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A Storm of Swords

Posted on Fri Feb 28th, 2020 @ 12:58am by Commander Moni Nasao PhD & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Toshnarr & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi & Jillian "Phoenix" Sullivan & Company Sergeant Major Jeffery "The Mountain" Duval & Director Tienn Gyce

Mission: Mission 28: Those who Remain
Location: Various Locations - USS Roanoke
Timeline: 0800Hrs - February 24th, 2391

Ensign Elizabeth Yamaguchi regarded Zara Tane. "Well sir...It all happened so fast that I missed the trigger but I saw the aftereffects of it." she produced a PADD. "My report for the incident in question. Everything is there, the nature of injuries to Phoenix and everyone else.."

"Fuck," Zara sighed with frustration and walked over to the bar to fix herself a stiff drink.

Elizabeth nodded. "I threw out the equivalent of a Psionic flash-bang, in short I gave all twenty three people in that room a migraine but.... serves 'em right... fucking bastards... betting on a fight with a pregnant woman."

The bartender nodded. "Yeah... Skipper... I'm not gonna work on this ship anymore... you'll need another bartender and owner for your Green Dragon establishment.... I quit.."

Zara just shook her head. She was still trying to comprehend this level of stupidity herself.

The barkeep turned and walked out, without a word.

Duval who had kept silent until now. "Skipper... with you're approval. I'll move in and run the place. Considering I can balance my job of COB and running the Green Dragon, I'm sure I can do the job... with your approval that is.."

"Sure... I'm going to fix my drink first." As if on cue, she finished making a romulan ale in a pint and sat down on a barstool. "Why does that woman pick fights?"

Elizabeth sighed. "Because she'd tried everything else and failed." the tallest Yamaguchi explained. "nothing else she tried got her anything... I'll give Phoenix credit... she tried.. and got nowhere.."

Duval went over to the bar, he went around the bar and he smiled. "Its happy hours boys and girls... drinks are on me..." he paused as he tapped his combadge. "Duval to Toshnarr, Fordring, Solusar and Nasao, could you folks come down to the Green Dragon, I have a job offer for you guys..."

The responses came almost instantly as Duval turned. "Skipper... when they get here... could you send them into the back... I need to clean up.. if you have no objections?"

"Sure," Zara agreed, then looked to the others assembled in the room. "So... give me options that don't result in killing this brat."

"Community service," Gyce suggested easily.

Torilla Yamaguchi shrugged. "You better be sharing that?" she indicated the pint glass on Zara's hand.

The door opened as in walked four being in total, two massive beings, one Caitian female and a human male. "Hey guys... are we interrupting?" Moni Nasao inquired as Toshnarr blinked his massive eyes while Tirion Fordring crossed his arms over his chest. Kameron Solusar smiled at his wife.

Torilla indicated the bar. "The COB is waiting for you in the barkeepers office, go on in..."

The three of them proceeded to move along as Elizabeth sighed. "do you two want straws for your drink."

"Sure... why not?" Torilla commented

"Not helping mom." Elizabeth sighed.

Torilla Yamaguchi nodded. "Draft her, make her serve her sentence in uniform... but there are limitations to that..."

"I can't just draft her without Phoenix understanding why though," Zara pointed out as she shared her drink with Torilla.

Torilla Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "What is there to understand... Aryssa assaulted her mother regardless of the circumstances."

Elizabeth Yamaguchi picked up her root beer as she took a sip. "Its not that simple mom." the tallest Yamaguchi explained. "Aryssa has been lied to... by everyone in her entire life... I think the only exception really... is Siaxx.. and she's not present... neither is Rachael."

"So is everyone in agreement that if Phoenix doesn't agree to let Aryssa be conscripted for a few years, her kid goes to prison?" Zara asked to all in attendance.

Torilla Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Mmm... the conscription would never hold any serious weight.... it would hold so long as Aryssa was assigned to this ship only. Otherwise, the conditions would be null and void."

"Unless it's Captain Tane's intention to keep her here," Gyce pointed out. "But I can't see her taking to community service or conscription and becoming a better person from either experience... What the kid needs is a stint in a detention center, so she understands her behavior isn't tolerated."

"Something tells me if you're in the room presenting these options to Phoenix, that she'll kill you," Zara spoke rather harshly to the Bajoran.

"If in the event the victim is emotionally compromised, law enforcement has a duty to proceed in whatever direction they deem is best for all parties," Gyce quoted from whatever rulebook she pulled it from. "Phoenix can't charge her because she's emotionally compromised. And her advocate is not here."

"So where does that leave us?" Torilla asked.

"I'm good with conscripting her," Zara spoke. "Because while it's very bad with what she did, she's as much a victim. She's been lied to by everyone that's cared for her. And letting the courts decide this girl's fate will only put her in the wind once she gets out. I rather her being forced here, with her mom. So that both of them will deal with their shit over time."

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "I'll present it to Phoenix. This way Gyce doesn't need to be in the room." she commented. "Now... if you are going to conscript her... what department will you put her in... and what rank will she have?"

"Should we all draw straws on that?" Zara asked with a snicker. "Cause I don't see many volunteering for this assignment."

Elizabeth shrugged. "I'll take her into medical with me as a nurse." she said. "Of course.. there is always a yeoman for mom." she indicated Torilla who was sitting nearby.

"Do you want her as your bitch, Torilla?" Zara grinned evilly.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Tempting... but no, I think you'd make a far more demanding taskmaster then I could.." the elder Yamaguchi regarded the smaller Trill woman.

"Captain's bitch it is then," Zara spoke with a wicked grin.

"Alright." Elizabeth commented. "Shall we go see Phoenix and Aryssa? Give them the news?"

