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A Quality of Mercy - Part Three

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 7:24pm by Commander Galiaan Fordring & Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar

Mission: Mission 117: A Quality of Mercy
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: January 1st, 2394

Lt Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar finished sorting out her hair. She gently touched the mind of her quarry. She felt the other woman almost skid to a stop as she felt the other woman touch her in response. 'Elizabeth.' Came the expected response.

Yamaguchi-Solusar turned her head as she regarded the behemoth of a woman as Galiaan Fordring approached her. Elizabeth was a large woman in her own right, she was slightly larger and taller, than her mother and father. But the woman she faced was larger still. "Elizabeth. I should have expected you." the massive woman addressed her subordinate. "Considering recent events," she added.

"Indeed. I had no idea you were psionic." Yamaguchi-Solusar commented. in a gentle tone of voice. "Had I known..." her voice trailed off.

Fordring dismissed the smaller woman's efforts with a simple wave of her hand. "It makes no difference in the end, Beth. It is what it is," she commented. "Do not trouble yourself about it."

"You are still my friend. Despite recent events and issues to the contrary." Yamaguchi-Solusar answered with an annoyed tone of voice.

"Beth." Fordring turned to face the younger woman as she crossed her arms over her chest, under her breasts. "It's about oh one thirty. Do you honestly do your best thinking at this ungodly hour?" she inquired gently. "I know I don't. But I am not you," she explained. "But since we are here. I will share with you, why I am awake. Here and now." Thats when Fordring started walking forward. Yamaguchi-Solusar began walking beside her, she had no idea where they were going. Also, she suspected that Fordring had no idea either.

"Beth. I am scared out of my mind, okay." Fordring stated bluntly. "That my baby thats growing inside of me will be taken from me and given to someone else," Fordring commented. "All because I allowed myself to become skunk-drunk because I was stupid." Fordring gave the smaller woman an angry look. "Because I couldn't control my emotional state. I decided to go get shit-faced because of stupid things and stupid people."

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded the other woman in silence. She knew of this event because she and Siaxx Dvald-Vaxx had discussed the matter over more than a few of their meals that the two women had shared. "Siaxx mentioned it to me. It's why I removed my name from evaluating you." the tall woman answered. "I was asked to handle it and I refused, on conflict of interest grounds." Yamaguchi-Solusar then sighed softly. "For what it's worth. I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" Fordring whispered back at her. "Beth. You have no idea what this all entails. Do you?" she paused a moment. "It means that my stupidity has reached the ears of the Vrykul Ambassador on Earth, he forwarded the issue to the council. This is as it should be." Fordring commented. "Thats when they submit a claim to me, in writing. I am to provide a full report and assessment of the risks to my unborn child," she explained. "If I cooperate fully and the risk is deemed to be minor then I will still face a citation of neglect. In short, I will spend the next few decades on probation. No booze and stupid behaviour." Fordring paused. "Thats the best case scenario," she added

Yamaguchi-Solusar regarded the other woman before her. "What's the worst case?"

"Worst case scenario... Is that they rule summerily against me." Fordring explained. "I will lose this child thats gestating within me, and worse. I could lose the twins as well. If they rule against me then there will be consequences for my assignment here. There will also be consequences for my remaining children who are in my care." Fordring paused. "The ultimate nightmare scenario is that not only do they ask for me to withdraw from this posting. They will take my three children from me. Now they will give all three to one of my relatives. Probably Calis. As she is presently on a planet-based assignment." she paused. "Tyrael won't suffice, she already has children of her own and she will side with me. Also, Tasmin won't work either, for the same reasons." Fordring explained. "No. They will want someone who is not tainted with the issues." she then shrugged. "Maya Archer, my sister isn't available and all of her family members are also not available for various reasons. Mostly because they have their own concerns and issues to take care of." she paused. "All my sons are not going to be available. All of them won't keep their siblings from me. They are all aware and have said words to that effect." Fordring paused. "This leaves me with my grandchildren. Shall we go over them?" she asked.

Yamaguchi-Solusar nodded. "Sure. Why not?"

Fordring slowly smiled. "Alright then."


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