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Swapping Notes

Posted on Thu Nov 30th, 2023 @ 1:36am by Commodore Edward Antilles & Brigadier General Sorlora, Daughter of Edraks

Mission: Mission 112: The Heart of a Truth Long Lost
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 1400Hrs - January 19th, 2394

It had been almost ninety minutes since Ed Antilles had left Fleet Admiral Duval's desk. He recalled his father speaking of his former commanding officer and speaking very highly of her. Which was odd. Dad never spoke well of anyone he'd ever served with, outside of Andrea Crane. His first wife. Ed thought the entire thing was a lot more complicated then he had at first, suspected but he did have other matters that demanded his attention.

Edward looked left and then right. "Now, where the hell did mom get off to?" he asked aloud. He knew that Sorlora was not in the system. He could not call her via the com system. But he knew his mother needed time to come to terms with issues and concerns. He tapped the wall display next to his location. "Computer. Locate any Klingon lifesigns on the starbase?" he asked. "Display all results on screen."

The Computer displayed hundreds of lifesigns on the starbase, all of them near Roanoke-A's docking port.

"Yes. None of these." Ed commented with a sigh. "Ah hah. There you are. Because only mom would pick flowers." he then set off in search of his mother.

He found his mother a short time later. Ed smiled. "So, this is where you find yourself after a long stressful couple of days." he commented. "Under the thirsty branches of a willow tree, that's been imported from Earth." he addressed Sorlora.

Sorlora was still trying to process what happened to her over the past few days, "Huh, what?"

"Kronos to mom." Ed grinned at her. "It's a nice place... Isn't it?" he asked of her.

"It's OK, i guess," Sorlora replied, still unsure as to what to make of it all.

"Well. We're out of here in less the four hours. The USS Marblehead is taking us back to Earth. Admiral Duval sends her regards." Ed explained. "Don't worry. I'll take us there. When the time comes... In the meantime. Do you feel like sharing what on your mind... or do you still need to contemplate matters?" he inquired.

"Wouldnt be much point to me sharing whats on my mind," Sorlora admitted," Its little more than a jumbled mess right now."

"Thats understandable," Edward answered. "Why not take a seat, close your eyes and breathe out? You've not had more than two minutes to it down and reflect since you got here."

"Eh I have actually had a few minutes, but it doesn't seem to help much, " Sorlora admitted. "Anyway, you said a ship was leaving in 4 hours for Earth?"

Edward nodded. "Indeed. We will be on it." he commented. "I will make sure you get there, so sit back and relax... Enjoy a moment to yourself."

Sorlora looked back up at the ceiling and stated, "After we visit paul, I need to find my family. Maybe, after that, I can start to make sense of it all."

Ed nodded. "I'll make arrangements for you," he commented. "I'm not sure of where my aunts and uncles are... but grandpa and grandma are on New Belfast. I can take you right to em. Or dad could. He's still on good terms with them. Especally after what happened with O'Krella and Chura."

Sorlora nodded, "Alright then, I'll be at the ship before it leaves."

"Sounds good." Ed commented. He then offered her a combadge. "I was asked to give you this. Its because you're now in the system. Otherwise it'll take me hours to track you down. I know you will want some time alone."

Sorlora took the combadge, saying dryly, "I gotta be tagged huh."

"Mom. This is a Modified Seventy-four type Starbase. Its got more floor space than most islands you could name." he regarded her. "I don't want to cause more issues for either of us." he explained. "Besides. Everyone is being tagged. Besides, it'll let everyone else carry on with their lives, as stress free as being on this base will allow them." he added.

Sorlora smiled a bit, having successfully trapped her prey, "I see your sense of humor still needs a little work, Ed."

"My sense of humour has always been a work in progress, mom," Ed said quietly. "I suspect it will always be a work in progress," he admitted. "I'll let you have the deck to yourself," he commented quietly.

"See you in a couple of hours then," Sorlora replied simply.


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