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All the Eyes

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:59pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Lieutenant Colonel Tienn Nerra

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 1500Hrs - February 13th, 2390

The faint light up the small standard federation quarters which at the desk the cardassian was writing furiously. If anything he hated in starfleet it was the excessive paperwork. There had been none of this in the cardassian military. Simple orders and simple reports to fill out. Also, there was no annoying snoring from human roommates, did their whole species have that habit?.

He took another ship from his glass of water as he tried to finish his report trying to blot out the sound in his ears. As if the universe could sense his need to get his report written his left eye crackled into static before switching off. He could feel the faint trickle of blood falling down his face even before his hand moved to check.

Great he thought to himself as he picked up his jacket and pulled it on before heading out the door holding his hand over his eye. Today of all days and his implants start messing up. It was a short turbolift ride to the medical bay which it familiar doors opened.

He gave a weak smile to the secretary who seemed rather alarmed by the blood trickling through the gaps in his fingers. “ Hello there is someone free to see me I need a rather urgent problem that needs looking at.”

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi looked at the nurse who was dealing with the Cardassian with the head wound. "Its okay Nancy, I'll see him." the larger
woman smiled. "I'm Doctor Celeste Yamaguchi, I will look after you today... lets go over here?"

“Thank you doctor.” Aabrak grunted out as he kept his hand over his eye.

Yamaguchi walked him over to a biobed which was nearby. "Well. you're the first Cardassian I've ever treated." she explained evenly as they reached their destination, she then plucked her medkit from where she had left it fifteen minutes earlier when she was doing her physical for the last nurse in sickbay, even her own personnel were getting checked out as well. "Lets see..." she opened her tricorder as she instantly frowned. "The power system for your eye implant has depolarized, Its going to need replacing but he's caused some damage to the surrounding tissues, that's the source of your bleeding." and with that she opened her medkit. "I'm going to give you a mild painkiller to take the edge off okay?"

Aabrak felt a slight sense of panic on the fact he was the first cardassian the doctor had treated. Never a good sign, but right now he wanted the stabbing pain in his head to deal with. “ Pity these implants have been with me for as long as I remember. “ He said as he felt the hypospray connect with his neck.

"Oh?" Yamaguchi inquired. "Well not to worry, you are in good hands." she smiled at him as she proceeded to halt the bleeding as she looked at her tricorder. "I can have new eyes fashioned for you, they will look just as good as the eyes that Cardassian's normally have except you will see about sixty percent better, you'll have better distance and the like..... if you'd like I can craft them for you." she smiled at him. "But why don't you take a moment to think about it." she commented as she realized she had just dropped this all on him all at once.

The cardassian leaned back against the biobed letting out a slight sigh. How long had it been since he’d felt real eyes inside his skull. Most of adult life in fact. Ever since bajor he’d been use to the feeling of metal eyes in his sockets. “ It would be nice to have real eyes again. Ever since I lost my real eye’s i’ve gotten so use to the feeling of these.” He said tapping the side of his skull.

"Well they will still be prosthetic but they will look and feel like real eyes.... you'll just see about twice as good as the average Cardassian." she smiled at him. "in your case... about a forty percent improvement."

" Sounds good doc. Can you do them in silver like my current ones? " Aabrak replied sitting up slightly on the bed. " Thanks for being understanding doctor. Most personal aren't so helpful to one of my people."

Yamaguchi nodded her head, clearly understanding where he was coming from. "I can make the eyes look like whatever you wish." she responded cheerfully but upon hearing his second statement, her smile lost some of its luster. "I won't lie to you.. I fought during the Dominion War alongside the rest of my massive family." she explained. "Its not easy seeing a Cardassian wear the uniform but... you do wear the uniform and you don't have the cold arrogance I've come to associate with Cardassian's in general. So I respect that.... and the uniform."

" It not my feeling i'm bothered about doctor. I've gotten use to the distrust my people have. I just which my daughters didn't have to suffer it. " Aabrak replied. It had actually been the war that had gotten him out his holding prison. The federation had suffered that many casualties they had to go through people they distrusted for help. Still it had gotten him out and kept his daughters from getting shipped off to the front lines. Something he was very grateful for.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she regarded him. "Those feelings will probably diminish over time but probably never fully go away.." she admitted. "depends on the Cardassian government and their long term relationship with the Federation."

"The old wounds never probably heal." Aabrak replied giving the doctor a weak smile. " I would now after all. So when can i get the new eyes?"

"Well... maybe our children will have better luck making a relationship work." she raised an eyebrow. "My sister did marry a Cardassian after all and she's just had twins with him." her smile widened. "so there is hope." she then plucked her PADD off of the bed where she had left it as she quickly jotted down some notes which she then sent off to the computer. "You can get them shortly.. I'll need an hour to properly check them over and make sure they are not going to fail you like these ones did." she explained. "I can see to it that you're comfortable before you go into surgery." she explained as she looked at one of her nurses who quickly came over.

