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Ivy Mike - Part Five

Posted on Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 1:34am by Fleet Admiral Heather Duval & Division Admiral Thomas Lasky & Fleet Captain Heather Walking Bear

Mission: Mission 120: All Along the Watchtowers - Part Two
Location: Location Location Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1340Hrs - January 19th, 2394

Heather Duval sat back in her chair as she processed the details. She lifted the drink that she had been ignoring up to this point. She took a sip while she shifted her attention to Lasky. "What say you?"

"My opinion has not changed." Lasky nodded his head. "The matters of family are important. Jake and Torilla taught me that, as did Plataea." he turned to Walking Bear. "When do you want to take her out.?"

"I need to be at Starbase Three Twenty-Four in Forty-six hours," she explained. "Fearless Squadron will be arriving at about the same time," she added.

Lasky nodded. "It's about twelve hours by slipstream flight. So. When we leave here. I'll assign a crew with you as her Captain. You'll be able to take her out in about six hours. That should give you plenty of time to shake down her various systems before you make that hop over to Three Twenty-Four to meet your sibling." he explained. "But I'll leave the details of the shakedown and how you do it, all in your hands." Lasky regarded the young woman before him as he spoke.

Walking Bear smiled. "Excellent," she answered. She paused before she looked over at Duval. "Could I borrow a PADD please?" she asked quietly. "So I can make notes," she added, for clarification.

Duval regarded the younger woman in silence as she produced a PADD before she handed it off to the other woman. Walking Bear began making notes. "I will need to go home and leave a note for my husband and various children presently under my care. I am the designated last survivor in my extended family. Should things go north on us all." she explained.

"Let's hope it won't come to that," Lasky commented. "When can you be ready to leave.?" he inquired further.

"Tonight." Walking Bear commented. "Around twenty-two hundred, local time of course," she added with a nod of her head. "It'll give me time to pack, say my goodbyes and tend to my family's issues. Of which I know there will be many," she added. "The kids will not like losing me, but once I explain it, they should understand... I hope." she then sighed softly.

Duvcal smiled softly. She nodded her head. "The demands of family. They can be hectic and demanding. It can be exhausting dealing with it. Don't worry Heather. I think we all feel you on that one." she fought off a laugh. She didn't quite succeed. "I have five children of my own. My house can be a demanding one, especally when my children bring the grandkids over to visit me."

Lasky nodded in agreement. "All my children are infants and newborns. Plataea and I are only just starting the journey into parenthood. The twins were a surprise, but a welcome one." he smiled gently. "I'm no longer the last Lasky," he added the last almost as an admission of something else.

Walking Bear regarded Lasky for a moment, she had heard a great many tales of the man before her. Jake had spoken of him, as had Torilla. Both had said many good things about him. This was Jake's mentor sitting before her. She had always wanted to meet the man, the legend and the tale that Jake had made him out to be. "I've heard of you, Admiral." she paused. "Jake has told me of you," she added, for clarification.

Lasky chuckled softly. "On rumours tongue, continual slanders ride," he commented. "I know I won't measure up to what Jake has said of me. So I won't even try." Lasky commented. "My tale is as vast as the stars in which we sail, my dear." he paused a moment "When I got enough confidence, the stage was gone. When I was sure of losing, I won. When I needed people the most, they left me. When I learnt to dry my tears, I found a shoulder to cry on. And when I mastered the art of hating, somebody fell in love with me." he commented.

Walking Bear turned to face Duval. "Well, that was profound."

Duval nodded as she grinned at Walking Bear. "Jake said as much when Tom here mentioned it a few hours ago." she then giggled like a schoolgirl.

Thats when it dawned on Heather that Lasky was quoting something or someone. "Wait. Jake mentioned that you can chuck Shakespeare quotes into your everyday speech," she commented. "I wish I had paid more attention to that detail. Torilla mentioned it a while ago, but I dismissed it. I didn't think anyone was that good." she admitted.

Lasky nodded his head. "I like to think that I do alright," he answered. "So. Six hours then?" he inquired, wondering if her answer had changed.

"No. I'll be back in six hours' time to assume command of the USS Pembo." Walking Bear answered with a gentle nod of her head.

"Alright then," Duval answered. "Thank you Captain for dropping in. We'll see you in six hours' time," she commented. "Off with you, you got a lot to take care of and not a lot of time to handle it. On your way, Heather."

With that, the meeting was over.


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