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The Dreams of Songs Gone Past - Part Three

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:01am by Commander Sokanon It'kla & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior. & Post Captain Heris Dvald

Mission: Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Location: Hospital Plaza - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1000Hrs - June 12th, 2393

Captain Harmon Rabb raised an eyebrow as he regarded Dvald who walked beside him. "I'd like to see Ms. Sokanon if that's alright?" Rabb inquired of the Bolian female as the two reentered her office as they decided to have the next chat here.

Dvald tapped her combadge. "Dvald to Sokanon?" the Bolian inquired.

"Sokanon here." answered a voice with a soft purring sound. "What may I do for you?" the Caitian female asked right back.

"Could you come to my office right away?, there is a matter of some delicacy and you're name is all over it Doctor," Dvald explained.

"I'll be there right away. Sokanon out." and with that, the com went silent.

Rabb settled in to get comfortable when suddenly a few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Dvald bade the newcomer come in, the door opened and in walked a Caitian female with a dark grey fur pattern and a kittenish look to her. "You asked to see me?" she inquired.

"Yes. come on in and take a seat." Dvald then nodded to Rabb who regarded Sokanon. "I'm Captain Harmon Rabb, the sector JAG Officer and I've been asked to inform you about an investigation that has been going on about yourself and several other personnel over the last year or so, this investigation has now concluded."

"Oh, I didn't know there was an investigation, to begin with," Sokanon answered, sounding puzzled more than anything else.

Rabb took that as a good sign, as long as she didn't get angry, he would be fine. "Well, you can be assured that it's not anything bad, in fact, the opposite. You have had illegal actions taken against you in the shape of a demotion, the man responsible has been disciplined and he has since resigned from Starfleet service in disgrace."

"Good, he deserved no less for what he said and for what he did to me," Sokanon answered in a quiet tone of voice.

Rabb had been expecting such a statement from the Caitian female before him. "I suspect you have a great deal to say on the matter."

"Not at present," Sokanon answered with a smile. "I will not waste time with it," she added a moment later.

Rabb was suddenly thankful for that little detail but he resolved not to say that aloud. "So your service record has been expunged of the taint of the illegal actions taken against you," he explained. "Same with the black marks submitted by the Commander of the USS Mackenzie and your time on the USS Roanoke."

"Thank you, Captain, I had no idea that this was even being considered, let alone that I would be presented with this information.

Dvald smiled. "Well there is a little more, I am not sure how you'd react to this so I felt it best to have this chat here."

"Yes. It's my privilege to restore your proper rank. Congratulations Commander." Rabb answered with a smile "May I?" before he reached in and plucked her single black pip off of her collar before he replaced it with a solid golden pip. "Your rank of Commander has been restored to you, your corrected service record says it was yours two months ago."

Sokanon blinked her eyes slowly as if expecting a punchline in that statement somewhere. "Well... I don't quite know what to say to this." the dark-furred Caitian female explained slowly as if she had been taken by surprise.

"Well I can understand," Rabb answered in a gentle tone. "I read your file and you were treated very poorly by the Captain of the Mackenzie who assaulted you after you requested a transfer from him, I believe it was a pot of hot coffee?"

"Yes," Sokanon answered. "The Executive officer was placed in an impossible position," Sokanon explained evenly. "The Captain was a human-centric fool who believed that humanity was the center of the universe."

Rabb raised an eyebrow. "The Federation relies upon all its member worlds together but you are right on a few things, this is why your record has been expunged of any wrongdoing, both real and imagined," he explained. "I also read your file and with a little seasoning, time and effort. I can see you commanding your own ship, maybe your own fleet someday, the question you face now is... Is that what you want?"

"I want my career back. I've wanted my good name back.. and you call me in here and give it to me." Sokanon responded in a quiet tone of voice. "I honestly do not know what to expect or what to do." the Caitian female responded in a gentle tone of voice.

"May I recommend then, that you do nothing at all and allow yourself to process what we've discussed here today," Rabb answered with a smile.

"Then yes. I will do that." Sokanon answered with a smile. "Thank you, Captain Rabb, for giving me my self-respect back."

"You should never have had it taken from you to start with," Rabb answered. "You should be commended Commander It'kla, for enduring the shit that you'd tolerated for this long," he added with a gentle smile. "Your career has been restored to you."

"Thank you, Captain Rabb. That's good to know."

"Right, now then I have other people I need to go and see. I will take my leave of you Commander. Thank you, Captain." Rabb smiled as he rose to his feet and departed in quiet. Dvald regarded Sokanon. "Weren't you the one that had no faith in humanity?"

"No. I had none and I was sure I was right to do so but then someone comes along and turns my expectation upside down again." Sokanon answered with a sigh.

Dvald smiled. "Have a little more faith in others Sokanon. It may help you."

"I will consider it." the Caitian female answered with a smile.


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