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Picking up and Dropping off

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2020 @ 4:58pm by Captain T'Nae "Wolfheart" Duval & Lieutenant Commander Gabriel Yamaguchi & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval & Lieutenant Savannah Yamaguchi & Commander Jiao Anderson-Smithson
Edited on on Wed May 26th, 2021 @ 10:44am

Mission: Mission 31: The Ashes of Eden
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 1400Hrs - April 4th, 2391

Lieutenant Jiao Anderson frowned as she tapped the com piece she had inserted into her right ear, it was something a little outdated but she found it worked for her. "Captain." she turned to address Captain Tane. "Captain T'Nae sends her regards and is asking if you can drop to impulse."

"Umm... Why would I do that?" Zara asked with confusion.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "T'Nae... as in T'Nae Duval?"

Jiao nodded her head. "Yes.. I have the Shield of Vega coming at us on an intercept course, they are moving along at over warp Nine point eight..."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "They're in a big hurry to get here... I wonder what T'Nae's rush is.." she paused. "Oh... She's pregnant.."

"Do as the knocked-up Vulcan says," Zara sighed with a wave of her hand.

"I'll see to it." Yamaguchi turned to her right as she tapped the display next to her which folded out of the console, she smiled as she tapped a few keys. "The Chief of the Boat has been so informed..."

"This should be good," Zara noted with a grin.

"Aye Captain." came the response as the USS Roanoke slowed to impulse, suddenly there was a bright flash on the screen as the USS Shield of Vega, a Century class ship emerged from warp as well, the two ships looked rather mismatched as the Century was a monster compared to the Roanoke which was only a fraction of the size of the Shield of Vega.

Yamaguchi turned her head. "May I go greet our guest?" she inquired.

"Sure," Zara shrugged off.

"Well... I have the feeling that we'll be together for several hours... T'Nae is T'Nae after all." Yamaguchi slowly smiled. "and yes... I know her... also.. shes not what you might expect.." as her smile slowly widened. "You should meet her for yourself."

"Maybe... Something else got you excited?" Zara asked out of curiosity.

Yamaguchi regarded the other ship on the view screen. "My son is aboard that ship... Maybe he'll come over and we can visit."

"He should see his new siblings too," Zara agreed.

Torilla's smile did not waver. "Now that sounds good." as she made a mental note to do just that. "Do you wanna come with?"

"I'd just intrude," Zara admitted. "Besides, you need time with your family too."

"Bah, come on..." Torilla instantly dismissed the statement as she rose to her feet. "You'll like Gabe and Savv." and with that she went into the turbolift. "I've missed my son.." Torilla admitted.

The two women walked into the transporter room. "Four to beam over from the Shield of Vega."

Yamaguchi nodded as she watched her son, his wife and their son appear on the pad before her, also the ships Exec appeared as well.

"Roanoke welcomes you guys aboard," Zara opened with a smile.

Torilla opened her mouth to say something before Commander Marcus Smith gently grabbed Torilla before he kissed her rather passionately.

Gabriel Yamaguchi regarded the scene before him with deep amusement. "Captain Tane, permission for us to come aboard?" as he fought off laughing at the stupidity of the scene before him.

"Uh... sure." Zara looked wearily to Torilla and Smith. "Don't think I'm gonna ask about that."

Savannah and Gabriel shared a look. "That's alright... We weren't going to ask either." as they both seemed deeply amused by this turn of events

Yamaguchi and Smith's lips parted a moment later as Torilla slapped him across the face with her right hand. "Do you always fly with women at transwarp Mister Smith?"

"The faster the better... so?"

"No." Yamaguchi answered bluntly. "I'm married, with children and grandchildren."

"Oh..." Smith paused "Captain.... can I go back to my ship now?"

"No." Yamaguchi beat Tane to it. "You can make yourself useful and go see my quartermaster, see what she needs and arrange to have it beamed over here... if you leave... I'll see to it that Captain T'Nae has you spaced, without a suit..." Yamaguchi explained. "I also need to give my regards to T'Nae... I assume she's busy in labour?"

"Uhh... Yeah.." Smith responded. "So.. that's a no to me leaving the ship?"

"Oh. Very much so," Zara spoke with amusement. "Probably should of researched your former lover before kissing her. Might of been a better result."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "If you ever... do that to me... ever again... I will see to it that your brains meltdown and your head will quite literally... explode.. " she then smiled. "Am I clear?"

"Uhmm. Yes..."

"Good." Yamaguchi responded. "You're also a lousy kisser... and I'm sure my husband will want a few words with you after this... that's assuming my children over there don't decide to deal with you... first.... because... they might.." there was something in her tone which was creepy.

"Umm... Yeah..." Zara paled on the memory. "One of them turned me into a monkey for a while."

Torilla then smiled. "Pray you never collide with my daughter... she might do the same to you." as Yamaguchi's smile grew truly malicious. "Or worse..."

Gabriel turned. "Sir... I'm going to ask you nicely. Please don't do that to my mother.. ever again..."

"This woman was your mother, Ensign.... and you let me.?"

"I didn't let you do anything," Gabriel answered angrily. "You grabbed her and started making out with her," Gabriel responded with a growl. "I don't take too kindly to that..."

Torilla grinned at Smith. "You best run along now... feel free to use whatever facilities but you are not to leave this ship... also the guys in medical will want you for a checkup." she turned to Zara as the look on her face told the smaller woman exactly what she was planning.

"Don't touch the Furban though," Zara told the guy in a panic. "Bad things happen there."

Smith smiled. "I'll be fine... I can handle a little attention.." and with that he walked out of sickbay, Torilla smiled as she took a moment to inform Elizabeth of exactly what was coming her way.

"Guys" the Sergeant Major commented as he walked through the door. "Captain, mind if I go over to the Shield of Vega?, I have... an appointment to keep and I do not wish to anger my wife by being late.... she's in sickbay and she's having the babies now.."

Yamaguchi opened her mouth but stopped, this wasn't her call to make so she turned to her son and his wife who both looked somewhat amused. "Well guys... welcome aboard the USS Flying Dutchman... I hope you like ghost stories.... because... you're in one.."

Celeste smiled. "Lovely... so we're going to disappear then.."

"Well.. its better then the USS William D Porter." Torilla explained. "Come on... let me get you guys situated..."

"Granted..." Tane smiled to the big man. She wondered what he'd be like in bed, if only a very fleeting moment. But then waved him off. "Spend as much time as you need with your family."

Duval walked onto the transporter pad. "Whenever you're ready Chief." as he vanished in a haze of transporter energy.

Torilla led her son and daughter in law in sickbay. "Well.. Lieutenant Furban is working on what she calls a solution to the Halanan medical problem so I know she'll want to see the two of you in sickbay at your convenience."

Gabriel nodded. "Sounds painless, we'll add it in.."


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