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A Voice in the Wilderness - Part Seven

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 7:27am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commander Siaxx Warfield & Lieutenant JG Rachael "Ripcord" Yamaguchi-Cullen & Post Captain Plataea "Phantom" Lasky & Master Chief Petty Officer Chen Vaxx

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1230Hrs, October 17th, 2393

Fleet Captain Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx smiled as she rinsed off the suds from the soap that she had lathered herself up and now she was washing off the scent of sex which was something she was almost well known for these days, or so she thought. Chen was busy washing off her back as he stood behind her. "Y'know Siaxx... I swear you enjoy sex more and more all the time," he commented evenly.

Dvald-Vaxx smiled as she looked over her shoulder. "I don't recall you complaining..." she responded as she finished washing off the soap, a moment went by as she finished the shower that she was enjoying. "You ready?" she inquired of her spouse, upon him nodding, she proceeded to shut the water off and exit the shower, fetching two towels, one for her and one for him. The two dried off and then donned their clothing. Dvald-Vaxx moved her pregnant form into the main living area a moment later as she requested the location of Rachael Yamaguchi-Cullen, the computer's response said she was in Admiral Lasky's office, also tat Plataea Lasky was with her as was Admiral Lasky.

Chen was tugging on his boots as he regarded his spouse. You ready for this?" he inquired, as he wanted to make sure that this wasn't going to get stupid, there would be two pregnant women in the crowd and one of them was due to give birth any time now.

"Yes. Its time we settled this drama once and for all time." the smaller female answered in rather blunt and determined terms. Vaxx regarded his spouse for a moment as he pulled on his uniform jacket. "Alright... You ready to go then?" he asked

Dvald-Vaxx bent over to pull on her boots as she felt her husbands gaze upon her. "Stop staring at my ass..." she whispered to him.

"You like it," Vaxx answered, clearly enjoying himself as Dvald-Vaxx straightened up again as she donned her uniform tank top, her arms were bare as were her legs as Siaxx was wearing the skirt rather than the pants she normally wore these days. "Let's go," Dvald-Vaxx answered before she set off for her destination. Vaxx followed in silence, he was trying to walk slowly as his legs were longer than hers and he tended to take long steps,

The trek to Lasky's office was short and uneventful as the two passed the journey in silence. Before long they reached their destination and were admitted. Admiral Lasky was sitting behind his desk with Rachael before him and Plataea was lounging on the long sofa as she peered across at the small Bolian female. Her languid pose indicated she was in no rush to move or to do anything, she looked more like a modern empress rather than a Starfleet officer. "Siaxx... Do join us... We were just talking of you." Plataea slowly smiled.

Dvald-Vaxx regarded the other woman with a measure of distaste, as she knew that Torilla would never act like this. Yamaguchi-Cullen noticed as she turned her head to look at the two women before her. The pregnant Bolian meanwhile had turned her attention away from Plataea and moved over to sit beside Yamaguchi-Cullen. "Okay, now that we're all here... We can begin." Yamaguchi-Cullen commented in a low tone of voice.

"Yes... " Lasky commented as he sat back in his chair. "Siaxx... You don't know how to leave things be... Do you?" he sighed softly.

"You don't know the meaning of what peace is... I tried and you told me to fuck off..." Dvald-Vaxx answered. "Though, not in so many words."

Lasky regarded the small pregnant Bolian in silence for a moment. "Siaxx, why do you care to resolve this issue... You've shown no interest in working things out before now... So what's changed?"

"Maybe I'm tired of living in a state of siege," Dvald-Vaxx answered.

"That's not an answer," Lasky answered bluntly.

"Maybe we should hear her out, all the same," Plataea commented as she regarded her husband with a smile. "Besides, when was the last time you two made an effort?" she inquired.

Dvald-Vaxx raised an eyebrow. "Just after the destruction of the USS Roanoke. Over Gornanar," she answered in a flat tone of voice. "A lot's happened since then." the small Bolian added.

"Indeed. You've been reunited with him." Plataea indicated Vaxx with her thumb as she regarded the smaller pregnant female. "You've also had a pregnancy and you have a baby in the house... and you also got moved around on several assignments here on the Starbase," she added. "Now you are the first officer and... Soon to be out of a job because of the little one..." Plataea paused as she shifted her position ever so slightly. "Mmm... Much better, body parts are falling asleep..." as she slowly smiled at everyone present.

Yamaguchi-Cullen smiled, she knew intimately well what it was like having her ass fall asleep after long hours in the pilot's chair.

Vaxx regarded Lasky. "So, how long is this state of affairs going to go on for?" the massive male Bolian inquired.

"Why don't you ask her that?" Lasky answered as he indicated Siaxx.


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