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Here comes Peeves

Posted on Sat Feb 29th, 2020 @ 3:59pm by Admiral Lil'yanna Olmos & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Captain Daniel "Karass" McKnight & Commander Telios Wintersnow & Commander Nalla Furban & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Zuko Omakan

Mission: Mission 33: Losing the Peace
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 7th, 2391

Zuko was having a good day. It had seemed that Noq't was finally able to rid the Dreamcrusher of the menace of Peeves about 2 days ago, and zuko was pretty damn happy. He was also glad he had an engineer of Noqt's competence level.

Nuyari made sure to keep herself very quiet while she stalked her prey. She watched, quietly waiting for the right time to Strike. Her patience had paid off. With no warning to her target, she lobbed her snowball straight into Saki's back.

Saki screamed as she felt the snowball crash into her, she reached down and swept up some snow before she quickly packed some snow together before she fired it back at one of the Kurokuri, she smiled before another caught her in the face.

Saki squealed as she had fun with the snowball fight.

Meanwhile in the Yamaguchi quarters, Torilla was sitting on the deck, crosslegged as she faced Nalla Furban. "Easy... clear your mind.."

Peeves used his invisibility mode and quietly snuck up behind an unsuspecting Nalla.

Nalla did not sweat much. But when these sessions occurred with Torilla, that was all she did. It took a lot of inner will and grit to fight her genetic defect to have the smallest amount of success with these exercises.

Though it took almost twenty minutes, Nalla was calm and felt nothing but quiet static around her. It was a good feeling.

Peeves resisted the urge to snicker as he snuck behind Nalla, and then with little warning, he then shoved Nalla full force into Torilla.

Torilla's eyes went wide as she caught the other woman in her arms, feeling the effects of the psionic wave, assault her senses as the effect overloaded her defenses, she lifted her hands to her head. "Oh no..." she whispered as she curled up into a ball.

"Sorry..." Nalla spoke in a guilty tone while she stood up and immediately moved to take Torilla to the shower. All the while she fought hard against the rise of her strong emotions.

Meanwhile, peeves left some drugs in the ventilation system, which began to slowly spread throughout the ship getting people high.

Wukari, whom was busy hangin out with Zarloos in her quarters, when she suddenly felt an intense wave of hormones hit her. Looking at Zarloos, she tried to say something, but her body seemed to act on its own, as she jumped on Zarloos.

Zarloos blinked as he felt it too. "Umm.." as he fell onto his back. " gonna be good..."

Meanwhile Torilla shook her head, as if trying to clear a fog that had settled. "Umm... what...?" she whimpered as she regarded Nalla while the two entered the bathroom nearby. "Whats... going on?" she realized she could feel her hormones screaming for release.

"You shoved me with your telepathy," Nalla announced as she turned on the cold water in the shower. "I am attempting to reset your hormones."

Torilla shook her head again before she began disrobing, moments later she was wearing nothing. "Okay..." she sighed. "How does this work?"

"I put you in the shower to cool you down," Nalla explained, though she was suddenly trying to figure out why she held a fascination with Torilla's taut body.

Torilla slowly blinked her eyes before she gently began removing Nalla's clothes. "Alright... come on..." she paused. "We might as well do this right.... Do you know how this is done Nalla?"

"I had read all the manuals on coital techniques," Nalla answered while she still stared hungrily at Torilla's body with high curiosity. "I have... never performed any techniques, however."

Torilla smiled warmly at the other woman as she stepped backwards into the shower, she felt the cold water rushing over her skin. "Mmmm.." she smiled as she drew Nalla into the shower with her, before she closed the shower stall. "Oh Nalla... you have been cruelly neglected." before she gently brushed the hair out of her own eyes. "Forget all you know, science doesn't cover one detail... the desire.." and before Nalla could respond, Torilla gently kissed her on the lips. "You have to feel it.... to want it..." The larger woman explained as she kissed Nalla a second time.

"You have to let yourself go... but you must consider the other person with you... you are much smaller than I am... so.. I need to be gentle with you...with you however... you don't need to be gentle.."

Even though Nalla was having problem trying to see the logic behind mating someone of the same sex, she had no problems whatsoever with letting go. In fact, for once, she embraced her Deltan heritage by taking Torilla body and soul with one long passionate kiss. The first step of a merging into one soul.

