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Meeting My Executive Officer for the First Time

Posted on Mon Mar 16th, 2020 @ 7:55am by Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield & Division Admiral Maraad Skyshatter

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Commanding Officers Office - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1000Hrs - May 29th, 2393

Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield looked at his incoming crew roster, knowing that the next couple of weeks were about to be a long set of weeks. Her new command, Starbase Vanguard, was due to become operational in several weeks. The Starbase had only just been commissioned a week ago, and the majority of her current crew still consisted of a temporary crew. Aside from herself, the only permanent senior staff onboard was the Chief of the Boat and the Chief Engineer.

Vaxx-Warfield checked the time again and realized that her first officer was due to arrive in the next few minutes.

Captain Maraad Skyshatter had dropped off his bags at his quarter's earlier, he was now on his way to meet with his new commanding officer as the turbolift he was inside sped towards its destination. His thoughts turned back to the last few days of his last posting on Starbase 45 and his farewell from Melanie Deeshan.

Skyshatter sighed softly as he pushed the thought of what happened, away from his mind as he didn't need to recall what happened between him and Jerome Hunt. Needless to say, it had started bad and had ended badly.

The opening of the turbolift sliced through his thoughts, bringing an end to his reverie. Skyshatter stepped forward onto the Operations Center, he glanced left and then right while he took in the scene at a glance.

Lieutenant Vukoan Yushion was one of the few officers presently in Operations and was one of the Engineering personel assigned to the base onm a permanent basis. The caitian officer, with her sensitive feline hearing, heard Skyshatter enter the bridge, prompting her to look in his direction. "Captain?."

Skyshatter turned his head, upon hearing someone address him. "Hello." he responded, "I'm looking for the Admiral, is he or she about?" Skyshatter inquired in a gentle tone.

Vukoan pointed a claw at the Admirals Office. "Admiral Vaxx-Warfield is in there."

"Thank you." Skyshatter turned before he made his way to the destination. He tapped on the door chime and was granted permission. "Admiral." Skyshatter greeted the smaller female Bolian before him. "Captain Maraad Skyshatter, Your new first officer, reporting and all that."

Division Admiral Sildra Vaxx-Warfield was a moderately sized Bolian female who was slightly taller than average height with pleasing curves as she was standing in front of her desk. She turned her bald blue-skinned head and looked at Skyshatter with her piercing green eyes. "Maraad Skyshatter, welcome to Starbase Vanguard."

"Thank you. It's good to be here." Skyshatter responded. "Do you have any special rules, requirements or requests I should know about?" he inquired further. "It seems like every skipper I've dealt with had some special request or rule they wanted following," Skyshatter added quietly.

Vaxx-Warfield looked at the PADD in her hands briefly then looked back up at Skyshatter. "Well looking at your service record, I know you'll fit in here so no, I have no special rules or requests I need you to look after. On a side note, Nice work with Hunt, that ass-kicking was a long time coming." the Bolian female smiled briefly.

"I'm fine with that," Skyshater answered, in response to her first statement, with an easy smile. "As for Hunt. Well, he was an asshole and he was treating the base commander like crap." he sighed. "So what's my first order of business?"

"Well, you take the next couple of days to go and get settled in, our command staff is trickling in. Same with the Starfighters and the Marines. So there is no need to have you go to work right this second." she explained. "It'll give you and your family a chance to settle in, get to know the base and where everything is. Also, do not let the civilian engineers hassle you. They have been causing us some issues recently which Admiral Dessax resolved with marine force to quell the issue."

"Lovely. I look forward to reading that report which I'll do later tonight." Skyshatter answered with a smile. "So I start when?"

"Three days from now. It'll give you time to get everything else sorted out on your end." The Bolian female responded, a smile on her face. "Unless you need more time?"

"No, three days will be more than adequate for my needs Admiral," Skyshatter answered, his deep voice sounded in contrast to her gentle tones.

"Alright, then I'll detain you no longer. Off with you Captain." Vaxx-Warfield answered with a smile. "If you have any questions, you can call me whenever you need to, alright?"

"Thank you Admiral." and with that. Skyshatter turned and departed in silence, leaving the Bolian female to go back to her paperwork.


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