienn launched herself at the other woman before she kicked her in the leg, connecting with her knee in a loud wet snap.

Elizabeth screamed in agony as she felt a wave of pain rush through her body as the blows from Tienn continued to rain down on her like a thunderstorm.

Chief Petty Officer Maraad Skyshatter was passing through as he heard sounds of a disturbance reached his ears, also he could feel a wave of pain as it washed over him, he drew his massive hammer from where it was secured on his back as he went off in search of the person being beaten.

Tienn kicked Elizabeth over before she stamped on the bloody and beaten woman, as Elizabeth hissed. "You've lost it woman....!" she growled before a massive impact reverberated around the small medical area, a second severely deformed the doors and the third quite literally tore the doors off of its tracks as in came Maraad. "CEASE THIS ACTION!" he roared at the top of his lungs.

Tienn looked at him. "Fuck off buddy... this ain't your affair."

Elizabeth merely coughed up blood before she added. "It is now.." before she sighed and tried to smile, the cuts and damage to her face made that hard to do.

Skyshatter secured his hammer before he drew his sidearm. "I'm placing you under arrest."

"You gotta be fucking kidding me." Tienn responded. "This woman fucks up and we all get in shit for her."

"Shut up." Maraad responded evenly. "Shut your mouth!" he snapped a moment later as he produced a pair of wrist cuffs, he tapped his combadge. "Skyshatter to Security, need backup in the hanger pod sickbay right now, send a couple of medics..."

"One our way, Chief." came the response.

Elizabeth meanwhile gently tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi... to Tosh..narr... I need you back in the tower pad sickbay Chief."

"I'm on my way.." came the response, moments later a rasping sound could be heard as Toshnarr approached. "What is the meaning of this..."

"I'm placing Ensign Tienn under arrest for aggrivated assault and conduct unbecoming." The Draenei male explained to the Gorn before he explained the particulars of the case.

"Fucking bitch deserved her beating." Tienn responded, her hands were raw and bloody

Elizabeth who was still lying on the ground with blood splattered around didn't seem able to willing to argue the point as Toshnarr growled. "I can't leave you alone for a minute.... can I?" he looked at Tienn. "Explain yourself before I have the Chief haul you out of here in disgrace."

Tienn growled. "She's a fucking Yamaguchi... those guys get away with fucking murder and we gotta pay for it..." she turned. "Get up off of the fucking floor.... you are not beaten that badly."

Elizabeth winced in pain while she climbed to her feet. "Before you haul her away Chief.." Elizabeth regarded Tienn. "You call me the rage case, yet you're the one who lost your mind and beat the crap out of me."

Tienn sneered as Elizabeth continued. "Hey, I'm the rage case remember... I hope Lieutenant Gyce is comforted by the fact that you get to hang out in her brig because you lost control.." she paused. "Thank you, Chief."

Skyshatter sighed softly. "Alright... Lets go. I'll send a few CSI's down to process this crime scene, I assume you wish to press charges?"

"Can I have some time to think about it?"

"You have forty eight hours to decide Ensign on whether or not you wish to press charges. But that is up to you and we may decide unilaterally once we review the evidence footage recovered from this scene." and with that Skyshatter turned and prodded Tienn. "Lets go." and with that Tienn was escorted away from the scene.

Toshnarr regarded Elizabeth. "Let me document your wounds.. What happened?" while he began tending to her wounds.

"Tienn started as soon as you left, accusing me of being the golden girl and being able to get away with murder, that we Yamaguchi's are able to do whatever we like and get away with it..."

"Do you think that to be the case with your family?"

"Yes, actually I do," Elizabeth admitted. "Kameron had a point to make with me the other night... and he too was right..."

Toshnarr gently prodded her for that explanation which she provided, while she was explaining what happened, Toshnarr gently picked up the massive woman in his arms since she was unable to walk under her own power while the CSI's came in gently ushered them both out of the crime scene.

Jordan Jonsdotter came by, suddenly she noticed what happened as the massive Gorn appeared exiting the devastation that used to be a sickbay. "What happened?"

"It is... a long story.."

Jordan sighed. "Okay." and with that she carried on into the hanger area before making her way into the tower. "Its Teval around?" she inquired.

She found him a moment later. "Teval... something happening in the Auxiliary sickbay, some massive dude in scales is carrying around a medic.... I think he's going to eat her."

Teval shook his head, "That would be Toshnarr, but ill go check it out."

"Okay." Jordan responded before she knocked something over. "I'm sorry!"

Meanwhile, Toshnarr had set Elizabeth down on the floor and was tending to her soft tissue wounds, taking care to document everything.
"This won't take too long.."

"I can't feel my foot..." the massive woman admitted, tears streaming down her face. "Why'd she lose it like that?... is my baby okay?"

Toshnarr gently patted her shoulder. "your baby is fine. That was the first thing I checked, take a deep breath Ms. Yamaguchi... this will only take a moment." as he tried to assure her it would be alright while he gave her body the once over.

Teval walked up quietly, taking note of Elizabeth's injuries. "What happened here."

Toshnarr turned. "Teval." and with that, he launched into an explanation of what he knew regarding the incident in question.

Elizabeth held her silence.

Teval immediately put his hand to his face, "Fuck, well, this is going to be one hell of a shitstorm. Lieutenant Gyce may end up trying to prosecute this as an attempted murder. And do you realize just how many people are going to want to kill Tienn now."

Elizabeth wiped her face. "I want no part of this... the cycle of violence has to end somewhere... and while I don't know why... I know its not worth hating her for it."


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