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Operation: Coronet - Part Three

Posted on Sun Jul 31st, 2022 @ 7:57am by Captain Tienn Kerris & Lieutenant James O'Haloran & Fleet Captain Torilla Yamaguchi & Commander Masako Anderson

Mission: Mission 115: The Pale-Fac'd Moon looks Bloody on the Earth
Location: Various Locations - Federation Battlegroup
Timeline: 1645Hrs - November 13th, 2393

Torilla Yamaguchi narrowed her eyes while she tapped her display. She wished to address the entire system, much as Admiral MacRae had done earlier. "Any Halanan forces who wish to surrender may do so. We do not wish to destroy you, we simply wish to remove you from the issue... Your government has led you to this ruin. I too, am a Halanan citizen, well at least I was... Before I was exiled and left to die at the whims of an uncaring reality."

Yamaguchi paused as she smiled. "Well. I wasn't going to sound like a rallying cry for treason or for other acts taken against your government. But I have come home and I will end this war that your government has started against mine. All to keep resources that should have gone to your cure. These resources were diverted to something else... But as my Admiral had already said. I have a cure for your issues. I should, considering that I helped develop it." Yamaguchi paused. "If you surrender now. Then I will cease fire... But, do hurry fellas. My patience is limited and I do have my orders." Yamaguchi then grinned as she ran a finger over her throat. It was the indication to terminate the com channel. "Commander Anderson, what's the status of the battle.?" Yamaguchi inquired.

"Almost two-thirds of the Halanan fleet are engaged with half of those being disabled with weapons fire. Our fleet is still operating at a hundred percent," she explained. Anderson sounded a little hesitant while she explained the particulars. She turned to Yamaguchi. "With all due respect sir, it seems a little too easy," she added.

"Possibly," Yamaguchi answered softly. "Let's hope they have not harmed Admiral McRae. For that would vex me, most grievously." she then grinned at the other woman. "Status of the orbital defences?"

"All destroyed sir. We now have full control over the orbital space of New Halana." Anderson reported. "Most of the starfighters, however, are either damaged or down to skosh ammo. Many are returning to their command ships as we speak." Anderson added, for the record.

"Excellent," Yamaguchi commented. "Get me General Montrose again," she commented, while she watched a Halanan warship slowly tumble over after taking a missile hit to its port nacelle, which had reduced it to slag. Yamaguchi knew that the orders she had given earlier were being followed, once an enemy ship was crippled or disabled. It was treated as a non-combatant. Unless it decided to bring itself back into the battle, in which it would be disabled a second time. However, the second battle would be risking the ship's outright destruction. Everyone present across the battlespace knew it too.

O'Halloran worked his pannel before he turned to Yamaguchi. "He's not answering, but the channel is open," he explained.

Yamaguchi smiled. "Good. He just needs to listen." she cleared her throat before she started. "General Montrose. This is Admiral Yamaguchi. I await your surrender... You are losing this fight, end this now before it goes any further." she clarified a moment later.

"No response," O'Halloran answered.

"Okay, close the channel," Yamaguchi answered, in a rather breezy tone of voice. "The battlespace will soon be ours, as will control of the orbital space," she added. "When he wishes to surrender. He will know where to find me," she added.

Tienn regarded the display before she keyed for a long-range scan. "I'm not reading any ships on long-range sensors. Other than wants in the planetary space around New Halana. I'm not reading any ships defending any of the other planets in the system. They are all located here." the Bajoran woman explained. "Strange..." she added after a moment. "I don't get it." the Bajoran answered.

"The Halanan government believes that the homeworld is the only really important world, it's also the only one worth protecting. Everything else is expendable." Yamaguchi explained. "Or, at least that was the policy when I was a teenager," she added. "Before I was sent out to be an organic space probe..." she then let out a rather long sigh. "It looks like this policy has not changed," she added.

"Captain. I'm receiving traffic on an open channel. The General is addressing all of his men..." O'Halloran paused a moment. "Sir, General Montrose is ordering all of his remaining forces to stand down. He is saying that they are defeated." He seemed suprised. "Apparently, they are beaten," O'Halloran commented from his position. "He wishes to come aboard. To surrender to you, in person." he turned to face his Captain. The look on his face said he did not believe the matter was being presented via subspace.

Yamaguchi raised an eyebrow. "Very well. Number one, would you and Show lead a large security team to transporter room one. Be careful, he is a potent psi, as I recall." she explained.

Tienn turned her head, she nodded her head at the large and well-built Caitian female, who was standing at the security station. The two of them departed the bridge a moment later.


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