Torilla felt herself beginning to merge mentally with Nalla, she had read about this as she felt the first stirrings of fear pass through her mind but she also felt the other womans calm and resolve, she had no idea that Nalla had such strength within her. "I can feel you.. inside my mind... are we merging into one?" Torilla asked aloud before she decided to let her hormones be released.

"Yes," Nalla answered both telepathically and barely audibly. Then she led Torilla's hands down to Nalla's hips as the Deltan continued to kiss her XO from the very tips of her toes.

Meanwhile, Ra'Vak was just walking into the bridge when he noticed an unusual smell. Looking around the bridge, he noticed the bridge crew seemed to be a little out of it. Not realising that he was starting to be affected to, he walked over to the Captains ready room and opened the door to deliver a report. Looking at Zara, he opened his mouth to say something, but for some reason, the words just wouldn't come out.

"Shy?" Zara asked with a goofy, wide grin while she sat her near-finished cigar down.

Ra'Vak stumbled into the room, dropping the padd, saying," You now captain, you're really hot."

"I haven't really polished myself yet," Zara remarked to her wrinkled shirt and vest. Though she did take a moment to admire him with her partially glassy eyes. "I never really said this before, but I always thought your afro looked rather unique on you."

Ra'Vak tried his best to come up with a coherent response. "well, I, uh,... I wanted to be different than all those,, boring,.. dull romula,.. I'm really horny right now."

"Girls have it easier..." Zara paused as she thought about that statement. She wanted anything on two legs. "Nope... I take that back. We suffer just as much on that front... Like I am now."

Ra'Vak managed to gurgle out something completely insensible as he got close to Zara. At that point, he let instinct take over.

Meanwhile Fives was walking down the hallway with Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi when both of them felt it. "Oh god... not this again.." Elizabeth muttered. "Fives..."

"I feel it too.." he sighed. "Woah..." he paused as Elizabeth turned and
pushed him into the bulkhead before she kissed him on the lips

Fives stumbled into an empty conference room as he began stripping her clothing from her while she helped him remove his, before long they were both naked, and being unable to help themselves.

Varkon looked around the hangar bay in utter bewilderment, as random people began to start screwing each other in the hangar deck, and others just looked like they where intoxicated like hell. Varkon was glad, that whatever it was, it wasn't affecting him. He knew that none of these other species would not likely survive mating with him.

Meanwhile, the Helm officer, whom was thoroughly intoxicated by now, couldn't resist himself as he hit the shiny buttons, sending the roanoke off into the stars at warp 9.

On the Dreamcrusher, Zuko noticed as Roanoke, seemingly out of nowhere, activated its warp drive. Looking at Telios he said, "Did I miss something here.

Telios Wintersnow who sighed softly. "Only the same thing I missed too." she looked at Karass. "Hail the Rowling and the Tranquillity, tell them that we're going after the Roanoke." she responded. "Helm. Whenever your ready..."

"Pursuit course plotted Captain." Oriana tod Zuko

Wintersnow nodded. "Engage..."

"Dreamcrusher, this is Captain Olmos," began Nalla's helicopter mom. "Why is Roanoke doing erratic course changes? Are they under polywater again?"

Zuko thought about the matter, then it hit him, "No, I don't think that this is polywater. Call it a hunch, but I think I know the cause."

"So why aren't you trying to fix the problem, if you know what it is?" Olmos asked with an unimpressed look.

"We've tried everything to get rid or peeves, we though we succeeded." Zuko admitted, distressed. "I didn't think that the masochistic hologram would jump ship, or that he could for that matter."

Telios Wintersnow who was presently sitting to Zuko's right. moaned softly before she facepalmed. "Uhh!"

"We have a hologram now aboard a ship where polywater outbreaks occur regularly. And those outbreaks are worse with a sexually repressed Deltan and another telepath and acts as an antenna to emotions," Olmos pointed out angrily. "You do see where this is headed."

Zuko threw his hands up, "Well, don't blame me, blame the bastard that made the hologram."

"So how do we catch that ship and keep it from warping," Olmos asked with irritation.

Zuko offered his suggestion, "We can use a tractor beam modified to disable Roanoke's warp field, However it will have to be us, Dreamcrusher is the only ship heavy enough that we wont get dragged by Roanoke in the process."

"Agreed. Once you're in range, I need you to try and get an internal scan. Environmental and regular. We need to determine what's caused the ship to go crazy, if it's not technical fault," Olmos pointed out. "My ship will hang back here until you get her wrangled."

Zuko nodded and closed the channel as Dreamcrusher went into warp after Roanoke.


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