"Sure," Zara shrugged aside. "Is it safe to enter Phoenix's room?"

Torilla shared a look with her eldest before both women nodded. "Yeah it should be." Elizabeth commented. "I'll check though, make sure."

"All right then. Plan made. Now to go deal with the fiery one," Zara ended, finished the booze and walked out of the bar with a mad shake of her head.

Both Yamaguchi's went with her, Elizabeth hung back to walk beside Gyce. "Mind if I walk with you Lieutenant?" as the four of them went towards sickbay.

"Not at all, Ensign." Gyce kept her pace casual, so as not to overdue it. Afterall, it was early in the day. "What's on your mind?"

"I am curious about your legs." Elizabeth inquired. "Can nothing be done?" she regarded the other woman. "Also... why did you arrest a pregnant teenager?" she decided to cut right to it.

"She broke the law and created a riot," Gyce sighed with annoyance. "I'm getting really tired of explaining this, Ensign. I followed the law. Pregnant women are not excused from the law."

"I apologize." Elizabeth commented as she continued walking. The four of them walked into a turbolift as Elizabeth produced a PADD as she began tapping notes on it.

Torilla observed her daughter. "Elizabeth, stop playing with your food."

"I protect my own... I always have.."

"I know... but you don't need to do that anymore... Rachael is old enough to look after herself...Worry about your husband... and your future children, should you ever decide to have them." The elder Yamaguchi responded. "Right ladies?"

"Right," Zara agreed and led them into Phoenix's room several long minutes later.

"You aint welcome here," Phoenix noted to Tane as her blue eyes mate Tane's brown ones.

"Probably not, but I'm not here to fight with you," Zara agreed as she watched Phoenix sit in the chair by the window. Shonax was in her lap, getting his belly rubbed while Dora sat in the floor sitting vigil over her master.

"I didn' hurt anyone, so ya don' gotta worry about my losin' my temper," Phoenix spoke rather defensively, and then looked back out the window.

"All right... Someone else tag-in," Zara spoke with a frown to the other women.

Torilla spoke up. "Phoenix. We're here to inform you that Aryssa is going to be conscripted as punishment for attacking you." she explained. "She's going to serve her punishment for two years... giving you time to sort things out with her.... she'll also serve as Yeoman to Zara here.."

"An' it take four of ya ta tell me?" Phoenix bit back fiercely.

"No. They're here for an intervention," Tane corrected. "Staying here, moping around, isn't helping you. And your kid may come to see it as avoiding her."

"She aint my kid," Phoenix spoke very quietly, and sadly. "She's Dorothy Sullivan's. I'm just the egg donor, as she so rightly points out."

"I need my CAG back," Tane pointed out.

"Why? You don' like me either," Phoenix pointed out bitterly as she turned around to look at Tane. "We don' like each other."

"Rather I like you or not doesn't matter. What matters is that one wing commander is starting to lose his shit because he's not held this sort of responsibility for long. And he's having to do your job. The other wing CO is in the process of having multiple surgeries and cannot help out at all." Tane frowned and rubbed her temples. "Someone try to make since to her, please?"

Torilla Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Liking someone is immaterial to the fact... the situation has gotten worse since you have become cooped up in here... this place isn't a home away from home... its become your refuge from your own fears.."

Elizabeth added. "How do you think Rachael felt.... She's a child, about to have a child of her own... It terrified her, every moment of every day... the lurking monster that waited for her... Yet she was able to keep going... because she had all of us supporting her..."

Torilla took over from where Elizabeth had left off. "You're not alone here Jill. You have all of us... and as for you and Zara... Would she be here if she didn't care..."

"She wouldn' be here, no," Phoenix answered honestly as she looked very reluctantly to Zara.

"Right. So I need you midday, ready to take control of the wing. Get out of here, clean up. And we'll figure out where to place Aryssa for the time being."

Phoenix rubbed Shonax's belly as she agreed with teary eyes. "Fine... Aryssa stays with me though. I need ta not let her bug me so."

Elizabeth nodded her head. "Alright..." she paused. "I'll bring your clothing... everyone else... please give the Colonel the room... so she can dress." and with that she turned and walked out the door.

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Lieutenant...?" she looked at Gyce.

Gyce stepped forward with the sounds of a cane hitting the floor at a steady pace. Once she was inside the room, Gyce added, "Your daughter's rage is what concerns me. That, and the fact it did not take much to goad her into hitting you. As such, it's my opinion that she needs to stay with someone else until she is no danger to you or the babies you carry."

"Didn' I break your nose once already?" Phoenix asked Gyce very directly.

"Those charges are still pending," Gyce reminded Phoenix in a very calm tone. "Be as it may, we're all asking you to let Aryssa stay with someone else, until your mate returns."

"Fine. I don' care where she goes. Now leave so I can dress, Lieutenant." Phoenix gave Gyce a very dark look.

"Yes Ma'am." Gyce nodded and walked out the door.

Torilla raised an eyebrow. "Phoenix." she said simply. "The next time you hit her.... you will answer to me.... am I clear?" she growled.

"Fine," Phoenix shrugged. "Now go away."

Torilla regarded the other woman, she had never been treated like this as she decided to keep a careful eye on Phoenix, as she calmed herself but she gave Phoenix an acidic look before turning and departing.

Elizabeth came in as her mother walked out, carrying Phoenix's clothing. "Here you go, all freshly cleaned and new." she explained. "I don't wanna know what that was about." she said, as if she knew exactly what that was about before she placed Phoenix's clothing on the bed next to the other woman before she too, turned and departed.

Phoenix in turn, picked up her clothes and began to dress herself.


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