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Medical Checkup Three

Posted on Mon Feb 24th, 2020 @ 12:55pm by Division Admiral Celeste Yamaguchi-Hobbs

Mission: Mission 12: Hitchhikers are Escaped Convicts
Location: Various Locations - USS Shadow
Timeline: 0930Hrs - February 13th, 2390

Commander Celeste Yamaguchi was reviewing the medical records of her soon to be newest
victim, Commander David Webb and his small family and while he was the husband of the
Captain, Celeste had opted to treat him separately from his wife as treating them together
would cause her a couple of issues.

Firstly she was a bit leery around intelligence types as they tended to be snobs at best and
elitist jackasses at worst, however this guy was a family man so she would put her opinion
on hold as he might surprise her, none of the other intelligence types she had ever known
were married except for Captain Leon Pike presently assigned to Starbase Four Hundred.

She watched as the door opened and in came the Commander with his daughter in his
arms, she raised an eyebrow as she watched in silence.

Commander David Webb brought his daughter Jadzia into sickbay, glad to spend quality time
with his new daughter he hadn't got to spend much time with her with Commanding the refit
while his wife was on leave hogging the infant's attention. He smiled with pride down at his
little girl as he walked in with her. He looked at the new Chief Medical Officer that seemed to
give him an... interesting look. He shook it off, he had enough paranoia and she was only a
Medical Officer. He greeted her, "Doctor."

"Commander.. Welcome to my home away from home." she commented. "How are you
doing today Jadzia?" Celeste smiled as she addressed the infant directly.

Jadzia just looked around and fixed on the doctor, she started to fuss a little bit in her father's

"She hasn't learned any verbal communication skills yet. I'm not certain she understands what
her name is yet," David commented out loud.

"I make it a matter of respect to know everyone's name.." Celeste responded. "It shows
them that they matter to me and that I respect them." she explained. "Have a seat on the
bed and I will begin your checkups." Celeste slid off of the bed as she plucked her medkit
from where it had been sitting earlier as she looked at him. "Jadzia first?" she inquired

David placed Jadzia on the bio-bed but kept his hands on either side of her to ensure she
wouldn't roll off.

"Alright... this will take only a minute... then I can handle your medical checkup." she
commented as she slowly opened her tricorder and began scanning the infant. "Mmm..."
she mused aloud as she ran her small sensor over the infant but far away enough to as
not to bother her. "Well.. she's in excellent health, you've got no need to worry about her."

"Just her? Is that to suggest I have something to worry about with my wife?" David asked.

"With all due respect sir... that's between the Captain and myself.... but please see to it
that she does take it easy for the next few weeks... I didn't put a monitor on her as she
gave me her word but Captain's do tend to push themselves too hard... I ought to know
I'm related to a half dozen of them."

David nodded, "Very well Doctor, I'll make sure she doesn't do anything too strenuous.
I assure you my wife and I keep nothing like that from each other. Weather you tell me
or she does later, it makes little difference to me. Now, can we get my check up out of
the way?"

Yamaguchi looked at him. "Relax." she responded. "your daughter is in excellent health.."
she then updated the infants medical records as she wanted to make sure it was done right
then she proceeded with the checkup for the Commander. "Mmmm... you're five pounds
underweight. are you eating right?" she regarded Webb.

"I don't know, I'm not a Doctor. I eat whatever I eat," David shrugged as he tried to peek
at Dr. Yamaguchi's Medical Tricorder.

Celeste saw what he was trying to do so she showed him. "Well other then the weight issues,
you're in excellent health otherwise." she explained. "I'll update your records as needed."

"Thank you, Doctor. Will that be all?" David asked as he lifted Jadzia back up into his arms
and swayed her from side to side softly as she seems to like and it seems to help her fall

Celeste watched him with his daughter for a moment. "Yes. that's all." she answered as she
had no desire to prolong this checkup for longer then needed as she watched him depart with
his daughter in tow


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