"Process this please and start crafting the Lieutenant's new eyes. I want them ship shape and Bristol fashion."

"Consider it done Doctor." the younger woman smiled as she nodded at the Cardassian who was sitting on the bed as she turned and went away to comply with the Doctor's request.

" What fashion?" Duka replied looking rather confused.

"Bristol fashion... its an old British navy term." she explained. "Means everything in perfect order." Yamaguchi commented as she regarded him.

" Right." he replied still feeling confused. Humans did seem to have unusual terms for everything. " Do you mind if I finish of some paperwork while I wait Doctor. " He asked leaning back on the bed slightly.

"Sure, don't let me stop you." Yamaguchi commented with a smile as she checked the PADD before her as the doors opened and in came one Andorian Shen child along with a much older human woman as Nancy nodded. "Doctor?."

Yamaguchi turned her head as she caught sight of the Andorian female as she raised an eyebrow, she then went over in silence as she raised an eyebrow as she noted the Shen's wounds, clearly something had gone horribly wrong. "Pava, what happened."

The Shen's response was a soft wail, Yamaguchi nodded. "Come on over here and let me have a look at you." she commented. "So what did happen..?"

"Well..." the teacher led Pava over to the biobed indicated by her adopted mother. "Pava and a few others were playing in the schoolyard when one guy... I'll be dealing with him, kicked a basketball and it caught Pava here full in the chest and face."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Kicked a basketball?" she inquired as she produced her tricorder as she looked the child she had come to think of as her own flesh and blood. "Yep..." she looked darkly at the teacher. "May I recommend punishment?"

"Oh please.. I was going to make him do lines....I assume you want his ass?" the teacher inquired with a smile.

"Oh yes... I want him to learn some medicine... I have something... special in mind." Yamaguchi gave the other woman a rather terrifying grin.

"Done. he's yours." the teacher smiled. "How is she?"

"A mess." Yamaguchi commented as she smiled down at her child. "Its okay sweetie. I'll get you sorted out." as she gently helped Pava up onto the bed and with that she started her treatment of the Andorian child, it didn't take long to sort Pava out as she gave her adopted mother a hug and kiss as a nurse came over. "I apologize Doctor. the new implants for Lieutenant Duka are ready"

"So we're ready to proceed then?" Yamaguchi inquired as she relized that treating her daughter had taken a lot more time then she had relized. "Alright. lets do this." and with that she went over to where the Cardassian was doing paperwork. "Aabrak. we're ready to proceed with your operation now."

Aabrak gave a smile as he pressed a few buttons on the padd before standing up. " I'm ready to go doctor. Let's get this over with." He stopped for a moment as he remembered something. " Just one thing doctor there a micro bomb in the back of my spinal column. Starfleet disabled the charge but the machinery is still there. Just thought you'de like to know before you go pocking around in my skull. "

Yamaguchi blinked as he had taken her completely by surprise and she as a rule hated them, she arched an eyebrow. "That's not in your file.." she paused as the tall, sevelte medical officer tapped her combadge. "Yamaguchi to Tienn.?" she commented.

The response came back. "Tienn here, Go ahead doctor?"

"Lieutenant, I need a consult on a patient with rather... specialized needs. Could you drop in for a few minutes?"

"Of course. I'm on my way, Tienn out."

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow as she looked at Duka. "Is there anything else I ought to know before the Lieutenant gets here?"

"Nothing that isn't already in my profile." The Cardassian replied letting out a sigh. Why was this happening again. " I apologize doctor, I though they put the operation on my medical profile. It was done when I was conscripted into the fleet during the Dominion war. Can't remember when exactly it was done it was a long war."

Yamaguchi nodded as the door opened and in came another person, a younger Bajoran female who came over to the Doctors side, Yamaguchi turned and quickly explained to the Bajoran why she had summoned her for this meeting. The Bajoran listened as she clearly understood what was going on.
"Ahh, a service bomb to ensure that you're not captured by the enemy." Tienn commented. "I'm Lieutenant Tienn Nerria, Assistant Chief Engineer and I will be removing that bomb for you." she explained. "I came prepared." she indicated her kit.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Do you have any questions for us Lieutenant before we proceed?"

" No doctor i'll be glad to get this over and done with." The cardassian replied giving her a weak smile. People pocking around inside his head wasn't very appealing, but it would be better that going around with malfunctioning eyes.

Yamaguchi nodded as she and the Lieutenannt both went to work. "Lets get rid of that bomb first." Tienn commented evenly. "Doctor... I'll need your help okay?"

Yamaguchi smiled. "Very well... lets do this."


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