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To Seek a Cure

Posted on Wed Mar 18th, 2020 @ 3:01pm by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Hospital Plaza - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 24th, 2393

Captain Torilla Yamaguchi sighed softly, she was sitting on a biobed as she regarded the medical officer who was approaching her, the tall and massive female smiled. "Hey Torilla, how are ya feeling today?" Lt Commander Galiaan Fordring inquired as she stopped near the Biobed that Yamaguchi was sitting on.

"I feel no different than normal, maybe some muscle aches and pains but that's normal when I'm looking after young children," Yamaguchi commented. "What can I say?" she smiled. "I'm not as young as I used to be." she sighed. "I am getting more frequent headaches though."

"Your treatments are progressing well and you are handling the changes to your system quite well. Your children have all been cured of the issues you had and you were always going to be the hardest case of this issue." Fordring smiled as she explained. "The trouble we have is adapting this cure for your species and one base template isn't going to work, we need a pure base template and it does not exist. We sent away from the information officially and we asked a few of the guys to go poke around and see what they can turn up. Nadda." Fordring sighed.

"We're no worse off than before." Yamaguchi reminded the more massive female before her. "There is that, at least," she added.

Fordring nodded her head. "Indeed but I had an idea and I wanted to run it past you and Plataea, which is why I asked her to join us," she commented and as if conjured by magic, Plataea stepped out from behind the corner, her timing was downright perfect but Yamaguchi wasn't surprised in the slightest.

Fordring shifted her attention between the two women who looked identical. "Hows Nathan doing these days?" she addressed Lasky.

Lasky smiled warmly as she regarded the massive female before her. "Nathan is demanding but he's like his older brother. The two get on great," she explained. "Kurt is going great." she nodded to Yamaguchi. "You guys called me?" she inquired as she had a feeling that this was more than simply a catch-up session.

"Yes," Fordring answered. "We need to find a broad base cure for the Halanan species and we don't have a pure DNA sample." the massive female explained evenly. "We were wondering if your homeworld and your species have the information that we need."

Lasky paused as she considered the matter. "The gateway still exists. We can go there and find what we need."

Yamaguchi nodded. "I read the reports you and the others submitted about the other reality. Jake told me some tall tales as well, then Rachael shared with me what Lasarra crammed into her mind, its a wonder those two didn't try to kill each other," she explained.

Lasky nodded as she sighed softly. "Nebris has no idea of who or what he is, he's still trying to discover himself but he's got a child in the house and a woman who has no idea how to help him with his problems." she paused. "I've been helping them with babysitting their child in addition to my own kids," she added.

Yamaguchi nodded. "Well, we can at least assist them both with their issues. Just as soon as someone takes care of my damned headache."

"Headache?" Fordring inquired. "What headache?" she opened the tricorder in her hand as Fordring began a series of scans of Torilla's head, she results puzzled her, a frown appeared on the massive female's face. "I can't find anything wrong.."

Lasky didn't like it either. "That's odd," she answered quietly.

"Extremely," Fordring commented. "Your pain receptors inside your skull are firing but I can't find the cause."

"Is that good or bad?" Lasky inquired as Yamaguchi had a concerned look on her face.

"Very bad, for a dozen different reasons," Fordring explained as she regarded Yamaguchi. "You have been under an immense amount of strain recently. Your mind could be bottling it all up like a field coil stuck in a feedback loop."

"So I need to release the pressure on my brain then," Yamaguchi commented. "Fantastic." the middle-aged female seated on the biobed sighed. "Looks like I'm stuck here for longer than expected."

"I'm afraid so. I'll have the lab start running some tests to see whats going on." Fordring said in an apologetic tone of voice. "I'm sorry Torilla."

"Well, at least give me something to numb the pain then, please?" Yamaguchi responded.

Fordring opened her medkit as she selected the medication. "Alright, I'll give you ten cc's of Hydrocortilene. It'll soothe you but it won't cure the underlying issue."

Lasky turned to Fordring. "What options do we have?" the pregnant female inquired.

"As I said, I'll have the lab run some tests but I have no idea of whats wrong so I can't really speculate." the massive female explained. "I hate guessing games, you two know this better than most." Fordring then smiled. "Don't worry Torilla, we'll find the cause and deal with it."

Lasky paused as Yamaguchi commented. "Do you think it could have been the lack of sex with my mate.?"

"That's a possibility," Fordring commented as she nodded. "I'll look into that one as well. Vrykul who are mated but don't interact with their mate in a decent timeframe start to have issues. You might have a similar issue." the tall female smiled down at Yamaguchi.

Lasky smiled. "If I don't have sex with my own mate at least once a day, I go insane," she commented.

"Its been over eight months for me, imagine how I feel?". Yamaguchi gave her twin a rather evil glare. "I need my own mate's attention."

Fordring nodded. "That can be arranged, quite easily. I imagine Jake has the same issues you do except being human, he simply doesn't express his needs as openly as you do. So, what I will do, is this. I'll permit you to leave the hospital to bed your husband, so long as you wear a cordical monitor, it'll let me keep tabs in case your issues and headaches return." the massive female explained. "But you are not carrying anything that would make you unhealthy to the base, only to yourself." the massive female explained.

"Yeah. My medical problems." Yamaguchi let out a soft sigh.

"We're still working on the telepathic Huntington's. I am sorry Torilla. I wish I had better news." Fordring explained. "Let me go get that item for you and I can walk you to the door." Fordring turned and moved off.

Yamaguchi quite literally jumped off of the bed. "Excellent." she smiled.

Lasky wanted to laugh, she could quite literally hear her twin's hormones screaming in her ears. "I'll walk you to your place and I'll leave you and Jake alone to fuck each other senseless." she regarded her twin with a look of amusement on her lips.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Computer, is Admiral Yamaguchi presently doing anything?"

"Negative. The Admiral is in his office." the half-expected response came back.

"Send him a note that I need to see him at home as soon as possible," Yamaguchi explained while Fordring returned, she gently tapped the device as she went to work applying it to the back of Torilla's neck. "Hopefully you and Jake can avoid knocking this off of you." the massive female explained. "There. Now I can monitor you for the headaches you speak of."

"Thanks, Doctor," Yamaguchi answered.

"Sure, Come on you." Fordring turned as she led the two smaller females down the hall and out into the Starbase proper. "Have fun with Jake. I expect you to walk funny for a month," she commented with a knowing grin.

Yamaguchi turned a shade of chocolate brown as she blushed. "Well, I'd best be on my way. I will be back later." and with that, Yamaguchi turned and walked away. Lasky smiled as she stood still. "I think she's going to enjoy this. I know Jake will."

Fordring smiled. "Let's hope this works. right?"

"Yes indeed," Lasky answered before she too turned and departed as Fordring withdrew into the hospital.


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