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A Voice in the Wilderness - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jan 31st, 2021 @ 7:16am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Commodore Siaxx "Bluemoon" Dvald-Vaxx MD

Mission: Mission 106: Restitutions and Resolutions
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0930Hrs, October 17th, 2393

Fleet Captain Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx knew that she could no longer put off the matter that she had let lie for too long. She would go and see Celeste and inform her that she was going to see the Doctor about being sidelined and replaced as Executive officer of the base. But first, the small Bolian female had another matter to deal with, in this case, it was the matter of dealing with Tom Lasky as she needed to settle the matter between the two of them once and for all.

Now after she was full, from eating the large breakfast or was it midmorning break with Rachael. She greatly enjoyed hanging out with Rachael as she knew her relationship with the Yamaguchi's in general and Rachael and her family, in particular, was somewhat strange because of the odd amount of time they had sunk into their relationship. Being stranded together on a world with nothing, except each other and a couple of other people would do it.

The small heavily pregnant Bolian female came to a four-way stop in the corridor network, two personel hallways connecting to a major service hallway. Dvald-Vaxx gently touched the longe black stip that ran down both sides of each hallway on the starbase. "Computer, locate Admiral Lasky.?"

"Admiral Lasky is located in his office." the computer responded but before it could give out the location or inform her of the directions to said location, the small Bolian answered. "I know where that this. Thank you."

Dvald-Vaxx turned left and began moving down the service hallway, getting into the hustle and bustle of the personel who were busy. She approached a turbolift and pressed the buzzer as a forklift approached, carrying a consignment of standard missiles aboard, Dvald-Vaxx backed into the doorway as the driver shouted in her general direction to stand clear. He moved past her with his consignment as Dvald-Vaxx heard the door open behind her, she turned to find the turbolift had four people in it. "Hey, guys. got space for one more?" Dvald-Vaxx inquired before she stepped into the lift.

"Computer, resume heading for the last destination," Dvald-Vaxx commented evenly, she could have given it a new destination and due to her rank and posting, it would have taken her there and everyone else would have to wait but Dvald-Vaxx saw no need to be obnoxious about things. "How is everyone doing?" the small Bolian inquired.

"Just fine ma'am." the first person answered, he was a Bolian male and he regarded her with more than a simple look, he knew full well who the small woman was before him. "Paperwork, being what it is... I suspect my day will never end." the Bolian man added.

"Amen." the human female answered as she likewise regarded Dvald-Vaxx with a gentle smile, except she did not have lust in her eyes. "Just one of those days on Vanguard ma'am. Engineering is a busy place..." she added.

"Fair enough." the doors opened and three people departed. Dvald-Vaxx found herself alone with the Bolian male. He smiled down at her. "Go ahead and tell the turbolift where you wanna go, I don't mind waiting," he commented quietly.

"Thanks," Dvald-Vaxx answered with a smile. "Admiral's offices, section five, level sixty," Dvald-Vaxx added as she regarded the Bolian before her, her eyes got big as the turbolift moved, he smiled down at her. "Whatever's bothering you. I am sure it'll be resolved soon enough," he commented. "My congratulations on your pregnancy, by the way."

"Thanks," Dvald-Vaxx said in a soft tone of voice. Suddenly the door opened and the Bolian male smiled. "Your stop ma'am."

"Mmm... Oh." and with that, she turned and walked off the turbolift, she began to sashay her hips as she did so, from side to side before the doors closed, she turned left and started moving off down the hallway again towards her destination, reaching it a few minutes later. She smiled at the yeoman as she entered the outer section of Lasky's domain. "Hey... Is the Admiral free?" she inquired in a jovial tone.

"He is presently in a meeting ma'am but I can let you see him for ten minutes after he finishes, which should be any time now." the yeoman answered. "Can I inquire as to the subject?" the man answered.

"The Admiral and I have a matter to resolve, I want to make an effort to try," Dvald-Vaxx explained.

"Oh..." the young man answered with a pause. "Okay, but when I send in the person for the Admirals next meeting, you will need to leave... Alright?" he regarded the small female before him. "I can't bump off Fleet Admiral Duval for you, I apologize ma'am."

"You owe me no apology Chief. Thank you for letting me see the Admiral on such short notice." Dvald-Vaxx answered. The doors opened as she spoke and three officers emerged, two of them were Commanders and the last was a woman who looked at least vaguely familiar to her. Dvald-Vaxx dismissed the thought as the man nodded. "Go on in."

Dvald-Vaxx stepped into the office of Admiral Lasky who regarded her in silence before he decided to break it, the suddenness caught her by surprise. "Well well, If it isn't Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx... What can I do for you my dear?" as Lasky regarded her with a look of almost cold malice.

"I came... to apologize."

Lasky paused as he regarded her, the cold malice dropping away. "Siaxx, we've done this dance several times now, not that I don't find you a fetching dance partner but don't you think you've flogged this dead animal long enough?" he regarded her as he spoke.

"Have we?" Dvald-Vaxx decided to try a little conversational judo as she decided to try another approach rather than head-on when she suddenly felt tired.
The last time we tried was right after you broke up with Zara... Since then you and I have both gone through several major changes in life..."

"Yes, we have... Plataea is delivering our third in about two weeks. I'm happily married and what's more, I'm no longer the last Lasky in this world." he explained evenly. "But Siaxx... We've not said a word to each other off duty for well over a year, whats suddenly changed...?" he inquired, it was also not phrased as a question. "Or do I need to guess...?"

"Rachael felt it was time."

"Of course she did... She regards you as her mother, more then her mother... and she was my apprentice." Lasky paused as he huffed a soft sigh at her. "Phoenix took over that role from me... But she never bothered to ask if that's what I wanted... Then there was Kam... But I will address those issues at another time. You want peace with me... Peace is almost a meaningless term Siaxx..." he explained. "We've never had peace between us Siaxx... We've always had issues with the other."

Dvald-Vaxx regarded him with a look, which could have meant many things. "So we kept rubbing each other the wrong way..."

"Nah... That's an old excuse. You don't like what happened between Torilla and me... or Elizabeth and me." Lasky explained. "Torilla initiated that one... Elizabeth and I, that's were because of that damnable hologram from that damnable ship... You were getting dragged out of bed every night to fix people from fights and then there was Shonax..."

"Zara threatened to kill him if another cat became pregnant..." Dvald-Vaxx whispered quietly. "Did you know about it.?"

"Yes, I remember... I was there, in sickbay, lying on a bed, all useless and wounded..." he sighed. "Camshaft being a useless idiot with all the screaming and moaning that he did... and Elizabeth being pregnant with my child..." as he regarded her. "You held that against me, you made it clear you regarded me as little more than a sexual predator on that ship..."

Dvald-Vaxx opened her mouth to refute his claim or even make an attempt to rebuttal his claim with something, anything but she couldn't find the words to do so. Her silence only confirmed that Lasky felt his position was right all along. "Siaxx... Get out before I say something truly unkind to you," Lasky said in a quiet voice, the voice of a man who had resigned himself to this fate, this birthright to never know what peace felt like and this legacy. "We are done here," he added, his tone only hardened over the moments it took him to say it.

Dvald-Vaxx turned and departed, as she fought to control her emotions and she failed.


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