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A Quality of Mercy - Part Two

Posted on Sun Jan 29th, 2023 @ 7:21pm by Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar & Lieutenant Commander Kameron "Foehammer" Solusar-Yamaguchi

Mission: Mission 117: A Quality of Mercy
Location: Various Locations - Starbase Vanguard
Timeline: 0100Hrs - January 1st, 2394

Lieutenant Commander Elizabeth Yamaguchi-Solusar heard and felt the psionic distress call with her own psionic capabilities. Her eyes snapped open as she groaned softly. "Kam," she whispered.

"I'm here, Beth," Kameron answered softly while he also came awake. "Are you alright?" he added, after a moment. He shifted his position in the bed as he slowly sat up. "Are the kids okay?"

Yamaguchi-Solusar had not moved from where she was lying. "It wasn't the kids. I'd know," she whispered. "Let me have a moment to check anyway," she added quietly. Mentally she shifted her attention and focus over to her young child, who was asleep in the next room. He was alone and she felt him smile in his sleep, while she touched his mind with her own. He did not stir as she did so.

Satisfied that her son was alright, she then went to check on her two daughters. Repeating the process as she touched first Bethany, named for her great grandmother on her father's side of the family. Bethany knew of her great-granddaughter's existence but Yamaguchi-Solusar had yet to hear from her.

Yamaguchi-Solusar finished checking her first daughter and then she went over to Galiaan Yamaguchi-Solusar. The child she had named to try and honour a family friend who she had deeply wronged over the past several months. Needless to say, the affairs between the Yamaguchi-Solusar's and the Fordring's were still tense because of issues that had been permitted to go unaddressed for far too long. Also, there were wounds that had been inflicted that went way too deeply.

Yamaguchi-Solusar shook her head. "That call for help... It felt familiar... Maybe it was someone in the family." with that, she began widening her search. She went first to her brother, as she found him asleep, his spouse next to him as the two of them were little more than a tangle of limbs. Yamaguchi-Solusar smiled as she quickly checked over their various children. None of them responded as Elizabeth touched all of their minds, as she made sure that all were safe.

Next, she checked over Rachael and her spouse. Here the scene repeated itself as she noticed that Rachael was spooning with her husband. Elizabeth had no doubt that the two had just had a sexual encounter not long before. She then checked over their various children but she was suprised when she got a response back.

Saki came awake, she touched Yamaguchi-Solusar's mind with her own. 'Mommy?' She asked softly.

'No honey. It's your aunt Elizabeth.' Yamaguchi-Solusar responded, a gentle smile on her face. 'Go on back to bed. I can't sleep and I'm making sure everyone else is okay. Go on back to sleep honey.'

'Okay.' Saki answered. Yamaguchi-Solusar watched as Saki lapsed back into sleep as Yamaguchi-Solusar proceeded on her way. Quickly she touched the minds of her remaining relatives on the Starbase and found that all of them were mentally fine. She then considered the nearby planet but reaching out with her telepathy left her feeling drained and worn out. Plus, she would alert every telepath in the range of her capabilities that something was wrong. Maybe even triggering a full alert over nothing.

Yamaguchi-Solusar slowly sat up. She frowned while she did so. "Mmm... None of the family. My parents are planetside with all of their other children." she paused. She looked at her husband while she did so.

"You don't want to stretch out that far." Kam paused. "Right?."

"No. It leaves me weakened and tired. Besides, I can call the home computer and check. As a medical officer, I can worry and get away with it." Yamaguchi-Solusar grinned at her spouse.

Kam smiled back, "Are you going to call?"

"No." Yamaguchi-Solusar paused. "That call for help felt far too close to be mom or dad," she commented. "Mom can reach me from the planet but she would need to chuck a lot of her energy into it. She's stronger than me but I'm the more formidable telepath."

Kameron slowly sat up and got up out of the bed. He was wearing a pair of shorts and nothing else, while Yamaguchi-Solusar likewise got up out of the bed. She was wearing a simple nightie. "Well... Oh." as she winced. "It's Galiaan." she turned to her husband. "I should go find her. Try and talk to her."

"Alright." Kameron regarded his spouse as he brought over her clothing to her. "I'll stay here and make sure the kids are okay."

Yamaguchi-Solusar peeled off her nightie in one smooth motion. She was wearing a sports bra and crop shorts underneath. She then quickly began to don her clothing. "I'll be back soon." Before she gently kissed him on the lips. She then departed out the door and down the hallway.

Yamaguchi-Solusar slowed to a halt as she took a moment to sort out her hair, and she wanted to have the chance to track her quarry while the two walked toward their respective destinations.


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