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Enter the Alexander The Great

Posted on Sun Mar 1st, 2020 @ 5:43am by Admiral Jake Yamaguchi & Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter & Captain T'Rae Yamaguchi & Captain Nathan Hanson & Commander Greg Saunders & Commander Daniel Yamaguchi
Edited on on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 11:55pm

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Alexander the Great
Timeline: 1330Hrs - June 20th, 2391

Captain T'Rae tried not to smile as she sat in her command chair, she was stretched out in a languid posture as if she was bored which many could say that she was. "Ahh... the great unknown, some would say its overrated."

Cyrin looked at T'Rae, saying," Well, I don't really think so."

At that comment, T'Rae did smile. "I guess its beauty like its blackness is best held in the eye of the beholder." she commented. "So... why are you heading to the Roanoke anyway?" as she grinned at the being who was hitching a ride on her ship.

The doors to turbolift one opened and out walked a massive being, he had a tail, horns and hooves. Maraad blinked his eyes. "Keptin, I was asked to hand deliver this to you."

T'Rae accepted the PADD from him. "Thank you Chief." she responded as she gave it the once over, then she signed it before handing it back to the massive being. "Give my regards to my Chief of Security..."

"I will do that." and with that the massive being returned to the turbolift, moments later he was gone.

T'Rae smiled. "Well it could be worse right... we're transporting an Admiral and he wants to catch up on his rest.... he could be up here, wanting to take command instead like most other Admirals." she shrugged. "We should arrive soon."

Cyrin stood up, commenting, " well then, I need to go wake my sister up." he made his way over to the turbolift, everyone else on the bridge towered over his 134 cm height. After a short turbolift ride he made it to his guest quarters. He still caught the occasional glance from members of the crew, due to the fact that he looked like a humanoid red panda, and because of his thick fur, he didn't wear clothes.

Walking into his room he found his sibling, Niva, still sleeping on the bed, her long tail curled around her. He gently nudged her, which woke her up, and then he commented, " Hey sis, we will be going soon."

Niva looked up at him, groggy, she replied," Alright, give me five more minutes." She then turned over and went back to sleep. It took Cyrin another 10 minutes to get his stubborn sibling out of bed. Fortunately neither of them needed much prep time, and neither of them where carrying a lot of luggage either. Not needing clothing was helpful in that regard.

Meanwhile back on the bridge as the starlines flashed back into stars as the USS Alexander the Great entered the Tarod system. The Vulcan woman tapped the display on her arm rest. "T'Rae to Admiral Yamaguchi, we're entering the Tarod system."

Yamaguchi's response was cheerful. "Sounds good Captain, thank you."

T'Rae nodded her head as she sat back. "Helm, drop us to impulse.... and take us to the ninth planet in the system. Roanoke and and her battlegroup is expecting us."

Ensign Naris Linojj smiled as she checked her course and speed. "Heading to the USS Roanoke's position, orbiting Tarod Nine, all ahead slow.... full impulse. we should be there in about forty two minutes."

That was when Lieutenant Piotr Ulyanov chuckled softly. "I hear the Roanoke is less then... decent, she's supposed to be the collection of criminals."

"Collection of misfits and screw-ups with a few good officers sprinkled in for good measure." Commander Daniel Yamaguchi, stationed at Operations turned his head to correct the security chief. "this means no toying with them while we're sharing their orbital space big man."

Commander Nathan Hanson knew that Lieutenant Ulyanov meant well and that Daniel was only reacting to the bait laid out for him but it was the Andorian Thaan who opened his mouth. Lt Commander Trolare th'Plmol sighed. "Piotr stop baiting the Commander... He might... hurt you with one of his many swords."

T'Rae smiled as the turbolift doors opened and out came Rear Admiral Jake Yamaguchi, everyone automatically stiffened to attention as Jake sighed softly before taking a seat that wasn't being used on the side of the bright before he put his feet up, sighed happily and closed his eyes.

This had the effect of surprising everyone on the bridge as well as silencing all conversation. T'Rae was even taken aback too as she had never seen anyone in Starfleet, flag officer or not do what Jake was doing now.

"Admiral, do you require a status update?"

"Nope." Jake answered with a cheerful smile.

T'Rae blinked, she was at a loss as Commander Yamaguchi addressed his cousin. "Jake, I think you're sitting there, wanting a nap for the shock value."

"I do, yes.... Is it working?" Jake answered evenly, clearly still enjoying himself.

"Very much so. Yes."

"Good. Continue talking among yourselves.... I am not here and you never saw me sitting here." Jake added quietly.

Commander Nathan Hanson then spoke up. "Right then... Where were we?" he inquired as the com system beeped as the voice of Commander Greg Saunders could be heard. "Captain... when we reach our destination. I'd like to do a visual inspection of the warp drive... it will take about two days to complete so we will have no warp power for that time." he commented.

T'Rae raised an eyebrow as she turned her head to regard her Exec who nodded. "Its overdue."

"Alright, proceed Commander and keep me informed as to your progress..." T'Rae responded with the usual trademark Vulcan response. "Bridge out." as she tapped the display under her right hand.

Daniel could almost hear his wife thinking as a smile appeared on his face. "Don't worry T'Rae. I doubt we'll be going anywhere once we arrive.."

"You're probably right..." T'Rae addressed her husband. "Still... I prefer to be prepared.."


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