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The Dreams of Songs Gone Past - Part Four

Posted on Tue Mar 17th, 2020 @ 7:02am by Commander T'Ree & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Post Captain Harmon 'Hammer' Rabb Junior.

Mission: Mission 99: The Dreams of Songs Gone Past
Location: Counseling Offices - Starbase Vanguard (47)
Timeline: 1045Hrs - June 12th, 2393

Captain Harmon Rabb was tired, he had seen several people today about the matter before him and Starfleet JAG and tracking down Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar was proving to be harder then he had expected so after spending ten minutes hunting her down, he decided instead that he would settle for her boss. Commander T'Ree. a middle-aged Vulcan female who was also quite pragmatic and could assist him in this effort.

Rabb reached his destination several minutes later, he knocked on Commander T'Ree's office door. "Enter" came a female voice from within.

Rabb tapped the door release button, the door opened and in he went. "Commander T'Ree. I'm looking to speak with one of your counselors, I need to see Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar, I understand she is working with your personnel today?"

The tall Vulcan female nodded her head. "Elizabeth is presently down the hall, four doors down on the left side, she is presently with a client at the moment, may I inquire as to the subject Captain Rabb?" the Vulcan inquired, in a gentle tone of voice that Rabb found oddly soothing.

"I have been asked to inform her of the results of a JAG investigation into her and several others. There was an issue she endured and I am here to correct this issue."

"I see," T'Ree answered before she tapped the display once. The Vulcan female began tapping on her display several times as she quickly typed out a note which she sent before turning back to Rabb. "I have informed the Lieutenant that her presence will be required once her meeting is concluded, now can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

"Just a glass of water please," Rabb answered. "It's oddly cold in here, I had expected it to be warmer."

T'Ree nodded her head as she turned to face the replicator behind her. "One glass of water, five degrees Celsius," she stated, there was a soft humming sound which ended, then T'Ree plucked the glass of water before she placed it in front of Rabb. "I can understand why you'd say your comment, because of the fact that I am Vulcan."

"Yes. I always assumed that Vulcans, as a rule, tended to prefer the heat of their homeworld." Rabb explained.
"Since you are alone, why sit here in a climate that's too cold for you?"

"Other people cannot tolerate the heat of where I come from and sometimes, having it be a little on the cool side
can help me have a fresh perspective and keep an open mind, I find this rather soothing actually," T'Ree explained.
"However your concern for my welfare is noted." as she nodded her head at him in a gentle manner.

"Of course, I am concerned for all my crewmates," Rabb answered. "Regardless of species or gender," he added.

T'Ree regarded him. "If JAG does not work for you Captain, please consider working for me as I have a great need for personnel of your caliber," T'Ree answered. "Concern such as yours is not something found often and when it is found, it should be cared for and looked after, lest it fades away to nothing."

"My wife often says the same. She reminds me to look after the people I serve with and work with, without them. I don't have much of a career." Rabb explained with a nod. "Besides, your service honors us," he added.

"As does yours," T'Ree answered right before there was a beep at the door.

"Enter," T'Ree answered as she settled into her chair.

The door opened and in walked Lieutenant Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar. She regarded T'Ree with a nod before she shifted her attention to Captain Rabb. "Lieutenant Yamaguchi-Solusar, reporting as ordered."

"Good morning Lieutenant, come on in and take a seat, this won't take long," Rabb commented with a smile.

"You were the JAG officer that helped my aunt Talon be reunited with her adopted child," Yamaguchi-Solusar commented. "Aunt Talon spoke of you in such glowing terms that it was hard for me to believe you were even real." the tall female added.

"Ahh, the Noel custody case last year. Yes, I have that small privilege." Rabb answered. "Some of my finest work," he added.

"So what brings you to me, sir?" Yamaguchi-Solusar inquired as she slid her massive figure into a chair across from Rabb

"I was sent here to correct an injustice taken place against you. You were denied promotion to Lieutenant JG four times, is that the case?"

"Yessir, I was, however, no explanation or justification was ever given to me," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered in a formal tone, no malice or anger clouding her tone either. This was great news for Rabb as it meant that this young woman before him would welcome this news even easier then he had expected. "Well Ms, Yamaguchi-Solusar. Someone has complained about yourself and several other officers, all of you served together on the USS Roanoke." Rabb then breathed out and then breathed back in again. "Now we do not know who this person is but they mentioned that injustices an crimes have been committed against various people. Starfleet JAG was made aware of this matter late last year so we looked into the matter and indeed, crimes were committed."

Yamaguchi-Solusar looked more puzzled than anything else. "Oh." she paused. "I had assumed I was in here for something else, maybe I'd gotten into trouble recently."

"If you are in trouble then its nothing I've heard about," Rabb explained. "All JAG matters come through me."

"So, what's going to happen to me then?" Yamaguchi-Solusar asked in a soft tone.

"Well, that's the good news. Your service record has been corrected and adjusted. As far as your file now says, you received all your promotions on time and." he then smiled. "You are to be promoted to Lieutenant Commander with all the rights and privileges thereto." Rabb turned to T'Ree. "Would you like to handle it?"

"I'd be delighted," T'Ree answered evenly as the tall female rose to her feet, all others in the room did likewise. "Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar. I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Commander with all the rights and privileges of said rank." as she shook the tall human females right hand while handing her a small box with her left.

Yamaguchi-Solusar opened the box a moment later. Within was a single black pip which she plucked the single pip out of the box before she slipped it onto her collar. "Thank you," she commented.

"Your welcome Commander," Rabb answered. "Now I must go visit my next stop, Lt Colonel Tienn Nerra," he explained. "Hopefully my meeting with her will go as well as this one did."

"We can only hope," Yamaguchi-Solusar answered with a smile.

Rabb smiled as he turned and took his leave in silence. Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded T'Ree. "My next client is in ten minutes. May I go prepare?" the tall female inquired.

"Of course Doctor, thank you for coming," T'Ree answered with a smile.


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