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A Sisterly Perspective - Part Five

Posted on Sat Mar 21st, 2020 @ 8:15am by Division Admiral April Dragon & Captain Duran Jerrold & Senior Chief Petty Officer Duran Halaar & Post Captain Duran-Yeager Syal

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1530Hrs - September 11th, 2393

Michael Yeager followed the two small females before him as the three of them moved down the hallway towards their destination. One of the two women was his wife and the other was her twin, but he didn't know that Syal even had a twin until just recently, that was partly because Syal had never addressed the matter and partly because he wasn't sure of the details. All of it had been a little too much to process in one sentence.

"Syal, why did you never mention you had a twin?" Yeager asked his spouse.

"I didn't have a twin until a week or so ago..." Duran-Yeager answered evenly. "I got notice two days ago about Halar's existence and what happened after that was up to me..."

"Oh... Right..." Yeager answered quietly, he had forgotten about that detail, in all of the other details.

Meanwhile seated inside the office that he maintained on the Starbase when he was not in the field commanding his ship, the USS Calenz or down planetside with his family. He regarded his spouse who was much smaller then he was but she was also a lot stronger then she looked too. "So... There are two Syal's now..." he then sighed ever so softly. "Lovely... Duran-Yeager Syal despises me, I wonder what this new one wants... and what she thinks of the matter at hand."

"I thought it best that you know about her before you say something to Halar, thinking she's Syal." Dragon explained evenly. "I know you and Syal have fought many times... Sometimes even coming to blows."

"She's made it clear about how she feels... I can't change her mind and I am not even going to try." Duran regarded his spouse. "Are the kids still going for their school camping trip starting tomorrow?"

"They are, so it'll be you and me..." Dragon smiled at him. "and no kids for a week... I'm sure we can find something to pass the time..." she added with a rather wide grin on her lips.

Duran knew his wife was excellent with the way she tended to his rather specific needs and issues, he never needed to worry about any physical problems as his wife tended to those, his kids handled many of his mental issues. He grinned at her. "I look forward to it, the kids have done little but talk of camping and I've thought of little but being able to have a few days without them around." he paused. "Don't get me wrong... I love the kids but a little peace and quiet would do wonders for me."

Dragon knew exactly where Duran was talking about, she nodded her head. "Oh, I agree... I want to be able to relax without the almost constant demands of needy children..." as she gently brushed the unruly mane of hair out of her eyes. "Anyway, with luck the-" she was suddenly interrupted with the sound of the door chime. Dragon turned her head slowly. "They are here..."

"Enter," Duran commented evenly

The door opened and in came Duran-Yeager Syal, her blond locks were brushed back out of her eyes, behind her was a second woman who looked identical to the first, only she wore her hair differently and lastly, Captain Michael Yeager. He nodded to Duran. "Duran... I hope you don't mind our dropping in like this..."

"Not at all Mike, what can I do for you?." Duran addressed his brother in law as if he was a friend, in his mind the two of them wore the uniform even if they were separated by time and various spaces that neither could navigate because of the space between them, a woman who was related to both, one via marriage and the other via blood.

"Well... I'm here to help these two resolve their issues and... Syal is here to see you." Yeager explained as he watched his wife carefully, he knew how Syal could get and he also knew what she was like when so provoked as well. Syal for her part slid her lithe form into a chair as Halar who had sat down the first chance she had gotten had regarded Duran before her, she recognized her Duran in the man she saw before her. "Duran... I was not expecting to see you."

"Halar. I presume?" Duran addressed the brunette before him. "It is a great pity you have become part of this issue between us." he regarded her.

"Indeed, but since I am presently stranded in this reality. I should at least try to make the best of it... Part of that is to get you two to resolve your issues between you since I am her.-" she indicated Syal as she spoke with her left thumb. "From another universe who's become stranded in this one." she sighed softly while she spoke. "I need to ensure that you and I are on good terms."

"Oh.. I imagine that your story is different from hers?" Duran inquired of Halar.

"Only in several details. You never let me go, you helped to raise me... and while we had our issues, considering you were too young to be raising me, you never let me go."

"I imagine that caused friction... You blamed me for killing our mother?" Duran inquired.

"No, had you not cut her open, I would have died with her. I still very nearly did" Halar answered in an even tone of voice. "You and I didn't have enough space, at times we were sharing one living space and then you went into Starfleet, I had nowhere else to go so I went with you, you needed more space and you were also dealing with cadet related bullshit at the academy... Because you were raising a child alone..."

"I can see how that might cause problems," Duran admitted. "So what happened?"

"I remained with you until I was old enough to go out into the world on my own... I joined Starfleet in my own time... as I decided to enlist as soon as I was old enough to do so." Halar explained. "It seems that Syal has a different perspective on the events at that time," she added.

"He gave me up, I spent my childhood going from foster home to foster home," Duran-Yeager answered. "I swore I'd never fail my children the way I was failed."

"Living with Duran was no picnic Syal," Halar answered. "I was demanding, overly needy and I was an attention-whore. Were you any better?" she asked. "Besides, did it ever occur to you that Duran looked into the matter and he was told no... My Duran told the system to go fuck itself... It sounds like Duran here, was not quite given that choice... Were you?"


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