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Lost Time and Attention

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 1:02pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 0800Hrs - February 14th, 2390

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi never did her paperwork in her office, instead she was sitting
on one of the biobeds as she held a PADD in her delicate looking hands as she tapped at it,
"Mmmm..." she narrowed her eyes as she sighed.

She heard the doors open and then close as someone addressed her, a smile crossed her face. "You have found her, to what do I owe the pleasure Commander?" she found herself addressing the second officer. "Welcome to my dungeon... today I will be your tormentor"
her last few words were said with a wide grin on her face.

Maxwell did not even bother to look up from the pad that he had been working on. The small interface was whirling and twirling around as it brought up information on a bit of formula that he had been working on. "Huh?... that sounds good." He commented, clearly not paying attention as his fingers tapped against the screen. "Hmmm. Rotating modulation would correct the power imbalance but would create harmonic resonance within the sphere itself... buffer circuitry? No, works to slow, unable to keep up with shifting variables." He mumbled to himself as he stepped around the doctor and towards the table and taking a seat.

"Oh alright... I will be gentle though... I promise not to leave any marks, bruises or anything
else, you'll never know you were here..."

"Unilateral power displacement?" He mumbled out loud as he tilted his head back wards to peer up towards the ceiling. "Could work... Must run tests." He mumbled as he went back to work.

Celeste waited for him to finish doing what it was he was engrossed in. "A Bioneural Computer
system could be made to keep up with the calculations." she commented evenly. "Commander..."
Celeste was now growing irritated as he completely ignored her. Celeste raised an eyebrow before
punching the console next to her, causing the front to shatter as it fountained in a geyser of sparks
as she snarled something in a foreign language "Mit keresel itt. Hé. Fizessen Figyelem!".

Celeste was also a lot stronger then she looked as she stood before the distracted Commander
from Engineering.

Maxwell turned his head to look towards the doctor and he just stared at her for a moment. And
then he nodded his head towards her. "I've been awake for a hundred and seventy eight hours.
My attention... is.... well.... attentive?" he questioned, shrugging his shoulders and true to his
word, when he looked at the Doctor his eyes were rather red, and there were some dark bags
around his eyes. Maybe that was true, considering that he had caught what she had said. Maybe
it wasn't as he returned to his work flipping through the pages before he brought up the actual
base line peice before he nodded his head.

"Idea about the Bioneural Computer system. Good idea. Could work...." he commented to himself
as his fingers danced over top of the pad. "Should go back into simulation room."

Celeste raised an eyebrow. "A hundred and seventy hours." she raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a
tad excessive?." as she crossed her arms over her chest. "and just do you function without losing
your mind?" she looked unimpressed. "do you want to come back another time?, preferably after
you've slept?" she asked in an acerbic manner.

Maxwell turned and looked up towards her, blinking a bit. "A lot of stuff needed to get done, and
I don't sleep much..." He admitted, and then she questioned his functionality. That made him grin,
albeit lazily, and shrug his shoulders. "The honest answer? I thought that you were a figment of my
demented imagination up until you broke the consol and had the lights flicker... or did I imagine that
to?" He stated before he got a really funny look on his face before he leaned forwards over top of the
bio bed to peer down towards one of his boots. "hmmm. I think there's something wrong... I think I
either have a tribble in my boot, or there's a hole in it...." He pondered out loud.

"But a hundred and seventy eight hours." Celeste responded. "How the hell are you still sane?" she
inquired as she sighed, a loud woofing sound that showed just how much she was irritated and frustrated
with the Commander. "Fine... lets get this done before I get any older."

She produced her tricorder as she started, she then shook her head. "No... come back in two days.. your
readings are all over the place.." she then glared at him. "You has an hour to delegate your affairs and then
report to your quarters for twelve hours of rest and when I say rest. I mean sleep."

Maxwell blinked towards her as she asked her question and that made him just grinn like a mad man. "Who
said I was? No one said I had to be when I took the job." He stated, looking to her, tilting his head to the side.
Between the grin and the blood shot eyes, he looked the part of a mad man. And then he chuckled and shook
his head. "I'm just kidding... What's the point in people thinking your nuts if you can't have a little fun with it."
He stated before he raised his hand up and looked towards her. "Actually, your readings could be affected by
my blood chemistry... It's rarely been normal... Then again, in our line of work, Normal is Subjective." He
commented before he picked up his padd and began to work again.

"No... Twelve... Do you want twenty four instead?" she commented. "I'm not a good haggler dearest." she
narrowed her eyes. "How about thirty six?" she raised an eyebrow as mentally she seethed with rage, she
truly hated people who wasted her time like this.

And then when she started to order him to sleep he blinked towards her. "uh... Not to disagree with you...
Because I know your about wanting to turn me into a small squishy but geometrically pleasing cube, but....
someone thought that it might have been a good idea to douse my tea with a sleeping chemical that actually
had the opposite effect on me." He stated turning his head to look at her.

"I don't think now is the best time..." Celeste responded. "Go home and come back in two days.. before I
make it official by relieving you of duty. I mean it Commander." she wanted to lose it and scream at the
man before her as he was sorely trying herpatience. "Go home.." she commented. "because if I check you
over... I'll have to relieve you of duty anyway."

Maxwell sighed and he nodded his head. "Alright. Alright. No further arguement from me." He replied, the
resistance that he had visibly deflated from his shoulders as they sagged. Rising up and off of the bed, he
adjusted his collar, before rubbing the back of his neck. Tapping his chest he opened the communication
badge. "Maxwell for Engineering."

"Go Ahead sir."

"I'm catching some rack. There's a do not disturb sign on my situation. Nothing short of someone dead
or damn near dying am I to be disturbed for twenty four hours. Doctors orders." He commented and there
the man he was talking to chuckled. Now that made him raise an eyebrow. "Something funny?"

"No sir... You just ended up giving me a trip to Risa from the pool."

"There was a pool?"

"Yes sir. A betting pool on when you'd call it a day."

That made him turn and regard the doctor with the little bit of dry humour that he had left. "Someone's
making profit off of me. Bastard. I demand a free T for this little ruse." He commented before he tapped
the badge and shut it down, and he walked out.

Yamaguchi watched the other guy as she raised an eyebrow, a Nurse approached her in silence as she turned.
"Sohnaxx. You're in charge while I go get my payment from the betting pool."

"Yes Doctor." the smaller Bolian didn't ask questions, she simply nodded and accepted the statement at face
value before the larger human woman turned and marched out of sickbay, her features clouding with unspoken


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