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Into the Fire - Part Two

Posted on Fri Mar 20th, 2020 @ 9:48am by Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Fleet Captain Racheal Yamaguchi & Commander Ethan "Hardcase" Duval

Mission: Mission 98: Building Our New Home
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1130Hrs - August 8th, 2393

Division Admiral Tom Lasky regarded the PADD and the information contained on the display, he held it with his left hand as he let out a soft sigh, his right hand reached across his chest as he lightly tapped his combadge. "Admiral Lasky to Commanders Duval and Yamaguchi, could you two come into my office, please?" he inquired.

Duval's answer was quick. "Aye Admiral, I'm on my way" The second answer, however, was a female voice. "Yessir, I'll be right there."

Lasky settled in to wait for his new arrivals. A moment later, the door beeped and Lasky permitted them both entry into his office. "Take a seat you two. Let me come right to the point of why I called you both," he commented to the two people before him. Rachael Yamaguchi regarded Lasky in silence while she waited as Ethan Duval nodded his head but otherwise said nothing as well.

"Alright. Alex Yamaguchi is leaving us, she was offered her own command on an assignment that I happen to think is stacked against her for various reasons that I won't go into, there is no need... I wanted to offer you two the squadron Executive officer posting." he paused as Duval turned to the smaller woman beside him, but when one was six foot six inches in height, everyone else tended to be smaller than himself. "You take it, I'm not ready for the posting. Besides. I am not interested in leaving the field. I'm enjoying the Gaarni and her command."

Yamaguchi regarded the massive hulking human male before her in silence for a moment before she opened her mouth and answered him. "Are you sure of this?"

"I am," Duval answered. "My assignment brings me a certain measure of joy... But yours doesn't."

"Starfleet is after me to accept either a Admirals rank and command of my own fleet or an Ambassadorial posting somewhere, probably working with the Free Borg." she let out a soft sigh. "This way, if I accept this posting, they can't touch me for a couple of years... Maybe it'll be enough time for them to get the message that I am not interested in either. I want to earn my posting rather than have it as a reward for being a good little Borg." there was something nasty and snide in her tone of voice.

Duval regarded her in silence, letting her vent about the subject. "I understand Rachael. As I said, the posting is yours. If you want it."

"I do!" Yamaguchi answered a little too hotly. "Sorry..." she added a moment later.

"Its fine Rachael, I've known about this for a while."

For Yamaguchi, this was a surprise. "How, I don't recall mentioning it around you or anyone else."

"I tend to hear things, Rachael. For some reason, I seem to have a face that people trust and like, I am not sure as to why but there it is." he paused. "Let's just say that I heard it through rather unusual channels."

Yamaguchi shifted her attention from Duval to Lasky, as she regarded Lasky with a rather odd look. "Should I ask?"

"The Admiral wasn't the one who mentioned it. It was Grand Admiral Lu'Pal herself when she tried to recruit me for the same effort that she had tried to recruit you when I denied her, she accused me of talking to you about it, it was then I realized that you had issues with her and vice versa."

Lasky sighed softly. "I am starting to really hate that woman."

Yamaguchi nodded. "Indeed sir..." she paused a moment. "When do I start?"

"September the first. It'll give everyone time to unfuck themselves after this mess came down." Lasky answered quietly. "After Alex packs out her office, then you can move in and I'll assign someone to relieve you of the USS Fugazi." Lasky paused. "I'll need to see Jake about that."

"Alright," Duval answered evenly. "Anything special for me?"

"Could you take over the patrol for the Fugazi for the next week or so, so I can bring her into the dock and get her maintenance goofs and the two shipyard fuckups fixed?" Yamaguchi asked of him, in what she hoped was a calm tone of voice.

"Yeah, consider the patrols handled," Duval answered in a tone that indicated he didn't consider an issue here with the issue before the three people in the room. "Do you have the details for me?" he inquired of the older female before him.

Yamaguchi produced a PADD, which she then handed to him. "Here is the information you'll want."

"Nice, thanks," Duval answered with a smile as he accepted the PADD. "Alright, I'll go over this with my people and we will handle it."

"Thank you, Commander," Duval answered before he turned back to Lasky. "Do you have anything further for me sir?"

"No, that's it," Lasky answered.

"Alright, by your leave sir, I'll get started on the prep for this," Duval answered.

"On your way Commander. Good Luck." Lasky answered evenly.

Duval nodded before he turned and departed the office in silence, with the PADD in his hands.


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