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Senior Staff Briefing

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:56pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs & Major Daisy Rohr-McKnight
Edited on on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 4:09pm

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 1200Hrs - February 13th, 2390

Yoshi had gathered all the information she could and walked into the observation room and took a seat. She waited for the Senior Staff to arrive so she can get things underway. They were already at warp heading to the distress call.

Jaina had headed towards the observation room after getting P'Rinn set up in one of the play areas with a few other children. He wasn't to happy about having his adventure delayed, but Jaina had explained that she would make it up to him as soon as the meeting ended. Once she had reached the observation room, Jaina walked in and took a seat and waited for everyone else to show up so that the meeting could start.

As if chasing the senior counselor, the door opened a second time and a larger, dark skinned woman walked into the room with a wide smile on her face, clearly this was someone who was happy most of the time as she took in the room at a glance. She nodded to the Captain and then she smiled at the Counselor.

So far the Captain had kept her word about keeping her stress levels down and thus far Celeste would leave it alone as she selected a seat almost at random. "Jaina, Captain..." she greeted them both in turn.

Joe walked into the observation room and gave a nod to those already a nod before finding himself a seat.

Yoshi nodded at the officers who have entered the room. She waited for the others to arrive.

Daisy entered and found her seat. As a Marine officer she often felt like an outsider among the Star Fleet officers. Not that any of this crew has treated her that way. The Starfleet Marines were just a different culture.

Mike nodded to everyone as he stepped into the room, steaming cup of coffee in hand. He set the cup on the table and sat down, "Well good morning everyone. We all seem to be in high spirits." He said as he took a drink.

Drex entered the room and immediately felt uncomfortable, firstly because he was the only one not in star fleet uniform but secondly because this was the first time he'd been considered a senior staff member of anything. He took a breath straightened his jacket then sat down in the nearest seat. After a moment or two he bowed his head to the room in a respect of those present it was only once he had lifted his head did he realise everyone else was relaxed with some form of beverage. Awkwardly he put his PADD on the table and with one finger started to check on the status of his patrols.

Celeste rose to her feet as she went over to the replicator to order herself a sandwich and a glass of water, she knew this was going to be fascinating and she wanted to be on something of a full stomach as she generally operated better all around while on a full stomach. "I'm still waiting for the majority of you for medical checkups please.." she smiled. knowing full well what people wanted and didn't want, one of the things they didn't want to do was come see her.

Once everyone was in the Observation lounge, David put the most senior out of the Junior Officers in charge of the bridge as he grabbed himself a Raktajino on the way. Nobody made coffee like the Klingons. He took his seat at his wife's right side, "Good morning everyone."

Once everyone was in the room she stood up and turned on the computer screen in front of the room. "We have received a distress call from a Bolian freighter passing through the 'Triangle' near Pirates Haven. They seem to be under attack by a group of pirates." Yoshi stated as she showed the map on the screen of the location. "The freighter has limited weaponry and is basically trying to survive. We are on route and will arrive within the hour." Yoshi added.

She then looked at Captain Ruhr and 1st Lieutenant Anjar, "I would like the both of you to work together to get your teams ready for a boarding party if need be." Yoshi ordered, she then looked at the Doctor. "I would like you Commander Yamaguchi to have your team ready for wounded." Yoshi stated looking at her.

Celeste Yamaguchi nodded. "By the time I'm done, my guys will be ready for a major disaster Captain."

Drex nodded and made of note of it on his PADD, he still felt out of place so didnt speak but in his mind he knew what needed to be done. After a brief moment he glanced at Ruhr and nodded his head.

"The Marines have already been formed into boarding parties and as security attachments if Lieutenant Anjar needs them." Daisy returning Drex's nod.

Then she took a deep breathe before she continued, "I need everyone to be ready. It won't be easy to bring them down as they are known to have advanced weaponry." She stated then brought up another picture of what these pirates are capable of. "This is the USS Durga, a Europa class starship being taken out by these pirates. Luckly the USS Pegasus which is attached to Starbase 400 was near the area and was able to respond. The ship had to be towed back to the Starbase." Yoshi stated as she looked at the crew.

"This ship has advanced weaponry but we must be prepared, I also been informed that the USS New Hampshire a Galaxy Refit is also responding to a similar call also in the 'Triangle' It is unknown if these are related. But we need to be prepared in case these are traps." Yoshi stated as she looked at them.

She then looked at Commander Webb, "I need you to get all the intelligence you can," She stated looking at him.

"Yes Captain," David replied as he made a mental note to look up anything and everything he could related to the mission at hand. He would have done so anyways as he preferred to gather all information he could before going into a situation. He liked knowing what he was getting into.

She finally looked at Commander Pike, "I would like you to get in contact with Colonel Pike on the USS New Hampshire and let him know whats going on and see what there situation is like." Yoshi asked him.

Joe nodded "Will do Captain"

She nodded then looked at everyone, "Any questions?" Yoshi finally asked looking at them.

"If we get there in time to deal with the pirates... what are our options?" Celeste Yamaguchi inquired. "Should we also attempt to find out where they are getting their weapons and supplies... considering they did severally maul a Europa class starship." she paused. "I personally feel its worth looking into but that's just me talking."

She looked at the doctor, "I had a feeling that would come up, according to records from Starbase 400 they are stealing there weapons from ships they attack or on the black market. A man named Clark has been behind it as well." Yoshi stated looking at them as she handed everyone a padd with all the information on the 'Triangle,' and the Pirates. "Here is everything I have on them. "Right now our mission is to rescue the Bolian ship at the moment." Yoshi added, "Anything else?"

Drex had his head down reading the information he had just been given, by the sounds of these pirates the Marines would be doing the main boarding followed by security teams to secure prisoners and provide back up which would free the marines up to keep searching the vessel at strength.

Celeste nodded as she recalled a mission report her sister in law had submitted about a year ago regarding Clark and the hunt for his confederates, in paticuler a man named Riggs as she recalled the wording in the report and she knew that Torilla had left a great many things out of the report too, things only a mother could understand. "Not at this time sir." she answered the Captains question.

Joe shook his head:"No questions from me."

"Well if there isn't any more questions you are dismissed, report to your stations and get ready." Yoshi ordered then looked at them.

Celeste rose to her feet as she plucked her PADD from where she had left it as she mentally sighed, she knew the next two weeks would be full of nothing but physicals and checkups for everyone from the Captain to the lowest crewman recruit on his first tour. 'Story of my life.' she thought to herself as she went out the door.

Joe nodded then rose and headed for the door.


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